Chapter 114

In Pune where Gurudev through mind telepathy contact his team in Yog matha

techinical team

" The mantra communication not working"

Gurudev replies himself

Gurudev contact them through emotins senser embaded in laptop

He sends the morris code through it

" Gurudev's morris code " student replies

The student decodes it and says

" shisyas ( students ),

Be prepared for Vinay teleportation to Tresta da Cuna

things are going to get ugly "

the student sees the other student

In America, Long Island city, Queens

where civilans are working in office after sometime they fell the earth's trembling

" What the hell ? a earth quake " the hippopotamus replies

" Must be the war that going on between the superhero and villan " a blond man haired man replies

The soldiers and police comes up through the stairs and without wasting time opens the door

" Everybody don't waste time get going out of the office" the police

at the same time the roof with the lanters falls down and everybody is afraid of the senario

" Ahhhhh...."

" Oh my god " people started reacting to senario

and started moving out of the office the hippopotamus while running sees out from more the 300 meters in the sky sees

Ajay and Terror Master fighting each other

Terror Master tries to punch but Ajay blocks the punch

" Thuddd"

Due to which the surrounding bulding glasses breaks off Hippopotamus and other who are running falls behind on the ground

The soldiers comes their pick him up

" You where not suppose to stay their come on up "

They take hippopotamus with them

Ajay and Terror Master throwing punch to each other

(Sound of heavy punches)

Ajay without wasting kick Terror Master away but after some distance Terror Master stables himself through his wings

Terror Master controls each and every defence roborts which is around him through electric power

" Even terrorist fear me " Terror Master to himself

But other superhero appear an destroys those robots with their power Terror Master

through his atomic missile and rays attacks them all the superheros save them self from the attack

" Why the hell doesn't give up no one is mighter then allah I am his powerful weapon who is he who doesn't go down

He must ....."

Terror Master to himself

People from distance can see this war and can feel it

" What the heck " people reacts

Terror Master through his atomic power from wrist and wings attacks from his wings

Ajay through his wind and atomic power pierce those atomic rays withen no time Terror Master comes in front of him and tries to punch him

" Go down " to Ajay

but Ajay with the straight punch hit

" These villans what do they think of them selves they will hurt families without thinking what they go through I have seen it with these naked eyes their pain may be they are of any class or living being they loss their happiness because of these monsters fun or some benifits

These should be stopped "

Ajay to himself

Terror Master and a big dent appears in his armor without wasting time Ajay control those debries and 500 punches

" I will stop them though I have to kill them "

Ajay to himself

is formed and its filled with atomic and fire energy without wasting rapidly hits Terror Master and severe dent and some parts of armour comes off due to dent

( Sound of heavy punch and breaking armour )

The surrounding building debries and glass breaks off

(Sound of breaking )

Ajay gives gives heavy punch and Terror Master and Terror Master falls behind some distance behind 500 meters

( Sound of breaking debries and glass )

Ajay without wasting goes towards Terror Master

but then Terror Master control those heavy defence highly advace aircrafts and with that attacks Ajay Ajay through atomic and electric power emits off from the body down those plane and through wind and fireleaps ahead

Karul and Macho sees and moves towards those ship and rescus all those soldiers who where inside it

Ajay destroying all the ship moves ahead and Karul gets blown off due to that power and by destrying the ship comes off banging on the building destrying its debries

Ajay fist combines all four energy and punches Terror Master to the ground the road break with severe crack

" Ka- doom "

and the wind converts into storm all vehicles

moves off from their position and superheros looking their from the building and people all over the world looking from the mediums

and the medium which it can been seen appears" No signal " be continued .....