Ajay – Chapter 69

Ajay struggling with the attacks thrown on him by wreak dinos.

" Come on Vinay don't be a pussy "

Ajay diverts those attacks on his hand

" Jal tatwa and Agni tatwa will be useful to combine the attack "

Ajay through his sweat fluids and water beneath the floor collects and form a round thing around it

the other superhero team Vignaharta


Lono after seeing them " hey Vignharta are here "

Vanraj in the off bull charge at them

Lono shifts his attack towards Vanraj

Ajay sense that Ajay hits the circle formed by "Jal tatwa" in the form of "Agni tatwa"

Hits Lono with great speed falls on the shop dashing and breaking the road floor

and Vanraj attacks wreak dino on their leg

Both the dino rolls on the air

Cold–star without wasting any time freeze them with her ice Visphot through through his fist hits his fire blaze on those Dinos and Dinos fall back. Vanraj without wasting any time turns himself into elephant form and

grabs Kaya leg with his hand and throws him towards the sky Visphot with his fire flight comes towards Kaya with" fire spear " ( attack through shoulder )hits on to Kaya and together they fall on the ground

Cold Star freezes Dart's legs so that he should not run. Ajay without wasting anytime hits Dart with his punch and Dart falls on the truck

Lono who is about to attack Cold star Vanraj by tranforming himself into monkey moves towards that Dino and jumps towards him his head band showing the sign of gorilla

with both hands tries to hit on Lono's head

and Lono falls on the ground

Both team and Ajay come together

" Well Ajay I have to say you have potential but also I have to admit that you have to go through lot of training"

Visphot in the calm way

" I will ...I will"

Vinay through his scanner sees the time

" Sorry, I have to go somewhere urgent we will meet again "

Ajay moves off through his flight

" glad that I have set timer in this armor suit "

and I am glad my time management skill did work "

Ajay moves through back door the brown girl

sees Ajay

" Whow , what's that superhero Ajay is doing here I didn't sense any danger "

Vinay take enterance through doors

" what a day? "

Vinay enter the classroom

Supervisor with a intense tone

"You have lost fifteen minutes Vinay "

" Sorry madam I am feeling little sick today

but don't worry I have solved many questions so the time can be saved "

Vinay in calm voice

" I known that you can do but be careful go finish it "

"Yes miss"

After half and hour when bell rung off

Vinay comes out off the classroom

Jaya comes out hits Vinay with her writing pad

"Ouch "

" Is it a joke Vinay running out of the exam hall" Jaya in angry tone and Bhawesh

" Bhawa , you may lose some marks"

" Okey okey ....I have covered all the questions don't worry and please don't scold me as if you are..."

" Vinay Kamlesh Purnik " Principal calls him off

Vinay looks up and sees up

" a principal "

"Come to my office "

Both showing their thumbs up ( comic seane )

" Oh boy " Vinay worringly

....to be continued.....