The black out where the scanner of inside Ajay suit Principalthrough voice call communicating
" Vinay .....get up the city is burning have to stand up Vinay" Principal tells him
" Vinay up " Principal shouts loudly and Vinay opens his eyes and see destroyed city of New Delhi
" Do not waste time in sleeping up " Principal shouts
" Yes sir " Vinay replies
" Its too much for such war when you are already going through many things ....."
Vinay to himself
Vinay sees a deadly creeper and giant bear destroying infrastucture and eating peoples
Ajay through his flight moves to attack them
Creeper through his wimpes shouts spikes throught it and monig towards Ajay but through fire flre from his eyes burns off all the spikes
" But he is a expericed hero in such war situation and I should be calm at any cost "
Vinay to himself
Ajay sees the broken water pipe without wasting time through it he attracts water on his hand creates a wimp the posionious creeper through his creepers tries to attack Ajay
but Ajay through his water wimp swiftly cuts of throse creeper coming on his way
" At such state they are the guiding light "
Ajay through his wimp entangles that creeper and pulls him towards himself and without wasting Ajay bangs his head on the ground the ground cracks up and debries comes off
" I tend to take down enemies "
A Man who has freezing avalanche power tries to attack Ajay through his power but Ajay super senses aware him quickly through his wimp hits him and that cold monster falls back
The bear attack Ajay with his gaint nuclear fist and Ajay falls on the vehicle the bear tries to attack again
" Wheather physically or emotionally "
fill the air his mouth and shoot it like the cannon and bear fall behind breaking walls and glass of buildings
" Because my loved too are with me " Vinay to himself
2 months before in Pune Chatrapati Mahamanav Vidhyalaya
When Vinay is walking out of school gates
" Vinay...Vinay " Bhawesh calls his name loudly
Vinay doesn't pay attention and Bhawesh and Rupesh comes to him
" Hey , what with you why do you look like a loser?" Bhawesh asks to him
" Its becuse of the thing with villans " Vinay sadly answer
" What villan did it burnt you house? " Rupesh asks quickly
Bhawesh gets aware and towards
" No ....not that villan its about a guy who is troubling him you just ...."
Bhawesh puts his hand in the pocket and takes off money and by putting that money on Rupesh hand
" Go by some Comics for your self " Bhawesh replies
" Wow " Rupesh gets excited and takes the money and goes away from them
Bhawesh taking Vinay with him
" Come with me " Bhawesh tells Vinay
Bhawesh taking Vinay towards the garden temple where their is narrow pathway
" What the hell where you trying to do that insane I was here to take you to see new cinema but you destroyed our mood "
Bhawesh scolds to Vinay
" Thanks but I am not in mood today " Vinay after saying this he was about to leave the place
Bhawesh holds him
" Would you like to share the bits whats going on in your mind " Bhawesh asks Vinay
"No, Its a superhero thing you have to be one to understand that "
Vinay takes off Bhawesh hand and leaves the place
" Is it don't you ever dare come to us
Fuck you " Bhawesh angirly reacts be continued