Chapter 31: Of Conflicts and Steps Towards Resolution

Harry awoke to the year of 1994 with a woman in his arms. It just wasn't the right woman. Oh, she was certainly beautiful. And he did care for her. But she wasn't Pansy. Regardless of how much fun his body might have had last night, and even if Pansy wanted him to fulfill her plan, he still wasn't happy about the whole complicated scenario.

His thoughts were racing when he felt Narcissa stir.

"Good morning, Harry."

"Good morning, Narcissa."

He was glad she was facing away from him as he was afraid of what emotions he might have otherwise betrayed. What exactly was he supposed to do now?

"How are you feeling this morning?" she asked.

"Still a bit tired."

"I meant more about the champagne. I doubt you've had that much to drink before."

"No, you're right about that. I feel okay I guess. How do you feel?"

"Wonderful. Well, maybe a little sore. I'm not used to teenage stamina.

"But last night ended up going much better than I had planned."

"I'm happy to have done my part," he answered and kissed the back of her head. Her hair smelled incredible, and with the way she was pressed up against him, it was a miracle that he wasn't ready for another round.

"I suppose we have to get up. Who knows what I'm going to have to deal with from Draco today."

"I wish you luck with that," he chuckled.

"Why don't you wait for me to leave before getting up? I'd rather not have him know just where you slept last night."


As she climbed out of the bed, Harry immediately became aroused. He couldn't help it when he watched her naked body walking away from him. She had a great arse, and seeing it in the light of day made a part of him want to follow her and shag her once again.

He lay back down and closed his eyes. He supposed it would have been the last time if he had followed his inclination. Some small part of him was saddened by that thought.

He knew he shouldn't have been. He loved Pansy. But he still cared about Narcissa, and that just made everything confusing. Plus, the inevitable guilt was starting to seep in past his hormones and his affection for the other woman. That's what she was, even if Harry had been given this mission to seduce Narcissa Malfoy by his own girlfriend.

It wasn't that hard since she had been wanting to seduce him as well.

But now, dealing with the morning after was not going to be very pleasant.

An hour later, Harry was back home sitting on the couch and trying to figure out what came next. Pansy had gone straight to the bathroom, needing a shower she had said. He wasn't too surprised when she told him that she was going to shower by herself. Harry had a feeling he wasn't going to get to join her any time soon.

They had shared a brief tense breakfast with the Malfoys before they left. Draco looked terrible, like he hadn't slept, and Harry wondered just what Pansy had done to him.

But that had not been the most pressing issue. Harry had awkward expressions coming from both women, and he was trying not to stare, blush, or wilt before their gazes.

And then there had been the goodbye kiss.

He really shouldn't have done it. At least it had just been the two of them. But he needed to do it. He needed to try to feel some sort of closure. He knew there couldn't be any sort of future between them, but he just couldn't cast Narcissa aside. Not after the effect last night had had on both of them. He knew it must have been important to her- finally breaking free from the loveless cage she'd been trapped in for so long.

The problem was how much he ended up caring too. He really had meant it when he told her that he wished he could have gone back in time and saved her from marrying Malfoy.

But even if he wanted to try to be with her, how could he? Not even thinking of Pansy's part of that equation, Harry lived at Hogwarts for almost ten months a year. Would she be content with seeing him just on weekends? He doubted it.

And the truth was, he knew that it wouldn't have been enough for him either.

In the end, all it really boiled down to was the fact that there just wasn't a way he could keep seeing her.

So he kissed her goodbye, and Harry poured everything he felt for her into that kiss.

Which left him now feeling bereft, knowing that something... something precious was gone from his life.

He heard Pansy getting out of the shower and felt a tidal wave of guilt finally crash onto him. Didn't he already have something precious in his life?

Dobby had brought him a set of pyjamas to wear which Harry was thankful for. If he could somehow calm down, he really needed to get some more sleep. But that would require his brain to cool off, and he had felt like it was going a mile minute ever since he woke up.

