What The Fuck

Tang Yu: "Su Muyue you are looking so beautiful being chained and cuffed by me. For three years I have licked your feet just to make you mine but you never cared about me. I am sure your so called boyfriend Ye Chen will be very pleased to see the number one beauty of Hangzhou like this."

Tang Yu: "And you, Wang Yixin my dear ex girlfriend. You didn't seem to care about me when you and Ye Chen slept together right in front of me. You both even trampled over my Tang Family and took everything away from me. But no worried today I will regain all of the things that I have lost because of Ye Chen and all of you."

Inside an old building a man dressed in black color three piece suit has taken five beautiful women as his hostage and this seems that this man has known all these women.


Suddenly a loud banging sound is heard from the front door of the old building and this sound startled Tang Yu as the main protagonist of this story The Dragon King Ye Chen has arrived to save his harem.

Tang Yu: "Go and kill that bastard."

Tang Yu ordered his men to kill Ye Chen but one by one all of his men fell before the mighty Dragon King.

As they were normal human and Ye Chen is the mighty Dragon King in the sage level cultivator and hence they stood no chance against him.

Now Ye Chen is standing in front of Tang Yu and seeing Ye Chen a cocky smile blossomed on the face of Tang Yu.

Tang Yu: "Ye Chen don't be like this. I will kill these beautiful women and for this you will be responsible."

Holding a knife on the throat of Wang Yixing, Tang Yu threated Ye Chen to back off or else he will the ladies.

But even after knowing that Ye Chen is Dragon King and can kill him in an instant he still threaten him and all of this happened because of Tang Yu's ignorance.

But soon Ye Chen sent a shockwave of his cultivation energy towards Tang Yu and this shockwave hit the knife out of Tang Yu's hand and knocked him down onto the ground.

Tang Yu: "Ye Chen... Big Brother, I am wrong. I know I am wrong. Please spare my life. Please Dragon King spare my life."

Ye Chen: "People like you deserve to die."

Soon a pure white colored sword appeared in the hand of Ye Chen and without delaying further Ye Chen sliced the head of Tang Yu away from his body.

And this marked the death of the villain Tang Yu by the hands of Ye Chen and Ye Chen has already taken over the Tang Family as well.

 -End Of The Chapter-

Wang Xuan: "What The Fuck is wrong with the villains of these cool novels..."

Wang Xuan: "Even after knowing thst the protagonist is the Dragon King, they still went ahead to kill him. Especially this Tang Yu guy, he clearly knew that Ye Chen was the Dragon King yet he ignored that went on to kidnap his harem members. Such a foolish villain."

Laying down on his bed Wang Xuan was reading a web novel on his phone and after finishing many web novels he finds it utterly foolish in the behavior of the villains that they all try to provoke the protagonists even after knowing their identiy as a very powerful and great figure in the martial arts world with high level of cultivation.

Being frustrated with those villains after the reading the web novels Wang Xuan throws his phone away from him on the bed and puts his head on the cushion and began to think about his life.

And Wang Xuan even find the heroes of these novels to be more pathetic than that of villains because after reading so many reading so many novels he just found that the heroes are just pure monsters who even if being so much powerful loves to torture the npcs who just do their duty.

Wang Xuan: "And these protagonists they are no better. They all say that they want peace and save the world but in reality they all want money, wealth, fame and a harem filled with beautiful women. I mean who would not want them but keeping your real desires hidden and pretend to be the protector of humanity is just bullshit. In my opinion all of those npcs are better than these heroes and villains."

Retrospecting the lives of heroes and villains of the novels Wang Xuan just thought how those villains and heroes are just going after the same thing with the difference being on one party being on the so called good side and other being on the bad side.

He just thought that there are is no one with a clear conscience of putting the straight up facts in front of both of them and the only sensible characters Wang Xuan found good was the npcs of those novels who just do their own work but gets trapped between these heroes and villains without getting any sympathy.


