2 months ago in Pune Jaya and Vinay are talking
" Wow , It's .....suprising since I know you from childhood so tell me what where they talking? " Vinay asks Jaya
" Actually I was not able to here about their conversion " Jaya replies
" Okey " Vinay by nodding his head and thinking of something
" Did they met before? " Vinay asks Jaya
" No not the same man but yes a different man in different place " Jaya tells Vinay
"With two different people right... feels like terrorist activity or something "
Vinay replies
" I feel the same but apart from it their is no give and take material and values those people which she met they just do eye contact for 5 minutes and leaves the place "
Jaya tells Vinay
" Okey ...( Must be their communication device is used ) " Vinay replies to himself
" Vinaya ," Jaya calls her name
Vinay looks to here
" We must be very careful I have a very bad feeling if we don't deal with it with cautious "
Jaya tells to Vinay
" Don't you worry We will see and I will tell you tomorrow what to do " Vinay replies to her with smile
Vinay moves off to his home
" At that time I did knew what going on in your mind but still you controlled your emotion to look for Drusthi problem "
Jaya to herself
Now at Vinay's house where everybody is watching the battle senario through T.V
" and now too you are in that same situation
In New Delhi where the Monster climbs to the building and jumps off to hit a mech superhero
"where can't share your problem but still you" Jaya to herself
But Ajay through his power controls the broken debries and creates a huge wall like thing and mech superhero without wasting any time through his sonic flight moves forward and through his heavy laser weapons attacks the Monster the Monster opens his mouth and attacks his energy beam the mech superhero moves off
" You stand " Jaya to herself
Ajay without wasting any times punches the Monster heavy on the side of the face
" And punches the danger with full trottle "
Jaya to herself
the face turns off to other direction and the attack gets diverted to other side and Monster moves aside the Monster tries to attack again through his lasers around his body on Ajay but Ajay dodges all the laser and gulp all the fire from the destroyed bulding and debries fills in his both the fist the Monster too clunges his fist and attacks on to Ajay both the power clashes off and all surrounding gets effected building glass brake the walls crack off the vehicles toss and people falls behind the drones also gets destroyed
Razor and other young superhero saves them self by moving on building rooftop where they jump on the swimming pool where they sense the collision
Razor and other comes off the water and sees from some distance away the Monster from the broken building tries to get up
" Grrrrrrrrr..."
" This is hell " a superhero reacts
" How are we going to stop this thing " other superhero with hesitation tells that
" Don't know " Razor reacts
" ( so do Vinay ) "
...to be continued ...