She came out of the bathroom.

"I'm going back to sleep."

Harry couldn't say anything as he watched her go. Five little words, but he felt like there was more than enough meaning.

Not, let's go back to sleep.

Not, come back to bed with me.

No. She was going back to sleep. By herself. It was unstated, but Harry knew.

He waited for any other sounds. He tried to hope for some sort of sign that he was wrong about her. But nothing came. While his stomach roiled, all he could do was sit there and worry about how they could fix this. If they could fix this.

Time felt strange as he sat there. Eventually he made his way into the bathroom. He turned on the faucet and tried splashing some water on his face. It didn't help, and moments later he was in front of the toilet, retching.

Pansy awoke some time in the early afternoon to an empty bed. Harry had never joined her and that made her feel something was wrong. More wrong. This morning had been bad enough. Waking up alone was one thing. Knowing why was another, and knowing where Harry was, despite his protestations the night before, didn't make anything easier.

Then they had come home, and the distance remained.

She went straight to the shower. She had to. She felt so unclean. Last night had worked, just as she thought it would, almost better in a way. Torturing Draco was exquisite. Even watching wasn't so bad.

At least, that's what she tried to tell herself.

Part of it wasn't so bad.

Was that true or just something she was failing to convince the little voice in her head?

But there was just that one thing that still bothered her so. Okay, two things really. But why, why had he had to do that?

Pansy got up and went to find Harry.

He was curled up on the couch, and he didn't look very well. In fact, he was a bit clammy to the touch. Was he sick?


He groaned softly as he rolled over and his eyes drowsily opened.

"What are you doing out here?"


"Why didn't you come to bed with me?"

"I..." Harry closed his eyes as he sat up. "I didn't think you wanted me to."

"What? Why would you think that?"

He looked down, refusing to meet her eyes. This was even more wrong than she had known.

"I... I'm sorry," he finally exhaled in a whisper. His shoulders sagged, and Harry seemed to be folding in on himself. She took his hand and pulled at him.

"Get up, Harry, come back to bed with me."

He let her lead him to the bedroom. Pansy rolled back the covers and started to climb into the bed when she noticed Harry just standing there. She patted the mattress beside her. "Come on Harry, get in."

He did as she asked, but he still wasn't looking at her. She rolled onto her side and waited for him to curl up behind her.

But the moment just stretched on as she waited. Finally she turned back over and saw that he was facing away from her.

"Harry, are you alright? You feel like you might have a fever."

"I don't know. I threw up earlier."

"I was afraid you had too much to drink last night."

"It wasn't the alcohol." His voice was quiet, and Pansy was becoming more worried by the second.

"What was it then?"

"Everything else."

She raised her hand to his shoulder and felt him shiver.

"Harry, look at me."

He rolled over, and she saw that he was even more afraid than he been had months ago when she had discovered what he had suffered at the hands of those damn muggles. Despite all the confusing things she still felt, it broke her heart to see him looking like that.

She pulled him in close and burrowed her head under his chin. Finally, Harry responded and wrapped his arms around her.

"Last night is over, Harry. We don't need to talk about it. We're home. We both need some rest and then probably a good meal. I'm sure we can count on Dobby to take care of us."


They were quiet then, but together. It was a start.

The next few days passed awkwardly. Neither of them spoke of the events at the Malfoys. They both acted like nothing important had happened. It worked, at least part of the time. But what once seemed solid and unbreakable definitely now had a crack. By the end of the break, neither of them was feeling up to riding the train back to Hogwarts. So instead they decided to use the Dobby express to go straight to Hogsmeade.

They beat the train's arrival by at least an hour, so they slowly made their way over the snowy ground up to the school. Thankfully, it was only a dusting of snow so their feet didn't freeze, but they were both glad for their new winter coats as they tread along the path.