Wang Xuan: "Who is that ? Who is laughing like that ?"

As he was in his own deep thinking about his own life, he heard a laugh sound resounding in his room and when he looked for the source of this sound, he saw his phone glowing and that laughing sound coming from it.

Soon Wang Xuan sat down on his bed and immediately took his phone in his hand but that laughing sound still continued to come from his phone without any stop to it.

Soon the glow of the phone began to radiate more brightly and slowly slowly that radiating bright light began make Wang Xuan unable to keep his eyes opened and with this difficulty he closed his eyes and also shielded his eyes with his hands.

But then that bright light covered the entire body of Wang Xuan and after this immediately Wang Xuan got sucked into his own phone.


As he was being sucked into his phone, Wang Xuan screamed loudly out of fear and soon Wang Xuan felt himself being sitting on a soft thing, so he opened his eyes and found himself sitting on chair.

Then he looked curiosily around him and he found himself to be present in a small room which is very small compared to his own room and then he looked at his clothes and he found that he is wearing a very normal dress with a black apron above his clothes.

Wang Xuan: "Where am I ? What is this place ? How am I got here ? And what am I wearing ?"

"It's your new home from now on and your identity as well." Suddenly an invisible voice began to answer Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan: "Who are you ? What have you done to me ? Come in front of me right now."

And then suddenly a blue light appeared in front of Wang Xuan and when light began to fade an old man with with white and facial hairs along with wearing white colored chinese traditional martial arts Master's dress appeared in front of Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan: "Aahhh... who are you ?"

With a questionable look Wang Xuan asked the old man about his identity.

Shu Ling: "I am Shu Ling. The residing spirit of the novel world which you enjoy to read. And I am the one who have brought you here into the novel world."

Shu Ling replied about his identity with the revelation that he is the one who brought him into the world of novel.

Wang Xuan: "Why am I here ? Why have you brought me here ?"

Now Wang Xuan wants the answer for his questions from Shu Ling.

Shu Ling: "It was your wish to be a normal npc in the novel world. That's why I have brought you here."

Now Shu Ling revealed the main thing about the place where Wang Xuan is present now.

Wang Xuan: "So you mean I am now a normal npc in the novel world ?"

Shu Ling: "Yes you are a normal npc. You are now fish monger who makes a living by selling fishes."

Wang Xuan: "I know that I have wished to be a normal npc in the novel world but I thought that I could be a rich npc character and not poor."

Shu Ling: "Hahahaha... I know."

Wang Xuan: "Then Master Shu Ling why have you made me a poor npc."

Shu Ling: "Hahaha.... you are a very interesting young man you."

Wang Xuan: "Aiyaa Master then please do something about it."

Shu Ling: "Don't worry. The npc you have become now has a secret identity. That is you are the youngest son of the Bai family who was lost twenty years ago from them and your name is Bai Feng."

Wang Xuan: "Bai family ? Is it the same Bai family of heroine Bai Wanyi ?"

Shu Ling: "Yes and Bai Wanyi is your own elder sister."

Wang Xuan: "What ? Bai Wanyi is my elder sister. And according to the story Bai Wanyi is policewoman who works in the special division of the Kings Guard Police Department. If she is my elder sister then this novel is of Hero Ye Chen and villain Tang Yu."

After hearing about his new identity and family, Wang Xuan remembered about the identity of his new elder sister and about novel he is in right now.

But as he knew about the novel and his new situation, Wang Xuan became very fearful as he knew that there are just monsters present in this novel world in the form of protagonists and antagonists.

Wang Xuan: "Master may I ask how should I return to my world ?"

Shu Ling: "Just wait to reach at the final of the novel and then you can get out of this world."

Shu Ling told a way to Wang Xuan to get out of the novel world and then he put two of his fingers on the forehead of Wang Xuan and from his fingers a blue light began to radiate thst soon begin to enter inside Wang Xuan's head.