The mission gets started in two hours
The heros travelling in C– 130
A drone is keeping a surveillance
" I didn't expect Katana san to be here "
Razor towards both of them.
" At first it was suprising for me too but when I remind of the villan as per kukh "
Katana silently looking towards Ibex face man .
" Kukh real name Amos Rabin strength can
having superstrength nearly can lift up to 4000 pounds and is really good in hand to hand combat and is professional in machine guns
The another superhero name"sah– KHEEN" is Dana Giffen she is a highly sharp sniper
and good in weapons "
"Razor , our intelligence has confirmed that
the enemy is non other than Terror master we have to be cautious because he has made some of the deadliest missile which he can controlled by his finger tips"
Kukh with intense voice say that
"Sah –KHEEN" moving his empty hand towards hear and she gives a oval disk like thing
and through that disk a hologram like thing appears of terror masters terrority
"This is terror masters terrority and its completly vaccent beacause in each and every floor and in corner of the ground he has placed misslies on it "
"Where did he get all this missile "
Katana asks
" from many sources one of which is Glitch and Dr Hydra "
" Is it "Razor with a attitude stand up and start walking towards his advance bike "well
I am with my war prepration and Katana "
Katana by raising his sword " Yes with all due respect "
Through the plane speaker
"רבותי, אנחנו עומדים להגיע ליעד
(gentlemen ,we are about to reach the destination )
Razor by sitting on his bike and Kukh and "sah–KHEEN " wearing jet bags
The plane door gets open and Razor starts up his bike and door completes gets open and Razor moves off the bike ahead off towards the sky and other superheros too jump off the sky .
Katana takes of his sword
(dragon ,I call you )
The spirit dragon thing comes off from the sword and Katana along with the spirit comes down snoothly
" リフトが必要です"
( Need lift ?)
Katana looking towards Razor
(no need )
Razor without wasting press a button from handle and the jets from sides of the wheel stablises the bike and smoothly comes down . Both the isreali superheros through their jets comes down
" stay vigelent "
In other side Terror master sitting on the chair listening to music suddenly from his radar
Showcase the approching off intuders
לתת להופעה להתחיל
( let the show begin)
Pinching his fingers the hero where they are about to land the missiles in the land gets launched off and thousand of missile about to destroy them
Razor and Katana moving fromt Razor takes of his Khanda sword from his bike and Katana slashes of the missile through his sword Razor without wastng any time slashes off the missles all around him.
"Sah– KHEEN "passes one off her assult ridle to kukh and both off them in middle of air starts firing and blasting those missile
Terror master through his fingers try to control Razors bike and both those superheros jet bags but was un successful
" Well well good preparation ..."
Terror master without wasting any time move towards the balcony
" Let hope for tough fight " be continued.....