2 months before
Vinay and Ranjit comes out off Hospital
" What did you thought ? " Ranjit asks Vinay
" Kaka .. . thought that I should be back in business " Vinay replies
" And what about the people which they weren't respecting " Ranjit asks Vinay
" I don't care for those people " Vinay replies
" I will not see what I do get I will what I can give " Vinay replies
" Good back to business " Ranjit replies
" Never though that by keeping a positive energy withen myself everything will change " Vinay to himself
Vinay sees the News channel showcasing the debate regarding The Maulana who is a goat raised questions regarding " Terror Master deeds "
" How can you think of the man or say villan to whom Terrorist of your community are terrified who could have killed lakhs of innocent men in which Muslims are also present is "Wajebul" according to you "
Anchor asks
" You can't judge me by that sentence I am a son of this son " Maulana answer the question
" This not the answer Country wants to know what is the proof of such sentence "
Anchor asks
Now in New Delhi where Ajay dashes on the ground but through he stables himself on the ground and dashes on behind it
The Monster roars off seeing Ajay
" Roarrrrre....."
The Monster attacks through his shoulder beams
" I didn't expected that he will fight " Dr Hyna looking the fight through the balcony
" All the money .....but if I would think it wisely then the money is been properly in invested I successfully pentitrated India
Dr Hyna smiles and tells to himself
2 months before Dr Hyna in the lab sees multiple screens of T.V where Ajay as a superhero is negativity
" Well .....Well I am quiet satisfied "
Hyna replies
" You should because you have invested a lot off money to every such news channel studio and E– tubers
It should pay off because is a big problem to all of us "
Glitch tells by sitting on the table
" Truly said Glitch,
Not only we should destroy his internally but also he should be destroyed completely by earsing country known as " India " from global map
We will destroy each and every state by our own hands ..."
Dr Hyna tells to Glitch
" I would be greatful that countries defence forces are behind me since then "
Glitch tell to Dr Hyna
without wasting any time lets start with this country " Dr Hyna replies and press the button and that highly advance gigantic testtube opens up
The Monster opens the eyes and the Monster comes out breaking the test tube
" Grrrrrrrrreeeee"
But roaring the Monster fire the laser all around the lab
Glitch sees and afraids
" Oh boy I didn't expect this to happen "
" Don't be hasty he won't doing any harm "
Glitch replies it wuth a smile
" I don't see it in his attitude " Glitch replies scaringly
The Monster through his mouth fires off the beam up on the sky
Dr Hyna get up on the chair
" Let me take a good look "
"What ....( He is probably gone out of the mind )
Glitch replies to himself
Monster sees Dr Hyena and tries to attack
But Dr Hyna blows a whistle and Monster sets down and come close to him and Dr Hyna loves him
Dr Hyna towards Glitch when he stands up
" Thank god " Glitch replies
" Can you do me a favour "
.....to be continued ...