Ajay – Chapter 64

Visphot – (I can't thank you enough, because of you today both of us will be able to meet our children and the rest of Defence force too.)

Bhavesh – (Vinay, my friend, you have made the impossible possible or not, but everyone will be inspired by your work)

Jaya – (Well done Vinay)

watching kushi asu

Principal – (This is the first time in your life that a boy of your age has been defeated in a war. It makes him happy that you succeeded)

Gurudev – (You have elevated the name of your parents)

Ajay again flies in the sky.

Anchor – Where has this superhero of India gone?

Ajay then breaks through the stones of one of the mountains and leaves.

Anchor – its very difficult to say where this superhero is heading

(It is difficult to tell where this superhero is being referred to.)

Ajay reaches a foreign hospital with Karul in his hand. Leaving the NATO superhero present, the news anchor's attention falls on Ajay.

Cowboy – ward boy come over here

Korean anchor –시청자 여러분, 우승한 슈퍼히어로 캐롤이 히말라야에서 캐나다로 데려와 슈퍼히어로의 재능을 짐작할 수 있습니다.

(Viewers, our winning superhero has brought Karul from the Himalayas to Canada, this is how the talent of the superhero can be estimated)

The hospital staff brings modern stretchers.

Karul is taken inside on that stretcher.

Ajay is about to leave. only then

Cutting hone – gentle soul, you helped one of our member please name yourself

Ajay– myself Ajay take care

Ajay then flies away from her without any delay.

Vinay – (The fear of losing oneself is the biggest scripture of man)

After a few hours, at Vinay's house, Vinay opens the door and his brothers, sisters and everyone else are happy to see him and hug him crying.

"Dada ( brother )"

Vinay – (My father has explained this very well.)

(comic scene)

The very next moment Vinay gets beaten by Jaya and Bhavesh too.

Vinay – (And we got punished for the truth that we did not tell Jaya)

Bhavesh – What is this for?

Jaya – You forgot to do my work for him.

All the other children were scared after seeing him

Vinay – (Found it properly)

Vinay's parents come home.

Vinay – (And our Aayi Baba to came home came home without any harm)

I – Vinay…..

Vinay – Yes I am

Vinay's brothers and sisters came and hugged Baba after seeing him. There were tears in Vinay's eyes at that moment.

razor he was present

Razor – Yes….I can share in the happiness of your people, please post the reaction of what happened in the headquarters yesterday on Nayakbhawan hero (headquarters ), see you tomorrow.

I am leaving

Vinay goes after the razor

Aai – Where are you going?

Vinay – to greet them

By stopping Vinay Razor

Vinay – Uncle,

Razor – Gurudev is here and talk to the principal.

Vinay is talking through video call by moving the phone forward.

Vinay – Sir,

Principal – We both were talking about you, I did not get to meet you in school, but no matter what, you have made us proud and you have brought glory to your father. Today is your day, share this happiness with your friends as much as you can. Watch will keep a razor

Let's meet sometime.

By giving his mobile phone to Vinay Razor

Vinay – (I am very happy after hearing this but even more happy after hearing this)

Vinay- Uncle will not keep up

Razor going towards his bike

Razor – I have a lot of desire but I have to inform the headquarters about the situation in Pune.

Razor sits on the bike

Razor – Some supervillain might take advantage of this lack, as Dhoom Ketu had done, which has not come to hand yet.

I have other work elsewhere too. I will come some other time to have a party

Razor stops his bike by making a U turn

Razer – Vinay

Vinay looking at them

Razer – You have done the impossible no one would ever imagine in your life and keep doing it.

to surprise others

Razor moves forward by racing his bike.

Vinay seeing them leaving

Vinay – (The inspiration behind this sentence on which I felt proud)

Vinay Looking at the city covered in beautiful clouds of the sky

Vinay – (But I will not keep it here, the stay is big and my father's name is Ojaswan it has to be strengthened in new heights)

.....End ...