2 months after in Pune watching–
Jaya with Bhawesh and other children watching T.V
" What all things I have go through only me and just me know this " Jaya tells to herself
Watching T.V where New Delhi war is been showcased
" As you can see so much destruction is been caused through this battle and their
nothing been done to control it " reporter who is a Man telling it
"Pakaya, just give the remote " Bhawesh tells to Prakash
" Oh yes
Can't we listen to that news " Prakash replies
" No we can't beacuse that guy out their just facking Just give me the remote
" Bhawesh replies angirly
" Bhawesh " Jaya calls his name and sees towards Prakash and tells him
" Go just bring the remote from the table "
Jaya replies calmly
Jaya looking towards Bhawesh
" Don't you understand he younger " Jaya replies
" I got it the situation is worst as it sees "
Bhawesh replies
In Australia war 2 months earlier
Where superhero and Monster are fighting
Robot through his wrist fires heavy laser attack on the Monster the Monster gets disturbed but without wasting any time the Monster attacks through his tails and the Robot falls on the building rooftop
The huge worm attacks the Monster through his claws the Monster head bangs on the building the Monster throws his atomic breath the Worm runs off very fast through his hand and instantly rolls his body
Monster's atomic breath destroys each and every building as the worms moves ahead
The Robot through his scanner scan each and every building withen a second finds that their are no civilian
" Thats better "
The Robot through his shoulder attack with heavy missiles the Monster get hit on his face
" Grrrrrrrrreeee...."
The Monster gets angry and he through his shoulder fires off heavy lasers continiously
The Robot dodges each and every attack
And through his shoulder and wrist attcks with lasers and missiles
The Monster through his atomic breath destroys all the attack the Robot also about to fall back but then through his flight jets Robot stables himself
On the other hand the gaint worm creating himself like ball hits on the Monster
The Anchor on ground zero
" Ladies and Gentlemen you can see " Grand" has taken the command to fight with
Monster "
The Worm continuously hits theMonster through his shell
" We have zoom in the camera so that you don't miss any sight "
The Anchor
In Maharastra
Ganya the indian (langur )coming in front of camera
" नमस्ते स्वागत आहे आपल्या E– Tube मध्ये जायचं नाव आहे "गण्या आपला केसरी "
मित्रानो आज पूर्ण जगात परत विपदा आलेली आहे आणि
काही निरलाज चे ओलदी ह्याला खोटा बोलत आहे यों
आपल्या देशात नाही तर दुसरे देशात सुधा है लफडे चालू आहे
लोकांचा जीव है बापाचा मल
( Greetings Welcome to our channels the name is " Ganya aplala kesari "
Friends today the whole world is in danger and some son of shame less people tries to prove it false its not in our country but also in out country this dirty thing is going on
People life is nothing to them )
The other E– Tuber " sanathan satya "
A man with a specks and mostache
" मित्रो इसिको ही " press यावृति " कहा जाता है जोह लोगो को अवगत कराने के बजाए आतंक वादी के सवेदनय दिखा कर हम बिस्तर होते है यह वही लोग है जोह " हजार्डियस " जैसे आतंकवादी के विषय पर कुछ नही बोले यह वही लोग है जोह "टेरर मास्टर" जैसे जिहादद्दी हालाकि उसके फिरके के साथ अभी भी लड़ाई चल रहे है उसको "अल्लाह का दूत " बताया जाता है
और यह वही लोग है जोह आज भी ऑस्ट्रेलिया युद्ध के विषय में भी चुप है और
सब चंगा सी का नारा दे रहे है "
( Friends , these people are called presstitutes one who has to aware the society they show symphthy towards terrorist and then they go for one night stand
These are the people they don't speak on the terrorist like Hazardious
These are the people who don't speak against the the jihadi " Terror Master " who is battling with his own people is showcased as " messanger of Allah "
And these are the same people who has shut their mouth on "Australian war "
And they are saying
All is well )
........to be continued.....