Chapter 137

2 months ago Austraila war where Karul and Dragon fighting with that D– Day Monster

D–Day attacks off with his atomic breath

Karul gets hit and falls on the ground bit without wasting any time because of back role stablizes him self

The Monster jumps to attack through his atomic fist on Karul the Karul jumps off behind and D– Day puch lands on the ground the smoke and shock wave comes out off it die to which Karul gets blows away

" Wow "

The peole in the town gets afraid by the trembling sound

and all the electronic device gets destroyed and the vehicles too catch fire

Where the monster punched the a huge hole

Which is more then 100 feet

Karul some how manages to stable himself

The Dragon without wasting attacks on through his spiritual fire breathe the Monster

without wasting falls off behind

Katanasan with other Superhero are attacking Hyena

" What do you carry a childs play " Dr Hyna taunts

Dr Hyna opens up both his arm and the shock wave develop through which all the superhero get blown away

All the superhero who fall behind instently stables them self

" He is hell off thing " Macho replies

Macho then without wasting jumps on the sky and with the kick hits Dr Hyena

Dr Hyna didnt move instead he moves his head off and the legs and Macho along with it falls behind

Macho through his flips stables himself

Other hand Macting through her supersonic tries to take down Hyna but Hyna dashes standingly behind but his surrounding the whole ground debries gets shattered into pieces

" Good " Dr Hyna replies

Dr Hyna just moves his hand towards her and the wind turn into deadly blade and tries to kill but Speedster arrives and saves Macting and on other hand Dark Wielder weapons tries to hit Dr Hyna but Dr Hyna jumps and hits a round kick on the weapon and the weapon falls on the other side

Dr Hyna while coming on the ground Dark Wielder from behind through his back claws tries to attack but Dr Hyna holds those claws and throws him to other side

Dark Wielder some how stabalizes himself

but then those sharp wimd tries to attack

Dr Hyna swiftly comes near him and kick him Dark Wielder fall off behind 500 meters away

" Unexpectedly he is very powerful " Macho replies

" But we have to stop it at any cost " Katna san replies

Looking towards D–day Monster , Karul's and Dragon conflict where Monster is been attacked continiously

On other side in Lo Matang ,Nepal

Where Vinay and Chil are praticing long jump and Gurudev through droid is watching

The grades Principal is also keeping a eye on it

" Excellent Vinay is improving " Principal reacts

The video is going where Vinay is taking the flight without his suit

" He jumps quiet high " Gurudev replies

Vinay land on a mountain top

The droid near to Vinay

" Very good " the Principal

Gurudev arrive through teleportation device

" Still need improvement but always remember each and every second towards being better "

The black space

" Each and every second for being better "

Ajay opens his eyes and he fires off the heat flare

New Delhi war –

where the Monster is getting disturbed and falling behind

The Monter jumps in the sky and punches Ajay Ajay swiftly falls behind dashing on all buldings but then with the swift and u–turn

Ajay moves towards the Monster the broken building debries forms together towards

Ajay back and withen time those debries take a form of two gigantic hands and those hand because of " Agni tatwa " those hands

becomes like flaming lava and with that Ajay charges towards D– Day D– Day too without wasting any time D– Day moves forward and turns his hand into atomic and the both superpowers clunges their claws and a

Heavy Atomic and firely shock wave develop through which the city buildings glass brakes off and some building debries or melts due to lava

People down their sabes them self from that fire winds the ground and vehicles melts due to lava

" Please do not go out or dare to touch the lava " the Jawan who is a leapord tells the people

" है भगवान " ( oh god) the people react to it be continued ...