Chapter 180

In destroyed city of Mumbai

" No ...."Baksur shouts loudly

and without wasting through his swifly flight grabs his head and dashes on to buildings

" You " Baksur shouts

Bakasur throws Ajay on to skies and without wasting turns backside and the portals opens and Ajay comes out of it Baksur holds his head from back side and bangs him on the ground the helmate breaks off and the grounds burst due to big cracks

Baksur moves Ajay towards him but Ajay's nano suit form his suit again

Baksur without wasting punches so heavily that the hand tares of Ajay chest and Ajay coughs of the blood

" Die" Baksur replies angrily

In unknow place where Draconian King is watching this war in all over the world

" Good thing..... very Good " Draconian King's one head replies

" I was exicited for this we could have seen more destruction along with our minions which we have sent" the other head replies

" You are pathetic as you look " main head replies

" Hey , that's not right " the other head replies

" The instrument could have destroyed the planet and how the hell would you enjoy this show which is going on " the main head replies

Glitch coming towards Draconian King

" You got a point , King this alien looks powerful we can't make him our allie"

Glitch replies

" True ....very True...

But I am thinking of different plan " Draconian King replies by through the big screen watching Baksur throwing Ajay on building walls

" Hmmm... then I will leave you both of you "

Glitch replies and opens the portal

Ajay dashing through the roads fall near Draconian Kings prototype

Draconian King on the other side smiles

"Got it .....

Listen " Draconian King replies on the screen

In other hand in Mumbai Ajay sees fallen Drconaian King

" Remember Dhrusti " Draconian King asks

Vinay inside the armor shockingly looks towards Draconian King

" That name ..." Vinay replies to himself

" Oh....remember

You friend Bhawesh had a crush on her

But she was never he

Poor fellow 2 years he seached for the love

But he never knew that she was working for me given the informations regarding you and your friends

Poor..... You ....."

" This darn villan entered my personal life " Vinay replies

Ajay getting angry and hair getting red

"Didn't know the simple secrets that during D–Day commotion Dhruti was giving me information and you really didn't have idea who has given that small letter and you couldn't find Jaya "

" He was watching us " Vinay to himself

" And also you dont have ...." Draconian King replies but Ajay was furious and his hair turning red

The armor the two chakras " Anahata and Manipura chakra helps to heal His big injury

" How do you know .....How dare you ? Ajay angirly replies without wasting jumps towards and the ground cracks

holds Draconian King neck and dashes on to Building walls and road

" You where watching me all the time "

and in the air itself Ajay with both hands punches Draconian King and Draconian King falls out by piercing through building

and then Draconian King falls on the road

Ajay bangs on go the road upon Darconain King and punches him continiously

" For two years I didn't have any answer to this question through Bhawesh don't ask that question always use to feel guilty Jaya too many times forced to to tell the truth but

I can't" Vinay replies to himself while Ajay punching Draconian King

" And she is alive where you won't be able to find her out" Draconaian King replies

Baksur feels trembling grounds after a big

heavy punches Baksur sees Ajay punching Draconian King and is surprised

Baksur smoking his cigar watching through his flight

But Ajay looses his cautious and falls on the ground

" Hmmm.. unbeliaveable "

Baksur opens his portal and moves towards his ship where Draconian King is waiting

" You " Baksur reacts by smoking

" Glad you know me " Draconian King replies

"I don't talk to such peoples who sent their Prototype to battle " Draconaian King second head replies

" I agree and I don't bother but you can just listen to the person who have information "

Draconian King first head replies

" What it is ? " Baksur asks by smoking

" To kill to the community of Ajay that's Hindus" both the head replies be continued