Hagrid waved hello to them as they reached the gates, but they didn't stop to chat as he was busy getting the thestrals hooked up to the school carriages. Pansy still couldn't see the creatures, but Harry confirmed that they were there once again. They both wondered who all at the school might be able to see them. Hagrid could, obviously, or it would have made that part of his job much more difficult. But then, Hagrid had lived through the years of Voldemort's reign of terror, so it wasn't too surprising that he might have seen death.

That made them think that probably many of the teachers would be able to see them. However, the students were another matter entirely.

Eventually they made it to the castle and trudged up the many flights of stairs to the Gryffindor tower and their quarters. Very few students had stayed over the break, so they simply went inside and asked Dobby to make them something hot for a late lunch. All that walking through the cold had brought out their appetites.

After eating, Harry went out into the common room and saw that the rest of the student body had arrived. Wood had the quidditch team grouped up and called Harry over once he saw him.

"So, Harry, I trust you got a replacement broom over the holidays? As soon as the weather clears up a bit, we need to get back to practicing." The chasers all looked like they were dreading flying in January while the twins were merely rolling their eyes.

"Actually, Oliver, I guess I should show you guys one of my Christmas presents."

Ron and Hermione had come over and Harry was greeting them while heading back to his room.

"Give me a second guys. You'll never believe what I got for Christmas."

He went inside and found his broom and asked Pansy to come out with him. She thought it would be good for both of them to try to ease back into dealing with the other students, and the Firebolt should be a nice distraction as they had to remember how they acted in public.

Harry brought the broom out still in the box it had been shipped in. It would be better showmanship to have a dramatic reveal, and Harry was looking forward to possibly making Wood faint. He walked over to the table the rest of the team was gathered around with Ron and Hermione crowding around him and Pansy falling back just a bit, so as to not be too crushed by the group, especially once the excitement came.

"Ladies and gentleman," Harry stood tall and put on a grin, "I introduce you to my new broom. I call her Sheila."

The box was opened and several gasps were heard, followed by a brief moment of silence. There she was, his brand new Firebolt.

"Bloody hell, mate, you got a Firebolt!?" Ron broke the quiet with his usual manner.

"Language, Ronald!" And of course, Hermione would react like that.

Oliver Wood, meanwhile, grabbed Harry in a ferocious hug. "I love you, Harry. Here I was thinking you'd probably buy another Nimbus, but no, you went all out. We're bound to win now."

The crowd around them was all gazing star struck at the new broom, while the Scottish keeper kept his arm around Harry's shoulders like a proud older brother. Ron reached out and very lightly stroked the shaft. His mouth was open, but at least he wasn't actually drooling.

Pansy saw all this and it took every last ounce of her willpower to stop herself from rolling her eyes. Clearly Harry wasn't the only one that got far too excited over this new broom. It was so hard not to be completely condescending sometimes.

"This must have cost quite a lot. You shouldn't have spent so much money, Harry." Granger would be the one to try to throw reason out at the excited crowd of children.

"Actually, I didn't spend anything on it. It was a gift."

"A gift from who?"

"A secret admirer," Harry answered with a chuckle. "At least, that's what Hedwig said, but I don't think she understood when I tried to tell her that we humans use that term for a romantically interested admirer."

Hermione opened her mouth and started to say something only to close it just as quickly. Harry didn't see her turn and walk away, but Pansy noticed the suspicious look on her face.

"So, no idea who sent it to you?"

"Well, according to Pansy it was some rich bint," Harry said and the twins laughed outrageously then gave her appreciative nods.

"Have you tried her out yet, Harry?" Wood asked still eyeing the broom lasciviously as if it were a naked woman.

"Only briefly. The weather wasn't very conducive to flying. But, yeah, Sheila's just as amazing as you might think. Unbelievably fast, incredibly maneuverable, and she stops on a dime."

"You sound like you're in love," Angelina teased.

"If he isn't, Wood is," Katie replied with a grin.

"Alright, this settles it. First chance we get with the weather, team practice." Wood looked just as maniacal as Pansy had remembered last term.

