In America where Terror Master and Ajay fighting each other and the surrounding gets effected
In that American superheros also get involved
Ajay tries to punch Terror Master but Terror Master saves himself Karul kicks Terror Master both his leg Terror Master fall behind dashing all the way through road and hits on the building . Terror Master stands up Macho and Speedster tries to attack but through his
wings heavy yellow beam fire off both fall behind Dark Wielder through his weapons shows his attacking skill due to which he doesnot allow Terror Master to recover from that attack but Terror Master catches Dark Wielder's attack and with his other hand puch him and Dark Wielder falls leaving his weapon but Dark Wielder appears aside of Terror Master and hits with his claws and with a rolling kick hits on his face Terror Master through his yellow atomic wing about hit Dark Wielder but Ajay stops theat attack swiftly coming towards it.
Ajay takes a deep breath and with the help of sahastranam chakra moves all the air to the legs and through that leg rolls of his whole body and attacks Terror Master with the knee kick due to that attack Terror Master falls behind towards the shop .
" Is ever...." Karul about to ask but then a heavy road blast due to which all superheros scatter and fall back
Terror Master while coming out gets a cheat code to control Ajay's armor without wasting any time Ajay comes off from the debries and through his Vayu chakra tries to attack but Yerror Master controls the armor and stops him Terror Master moves his head and Ajay bangs off on some building without touching
Ajay stands and moves off his debries from his body
" what the hell he has telikinetic powers "
Terror Master swiftly through his atomic flight comes towards him and Ajay through his powers lift off debries to attack
Ajay unable to move his body Terror Master by his fastest flight takes with him up in the s by his powers converting the metals of the building like bombs while Terror Master trashes in those building the building blasts off like bombs
Terror Master then after holding the Ajay's chest and roles in the sky and throws his off
Terror Master throughhis wings and cheat accumilate the yellow atomic powers
Ajay through his powers again tries to attack
by merging thef ire power, debries and wind
but was helpless.
Terror Master without wasting any time with full throttle attacks Ajay with Yellow beam
Ajay with full force falls back bangs on the buildings, vehicles and falls on the other city
near Greenwich Village
Ajay withen some times stands on his feet
" Oh boy how the heck he is doing that "
People around sees Ajay and he can be seen through the peoples using mobile
" Mom , look that Ajay " a small kid respond
Vinay inside the Armour gets Principal call
Vinay moving his eyeballs recives the video call
" Vinay what going out their ? " Principal asks
" I don't know sir " Vinay replies
Ajay through his senses sees Terror Master
" Oh , so has controlled my armor " Ajay replies
" Oh its a big problem " Principal replies worriedly
" What the hell ? " Ajay in shock replies by seeing through his senses that the metal which is in the infrastructure and in vehicles became a bomb and the peoples are around them and Ajay was about too move but is not due to Terror Master control in armor be continued .....