Chapter 112

The people all over the world

"চুলি ৰঙা হৈছে"

( is his hair red )


( yes, its red but how )

" kok bisa merah"

( how can it be red )

In America Ajay with his absorbed fire

punches Terror Master but Terror Master stops that punch through his atomic hands stops that punch the fire wave comes out

and surrounding bulding and debries fire lights up

Karul and other superhero also catch up fire

" Oh , what so ..." Karul replies

" What is that " Dark Wielder asks

" Oh.....its nothing " Karul replies to Macho

" He the son of Ojaswan their no doubt in it "

Karul tells to himself

Ajay with that fire punch and kick starts hitting Terror Master

" I won't let him to destroy the world I won't let him to destroy my family " to himself

Terror Master gets punched by Ajay he moves few steps behind

Their Dr Hyena and other shock to see senario

" What the ...." Glitch exclaims

" Forget your 100 million$ shit " Mr Selmon replies

" Why is it my....." Terror Master as he replies sees the dent on his suit

" How ....the heck dare such thing " Terror Master replies to himself

Ajay swiftly dashes to punch while inhaling air through his nose and increasing his fire power which is blazing and gusting from his body but Terror Master without wasting any time moves his atomic fist and punches Ajay due to shockwave surrounding also gets effected all the building walls cracks and the vehicle tosses off the sky.

" Thud....."

" He can't take me down No... What ever shit he may be I have seen lot of heros like him crushed down my feet " Terror Master to himself

Ajay falls behind but rolls after some distance to stablise himself Terror Master without wasting fire off all the atomics rays from his wings on Ajay and through his

Metal like bomb also blast off from the road

" Ka boom ...ka ...boom .....kaboom"

The superheros moves towards Terror Master to attack

In Bharat Principal watches T.V sees Terror Master is been attacked by superheros

( Sound of door knocking )

" Come in " Principal replies

By opening the door the piunee who is a black buck comes inside the room

(Gayatri Mantra is singing )

ॐ भूर्भुवः स्व:

तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो

" Sir , Shree Manivail is here " piunee replies

" Oh okey I will be their in 5 minutes and Piyush keep that in mind while I will be going out no one should enter the room "

Principal orders his piunee

( Gayatri matra )

देवस्य धीमहि

धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् ॥

In T.V Terror Master attacks those superhero with his powers

" No one can defeat me no one " Terror Master to him self

ॐ भूर्भुवः स्व:

तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो

" This fight is not just of Vinay or Ajay is of Gurudev who is supporting him "

देवस्य धीमहि

धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् ॥

"and people all over the world who is eagarly

watching it "

ॐ भूर्भुवः स्व:

तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो

देवस्य धीमहि

धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् ॥

" So at any cost you should not be disturbed " Principal to himself

Bhawesh and Jaya sees this battle in others


" What do you think will V...Ajay will come out of that battle ? " Bhwesh asks to Jaya

Jaya gives a angry look and says " I was about to ask the same question "

Bhawesh was afraid and sweating with that look

" What is that? " the man asks the question

Both of them looking in the mobile

From the smoke atomic blast and fire is been suck in the smoke the electric current taken from poles , building , electric wires and vehicles from around the place .

" This is unimaginagle different viewers no superhero we have seen through decades

after Ojaswan " the Anchor replies be continued.....