Chapter 134

Now –

In New Delhi war

Where policemen and soldiers who are animals as well as humans looking after the peoples and animals

where superhero and that D– day is clashing with each other

" Don't..." The soldier showing the hand to stop

In front of them

The D– Day and a giant superhero are fighting D– day hits the superhero with his claws the superhero fall down

Surya with his lava like fire attacks on that Monster the Monster moves his legs

The giant superhero with wasting any time holds the D– day through his rib cage and pushes him behind both the two superbeings dashes behind

" Go...." The Jawan shouts out

And the civilans and defense forces runs forward

The gaint Superhero pushes D– day behind breaking some buildings

" He has become pain in our ass

D– day don't waste our time knock him off "

Dr Hyna replies

The Monster without wasting holds the gaint superhero through his waist and throws his off the distance the superhero falls on the skyscrapers

" Hey look "

" Oh no " the childrens are reacting while they are running

Surya without wasting time with his lava like punch hits on D– Day's cheek

D– days falls on his feet

D– day without wasting hist his atomic breathe on Surya and Surya without wasting

falls behind in the building breaking off debries the debries without wasting about to falls on civilans who are running

A patch sandwolf come and transform itself into a sand storm and the sand storm stops all those debries

The jawan without wating any time coes towards the civilans

" Come on move we should not stang much longer " the Jawan replies picks up the child and takes the other civilans with him

The civilans are about to get attacked by an atomic bear and other Monster

" Oh no " jawan reacts without wasting he loads the gun to attack on Monster

Razor and other superhero without wasting any time reaches on the spot

" Don't waste time their more danger ahead "

Razor jumps on the air and removes the sword and attacks those Monster

" Don't let these Monsters dominate you "

Razor tells to Superheros

The gaint superhero with his both hand hits on Monsters head the Monster moves back one step

The gaint superhero about to kick the Monster waves his kick with his hand and holds his faces and bangs him completely on the ground the whole area and the nearby area shooks off the building glasses breaks up the people while running falls of suddenly

" है भगवान " ( oh god ) people reacts in fear

The Monster punches the superhero on his face the ground trembles the Monster tries to hit another punch with his atomic power

A large chunks of building debries hits on the Monster getting disturbed without wasting the Monster throws his atomic breath on those debries

On the other side whre Ajay is fallen Ajay through his powers pushes the skyscrapers chunk with his power and takes the flight and swings on towards Skyscraper chunk on the Monster

" Boy this is not new except the Monster " be continued...