"Okay, Oliver, but remember, if Harry gets frostbite he won't be able to catch the snitch no matter what broom he's on," one of the Weasley twins said.

"Yeah, he needs his fingers for that, Ollie," the other twin added.

Pansy wondered if there were any simple way to tell them apart. Of course, she wasn't sure if she would ever really need to be able to differentiate between them. Still, it might be something to do during the endless quidditch practices she had a feeling were coming sooner than anyone other than Oliver Wood might prefer.

She stood back and watched Harry interact with the crowd for awhile. He was becoming much less tense; maybe being around other people would help them both loosen up. There was still something they needed to fix, but Pansy wasn't sure how and she knew Harry wasn't any more capable than she was. Neither of them had learned how to properly deal with emotional trauma. In fact, both of them had learned to keep things inside or else.

Until recently, she hadn't needed to hide very much from Harry. He was always open to her, willing to care for her and listen to her, even when he might tease her or she might be more snarky than she really needed to be. But now, she was going to have to do something. She just wasn't sure what.

Her thoughts were disturbed not by the rowdy students but by McGonagall striding into the room and past her as she headed towards the quidditch players.

"Quiet please, everyone. Mr. Potter, I'm afraid I'm going to have to confiscate that broom."

"Excuse me?" Harry's voice got icy and Pansy smiled to herself. It was such a turn on to hear that edge coming to the surface.

"Without knowing who sent you that broom, there is a chance it could be cursed to endanger you."

"I really don't think you want to do that, professor." Harry was glaring at his head of house, but he also spared a glance over at Granger, who had obviously been the instigator of this. Stupid, nosy bint. "For a couple of reasons. First of all, I doubt you need the hassle of unnecessary legal proceedings, such as being sued for harassment and possible theft. I don't see anyone else's Christmas gifts being confiscated just because some random person could have theoretically cursed them. And secondly, I know the broom isn't cursed because I've already used it."

"You have?"

"Yes, you can ask Hagrid, he saw me fly it."

"Very well, Mr. Potter, carry on then."

At least McGonagall listened to reason, Pansy thought as the teacher left the Gryffindor common room. Harry, though, ooh he looked incredibly angry as he strode over to Granger.

"What the fuck is your problem, Hermione?"

The room was silenced by the vitriol coming from Harry.

"Harry, I thought that it might have been sent by Sirius Black. You know he's out to get you."

"And he's done such a wonderful job, what with attacking the school on the one day I wasn't here. Now, apparently his master plan is to curse an incredibly expensive broom. What a brilliant criminal mastermind.

"But of course, that wasn't my question. If you were concerned about the broom being cursed, the reasonable thing for you to do would have been to talk to me about it. Not going behind my back to run and tell teacher. Are you ever going to grow up?

"When have the teachers here ever done anything to help us? Did a teacher save you from the troll? Did a teacher stop Quirell? Did a teacher do anything about the Chamber of Secrets? Hell, did any of the teachers even say a word about Malfoy proclaiming that all the mudbloods would be killed by the heir of Slytherin? Something he did in front of most of the school, for fuck's sake!

"But no, let's trust the teachers more than your supposed best friend. Harry clearly can't be trusted to make his own decisions, right?" Pansy walked over to stand next to him and added her own glare at Granger. Harry was clenching his fists.

"Pansy?" He asked with a look, and she answered.


It was a slap that rang out across Gryffindor tower.

"Thank you," Harry said to her as Hermione cowered before him. "Let's get something straight, Granger. You have no say over my life. You are not my mother. You're not my guardian or minder. You have been one of my friends, but if you ever pull some shit like this again, you can forget about that."

Granger ran up the stairs as the tears began to fall.

Pansy was incredibly turned on by seeing Harry get so furious with the meddlesome little bookworm. Now, if he would only cut loose the useless ginger moron.

"Alright, show's over, everybody," Harry said and the crowd began to break up, nervously avoiding the anger they had seen in him. He boxed his broom back up and headed off to their private quarters.

