Chapter 89

The E tuber is giving news about battle taking place in Pune– Bharat the anchor is fair and also slim

" यह बेशर्मी है कि ये सुपरहीरो उस भालू से कैसे लड़ सकते हैं जिसके पास कोई हथियार नहीं है या जो शक्तिशाली नहीं है"

(This is shameless how can this superheros fight against the bear who has no weapons or is no powerful) Anchor say to public

"वह जानवर बस .... Cut"

(that animal has just ....)

The Anchor to the editor

" What is that Michael ? " The Anchor asks

" I have just forgot to remove the clip" the editor replies

The Anchor replies the editor show case two clip where the bear is coming through portal and the other where bear attacks his ice fist on Vanraj

" Oh boy don't do that mistake " the Anchor replies

" Oh sorry "the editor replies

The editor through software delete those footages

The Anchor again in front of camera

"and action ...."

वह जानवर आसपास के बारे में कुछ भी नहीं जानने के कारण चिड़ियाघर से बाहर आया था क्योंकि वह इतने लंबे समय से पिंजरे में बंद था और आत्मरक्षा के कारण वह हर किसी पर हमला कर रहा था।

"that animal just came out of the zoo knowing nothing about the surrounding since he was been caged for so long he due to self – defence was attacking everybody "

By showacsing the photo where it is been made through artifical intelligence and through software

"यह वह सेल्फी है जिसे मैंने और मेरी टीम ने चिड़ियाघर में क्लिक किया था"

"this is the selfie which me and my team clicked when we where in the zoo "

Ajay with other superhero's are battling againest that bear

Visphot with his fire puch hit that bear the next moment the bear swing his ice hand on Visphot and Visphot falls back but stabilizes himself Cold star with the Ice spear attaks the bear but bear doesn't get effected through it but through his mouth he blows off the flame rays Cold star through her ice shield prevent her self from that attack but the ice melts off the bear then jumps towards Cold star and his palms turns bigger like elephant and about to attack her but

through Vayu Chakra Ajay hit his punch on the air due to which the surrounding air turns itself into ball that hits bear and bear due to tremadious force falls on nearby buildings breaking the wall debries

"Are you alright " Ajay asks to Cold star

Cold star nods her head

The building starts to break where the next moment the bear lifts up the building and throws on to Ajay

Ajay without wasting any time filling the Vayu in both the palms and hits a thumder clap due to which the buiding shatters into pieces

" Kadkakkak"

The bear without wasting with super speed come in front of Ajay and with bull like horn on his head hits Ajay and bang him on the ground

the bear without wasting any time through his atomic legs tries to his Ajay but through his super flight come off the bear bangs the legs on the ground and due to which huge debries and cracks breaks out of it

" Whow ...." Ajay reacts but the next moment Ajay fire storm double kicks the bear moves back but stables himself Ajay again tries to attack the bear but this time the bear holds him and bangs him on the ground the bear lifts up the parked van which was parked sideby and lits the truck with fire Vanraj being a eagle tries to attack but bear cautious swing the truck and hit Vanraj through Vanraj fall back on the car breaking the wind shield

The bear continious bang that fire truck on Ajay

" How that hell should I ....." Ajay speaks it in completly

....To be continued