Chapter 177

In Pune

where monsters a created a ruckus no place is suitable Ghamasan and superherosi of the place are trying best but slim place for hope

But citizens through their power protcting themself and also the weak ones

Jaya and Bhawesh fighting with those monster Bhawesh hits with table

" Never expected such a day would be soon enough where we would be fighting the monster " Bhawesh replies

Jaya through her long hairs use it like a wimp and

" It's hectic and frustrating thing I will rather prefer a sitting job " Jaya replies

" Looking at your bravery and attitude I think

Army is suitable " Bhawesh replies

" Don't impose your interest on me I protect peoples not to kill them " Jaya replies frustratingly and looking towards Bhawesh her hair slaps the monster

" I am thinking what Vinay will be doing by now " Bhawesh in tense tone asks

In Mumbai the city is apocoliptic situation due to havoc created by those black monsters and Drconian king and area where General Bakasur has punched the building near are in bad shape and Ajay through his flight tries to attack Baksur but Baksur without delays punches him and Ajay falls back banging on fo some vehicles and then to buildings

Ajay tries to get up but Baksur appears and lift his by holding his neck

" What do you think of yourself ? " Baksur asks

Baksur without wasting bangs Ajay on the ground and the ground debries breaks off

" A champion of many galaxies will tolarate you nonsense " Baksur replies

Baksur through his leg bangs Ajay on the ground

" You are dust " Baksur replies

Draconian King through his black particles creates a fire ball and attack

" He is mine " Draconian king replies

" Oh so a fire ball " Baksur replies after seeing him

Baksur without wasting lift his forarm through his arm creates a yellow ball like thing and throws him opposite direction

" Let see can you catch this " Baksur replies

And the yellow ball without wasting bounce in air and in fast pace destroyes those fire balls and again rebound in air and its speed increases and hots Draconian king this chain continues and Draconian king just gets beaten up helplessly

" First learn to be alert and then to hunt " Baksur replies

Ajay through his chest and nana yech armor helps him collects the "Agni tatwa "

" This is a new thing I don't know how much chakras energy will be implied for this" Ajay replies to himself

Soon the big blast occur due to it and the whole building destroys due to it

Booooom ....

From the destroyed ashes of that building Ajay stand tiredly and his armor rebuilt and forms itself

" Well that was quiet a loss " Ajay to himself

Ajay sees Draconian King fallen and trying to rise from that debries

" Didn't expect that " Ajay about to turn his head

Baksur standing behind turning those blast's fire which holded it on his palms

Baksur with that same fires a flare ray which hit Ajay and Ajay bangs behind those building and the bulding are falling down

and Baksur is watching it

" Wow this fire is helpful " Baksur replies

The people all over the world watching the senario of bulding falling down and they are shocked

" he...."

Baksur with his other hand bring up the cigar

" To light up my cigar " Baksur replies

The black monster tries to attack towards Baksur

" This cartoons again " Baksur replies

Baksur through that fire creates a wimp and swing it towards those monsters cutting them into half

Baksur smoking cigar and moving towards

Draconian King through his flight

In Chatrapati mahamanav Vidhlaya where

Gurudev and Principal while fighting watching it through holgram

" I am sure he is the one " Gurudev replies

" Who Gurudev " Principal asks

" Vishal Morgaar " Gurdev replies be continued....