Pansy didn't even bother to hide the look on her face as she quickly followed him. If they saw her smirk, they would probably assume that she just didn't like Granger. But the rest of the Gryffindors were doing everything they could to avoid looking at Harry or her as they left.

It only took them a moment to get back inside their quarters, and it took less than a second after that for Pansy to throw her arms around his neck and attack his lips. Harry was slightly surprised but quickly answered her passion with his own.

"Bedroom, now," she growled out in a brief moment between snogs. Harry lowered his arms and lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Times like this she didn't mind being somewhat small for her age. And, oh, she felt something wonderful pressing up against her as they stumbled towards the bed.

They practically tore their clothes off. Harry started to slide down her body, but she pulled him back up to her face and kissed him. She reached down between them and pulled him towards her entrance.

"I can't wait- fuck me."

He was inside her then, and she had been so ready ever since his ire had turned towards McGonagall and Granger. Oh, God yes! She might actually have to thank the bossy little cunt if Harry would fuck her like this every time she pissed him off.

It felt like his mouth and hands were all over her. Of course, they almost were, as Harry was frantically trying to grope and suckle every part of her he could reach while he hammered into her. Pansy's orgasm came quickly and it seemed like her whole body shook. Her legs were stretched out and her toes were curling, and Harry couldn't see it, but Pansy's expression was utter bliss.

Soon after, she had a second as Harry continued his frenzied ministrations. Before she reached a third climax, Harry's hands had reached around her and began squeezing her bum as he poured himself into her. He slumped on top of her and she luxuriated in his weight holding her down. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him as tight as she could and ground her pelvis into him, while reaching down to find her clit, and then she finished the job with Harry still buried deep inside her.

Her eyes were clamped shut and her mouth was wide open as she was gasping. Was she seeing stars?

Pansy opened her eyes to Harry smiling brightly at her.

"It looks like you had fun."

She answered by kissing him again. As Harry started to lift off her, Pansy grabbed him and held him close.

"Don't you fucking dare move, Harry."

"I don't want to crush you."

"You aren't, this feels really, really nice."

"Alright, then give me your hand." When she looked puzzled, he clarified. "Your right hand."

He brought it to his lips and tenderly kissed her palm.

"What was that for?"

"I didn't want your hand to hurt. And also, thank you. For slapping Hermione. In some ways, she's a better friend than Ron, but when she pulls that crap like she knows what's best for my life just because she reads all the damn time, I just...

"Well, I guess I just want to slap her. But I really shouldn't. That wouldn't be the right image for the boy who lived, I guess. Better that you did it."

Pansy giggled and Harry looked at her strangely.

"I actually want to thank her, in a way. That was really great sex. I like it when you get angry." Harry chuckled and kissed her again.

"I love you."

Pansy smiled at him in response, and Harry felt like a burden had lifted from his heart. He sighed and kissed her, slowly and tenderly this time. Pansy relaxed her embrace and returned his affection.

He burrowed his head into her neck and kissed below her ear before they eventually just lay still together.

Finally, she lifted his head.

"Okay, now I need you to get off me."

Harry chuckled and rolled over. Pansy curled herself atop him and sighed happily as he wrapped his left arm around her. His right hand slid lower as Harry was absentmindedly stroking her side, from just under her breast, down past her waist and along the top of her thigh. This was one of those things she loved about him- even when he wasn't paying attention, he instinctively was making her feel wonderful. His touch was soft, and she felt so cherished.

"We should probably take a shower," he finally said, shaking Pansy from her happy daze.

"No way, Harry."

He felt her shaking her head against him and she shifted her weight to be a bit more on top of him.

"Pansy, I can feel our skin sticking together."

"Mmm, tell me more Harry." Harry groaned as she purred and wriggled against him. "Oh, all of a sudden you don't like being sweaty with me?"

"No, it's just-"

"It's just that I feel perfect right now. And besides, you know we're going to end up having sex again before the night is through. We may as well only clean up once."

"I guess we aren't going to dinner then."

