Bharat Pune Pimpri where upon the city the portal seen by every one The superhero teams of Vignaharta and other some teams have also arrived
" As you can see the portal is still open ....and the superhero Niriksahak is anylising the portal and "
" Every body get back something is about....." Niriksahak say it loudly but from a portal a brown bear who is almost 8 feet tall
Falls on the ground and the huge dent cracks off on the ground and people around fall on the ground
The superhero's standing their
" Evacuate this place quickly anyliser , Glue ,
Awiskarak move the people of the place "
Visphot tells to other superehero who are around
"Come with us " Glue tells to people
Anyliser behind Awiskarak skateboard
" Awi take people as far as possible and hit seal this path as soon as possible " anyliser tells to him
Awishkarak take some metals from the car and truck create a create a machine
" Anyliser melt the road it will make the dambar a swamp of it Glue your use your Glue to make it sticky
The bear looks up
" Rrrrrrre..."
Visphot without wasting any time attacks with the fire power on the bear but the bears instead his hair soke all the fire
" What the hell? " Vanraj responds
and without wasting any time the bear respond by erupting fire on Vignaharta
and Visphot tries to take all the fire but due to the pressure he gets blows off and bangs on the metal stall very badly and the bear rolls his head to attack on other Vignaharta members and other superhero team bit they jumps up and thaey save them self the Ghatak robot attack on the bear with bullets and missile but his hair starts turning golden
" Visphot " Coldstar calls him with complete emotion the massive explosion both of the superhero blows off but they stabilize them self they both snd other superhero see the senario where the bear through his bare hand on ground destroys everything around him
" What is this animal ? " A superheroine replies
" Tija who is extremely fast in running because if extremely good stamina and also good in hand to hand combact "
Tija runs towards the bear the bear through his nose smells something and he runs fast on the other side the road
" where the hell .....oh no " Vanraj worried
Vanraj head band changes his icon of a elephant and hits the bear the bear falls on the building
Bear gets angry and about to attack Vanraj but with the super flight Ajay arrives and stops the attack
" Not so fast "
and pulls the bear in the sky and throw him off the other side the bear dashes on the road breaking of the debries from it
"Are you alright " Ajay asks Vanraj
" Fine " Vanraj replies
Cold star through his powers freeze of that bear but bear within no time breaks off that ice Ajay sees that
" What the hell ? "
Visphot through his fire balls attaks continiously on that bear but the hair sokes all the powers and about to attack through his mouth Ajay with super flight holds the bear mouth but bear flinges his head and bangs Ajay on the ground
" Ahhhhh"
The bear through his legs kicks Ajay and Ajay dashes and bangs all the vehicles which is on the way
Ajay tries to stand but he falls
" Oh boy hell ...the bear kicks I have experienced the first time "
.... To be continued ....