Pimpri - Pune war where superheros fighting the bear the bear gets up from the ground hits Vanraj with his claws and Vanraj falls back and bangs on the building walls
The bear through his atomic jaws tries to attacks
" What was that the feeling of the power is much more greater during the war with Hazardious " Vinay tells to himself
Ajay but saves him self but Ajay rolls and with front flip kick hits on bear face after touching bear's cheaks the wind gusts out from Ajay feet and the Bear bangs on the car but then bear without wasting stands on the ground Cold Star through her power
freezes the bear leg the bear through his atomic legs comes off from the ice bed
" I must learn to control it why didn't...oh yes I forget to mention this " Vinay to himself
Visphot without wasting any time with meteor flight hits on bears stomach and bear falls of some distance behind
" But still Gurdev knew that means ....he ..."
The bear roars and by moving forward make
both the claws bigger and atomic hits on the ground the ground debries comes and through that cracks atomic rays come off
Ajay with swift speed comes in front of Visphot and Cold star and with both punches with Darthi tatwa hits on the ground due to which a big debries comes off the ground
" Yes he know ...Ojaswan my father and about his powers " Vinay to himself
The bear and Vinay coming close to attack each other breaking those debries which in front of them
The bear takes up the flight and hits Ajay but Ajay being agile holds the bears hand and throws him towards the building the bear bangs on the building breaking its walls
The news channel drone records all the senario
The anchor who is a tall man who puts a tilak in his forehead and wears a Modi jacket
"जैसा कि आप देख सकते हैं कि शक्तिशाली संस्थाओं के बीच युद्ध भयानक रूप ले रहा है, हम आपको अपने ड्रोन कैमरे के माध्यम से दिखा रहे हैं
हमने जो दूसरा वीडियो सामने रखा है उसके जरिए आप देख सकते हैं कि इस राक्षसी भालू ने कितनी तबाही मचाई है।''
( As you can see war between the powerful entities is taking ugly turn we are showcasing you through our drone camera
Through other video which we have put in front of the video you can see the divastation has caused by this monsterious bear )
"अंतरराष्ट्रीय तौर पर देखा जाए तो संयुक्त राष्ट्र के पास स्थिति चल रही है, अमेरिकी सुपरहीरो के साथ-साथ नाटो सुपरहीरो भी टेरर मास्टर को नीचे गिराने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं, लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि टेरर मास्टर की शक्तियां रुकने वाली नहीं हैं।''
( Going interationally we have situation going on near U.N American superheros as well as Nato superhero are also trying take Terror Master down but feels like Terror Master powers won't take a stop )
"आवरण पर देखें
(look at the screen)
Machting and Dark Wilder fighting with Terror Master Terror Master fires 100 yellow missile towards them but Machting through her sonic powers blasts off Missile in the mid sky Dark Wilder jumps towards Terror Master and with his weapon tries to attack Terror Master Terror Master holdd that attack through his yellow palms and with other yellow fist punches Dark Wilder Dark Wielder falls behind on the truck
Terror Master through his powers blast of the truck
"इस शक्ति को अपना विनाश देखिए"
( sees this power their destruction)
"जरा युद्ध के दोनों वीडियो दिखाए"
(just show both the videos of war )
Showcasing both the War videos where Machting through her sonic punch hits Terror Master and Bear throws Tempo on Ajay
"क्या यह आपको सामान्य लग रहा है?"
(does it look normal to you )
Terror Master kicks Machting and Ajay holds the tempo with one hand but the bear takes the flight takes Ajay and tempo along with him
इतनी सारी इमारत, संपत्ति को नष्ट करके जिसके लिए हम पैसे देते हैं क्या आपको नहीं लगता कि यह आतंकवादी कृत्य है?
(by destroying so many building , property
which we give money for
don't you feel its a act of terrorism )
Bear bangs Ajay on the building which in front of them and Karul and Macho nearing to attack but Terror Master holds both of them and bangs on the ground
"यदि वे शोषित और पीड़ित हैं तो वे मदद करने के लिए बाध्य हैं, उन्होंने उनकी मदद की होगी, उन्होंने उन पर हमला नहीं किया होगा, उन्हें रोका होगा"
"If they are exploited and victim they are bond to help they would have helped them they won't have attacked them stopped them "
The Man by rasing hand on the screen
"यह कहते हुए कुछ शर्म करो कि तुम रक्षा और नायकों के काम पर चुटकी ले रहे हो कल वे आपकी मदद नहीं करेंगे क्योंकि आपके पास खरबों हैं जब आप हमारे लोगों के खिलाफ होते हैं और आतंकवादियों का समर्थन करते हैं तो पैसा कागज का टुकड़ा बन जाता है"
(have some shame while telling like that you are pinponting the defence and heros work
tomorrow they won't help you through you have trillions
money becomes a piece of paper when you are against our people and supporting terrorist )
....to be continued...