Chapter 149

In New Delhi war

Underground metro station

Jawan taking the peoples to the safe place at that time a big chunk of debries is to hit on them

Ajay sees through his xray the people in the metro train are in danger

D– Day punches Ajay Ajay falls back and bangs on some buildings but some how through his flight stables himself and moves towards D– Day

"Somehow I have to figure out the solution for it " Ajay to himself

"Oh yes " Ajay suprise by thought

while falling he sees some how some people and jawans are also in danger

Ajay again rejoins "shat skandha " through those broken debries joins hand

"रक्षकः "(guardian )

Ajay creates those stone gurdian through debries all around where peoples are been trapped

but suddenly heavy electric flow seen on those beings

" How ....I didn't use much of the energy "

Ajay suprise

" But I did " someone replies

Ajay looks aside and sees a snow fox wearing a black suit

" Dr Thunder " Ajay suprised

" Hi " Dr Thunder

" Dr Thunder real name " Lyubov Maklakow"

a high ranking superhero of Russia renowned scientist who have many invention for wellbeing of superhero

and a active member of BRICS

" Nice meeting you sir " Ajay replies

" Pleasure is all mine well I am here to tell you that BRICS superheros are at sensitive zone so you don't need to worry but for us let us focus on this Monster D– Day

" On it " Ajay replies

Dr Thunder through his electrical power teleport himself to the sky and starts his thunder attacks on D– Day

In metro train

at that time a two electrical thing opens

Where two superhero appear

One is a who is wearing a egyptian armor with a mummy like designand other is a Zebra who touches an debries and turns himself into a stone like structure

" The egyptian armor name is "Horu " who has god like power and can us his armor any way possible he has no physical form

considerd to be Avtar sent by Horus

The Zebra name is "Abs–O " shape shifting body

Both are the members of BRiCS "

Horu through his legs hits on the ground due to which Abso ables to jumps and punches to debries and debries gets shattered into pieces

Horu disables his shield and covers by making it a circle around them and protects them from the pieces of destroyed debries

Kukh without wasting moves towards other racks of train to protect the people "Abs–O "

too goes inside touches the trains and turns himself into the metal

Outside the reporters are ground reporting

Who has wore mask

"As you the foreign superhero is helping Delhi citizens from the Metro disaster and we can see a battalion of jawans are also reaching for the victims help

The people who are seeing the T.V are are been showcase the footages where the people are been rescued from the diseasters

" You can see the people are been helped by Jawans and Ajay's minions and by othersuperheros too "

" The sad part is war has taken a grater turn

The drone shot

Where D–Day with Ajay and Dr Thunder are battling

"You can see the battle through our drone

now we will not be able to go to that place because of radiations of the Monster

Our experts have demanded the state goverment to evacuate the city the nearby as well as other cities which can harm the people because of radiation

The goverment has not answered yet but central has given the green signal to our jawans to use the resource required in the situation "

People in other neighbouring states are afraid

" હે માતા" ( Gujrati )

( Oh god )

आशा बा कि ओह लोग के कवनो बुराई ना होखे के चाहीं

( Bhojpuri )

( I hope nothing bad should happen to them )

ଭଗବାନ ସେମାନଙ୍କୁ ରକ୍ଷା କରନ୍ତୁ( Odia )

( god guard them ) be continued