"Do you really want to after what happened with the broom?"

Harry laughed.

"You know something? I actually forgot all about that."

"Good," she said. "I hoped I wasn't the only one."

"Only one?" He looked down at her with his eyebrows furrowed.

"I think we fucked each other silly earlier."

Harry started to snicker, which set Pansy into giggling at him, which he copied, and soon enough they were rolling around the bed laughing maniacally together.

Once they caught their breaths, Pansy's prediction came true. Her naked, sweaty body never failed to get a rise out of him.

The next week passed so much smoother as they returned to their classes. They did have to get used to being around the other students again, and that meant going back to hiding their affection for each other until they were behind closed doors, something neither of them was very pleased about.

Pansy had to force Harry to spend a bit of time with other people, and although she wouldn't admit it, this made her pleased with how much he preferred her company over all others. She still occasionally worried that he might tire of her some day, but Harry showed no sign of that. Just the opposite really.

For her part, Pansy had never really liked anyone before Harry. Oh, there were a few people she tolerated well enough. Patil wasn't too bad when she wasn't drooling over her boyfriend. Granger was even amusing when she was annoyed by the moronic weasel, which was often enough lately. The animosity of their pets had fired up again once they got back from the holidays. Why exactly was that foolish boy allowed to have such a disgusting piece of vermin as a pet anyway?

The next weekend brought a visit from Sam, and Harry telling him everything he could think of about his second year and the entire business with the heir of Slytherin. It was pretty fascinating really, as there were a couple of bits Harry hadn't told her before. McKenzie took copious notes, and she could see the ideas firing in his eyes as he questioned Harry particularly about every detail he could remember of Riddle and his diary. The solicitor was going to have plans about how to deal with this, and actually, he would be in a much better position to figure out how to get the story out over the true identity of the Dark Lord.

A week after that, things would get much more interesting. Lucius Malfoy was being released from Azkaban.

That Saturday, the seventeenth of January, once again saw Draco leaving the school with Narcissa. This time, there was no Hogsmeade weekend to conceal their actions. It was well known that the elder Malfoy was being released from Azkaban. Whether or not Pansy might have helped along the gossip about the Malfoy family was something that would not have been obvious unless you were paying very close attention. After all, it wasn't her fault that she just happened to be speaking with Harry about the Malfoy family where Patil and Brown could overhear her.

Draco hadn't returned by dinner time that evening.

Pansy made sure Harry went to sleep very happily that night. She might have strained something, as keeping up with his ridiculous desire for her was quite a challenge. But Harry needed to be as stress free as possible for the potential second option of her plan. She would just have to see what tomorrow would bring...

Pansy was high strung the next day. Breakfast in the Great Hall brought no news. Also, no Draco yet.

Harry could feel her tension.

They had to sneak off under the cloak together back into their quarters. He took her back to their bed and they made love for the rest of the morning.

Pansy's worry finally broke as they were about to go back outside for lunch. As soon as the tears started to fall, Harry engulfed her in his arms.

"Everything will be alright. Your plan will work."

She sobbed still into his chest.

"Hey, remember I was the one who had doubts before." Harry tried to tease her, but it did no good. "Pansy, look at me."

He finally had to force her head back.

"I promise you, everything will work out. Remember the other night when you had me practice spells? What happened?"

"You were destroying the targets."

"With ease, Pansy. Hell, I thought I might have done some damage to the wall behind them once. Ever since the ritual this fall, I've felt a lot more powerful. I know your spells have had a bit more oomph as well. I'm not sure exactly how well it worked, but it will be enough."

"I can't lose you, Harry." She molded herself back into his chest.

"I love you, Pansy. And I promise, I'm not going anywhere."

Once she was able to collect herself, they went back to the Great Hall for lunch.

That meal came and went and soon people were starting to get up to go about their afternoons. Maybe the first option had worked after all?

But no, just then a trio of blondes strode in through the doors.

Draco looked smug. Narcissa looked calm, at first, but Pansy noticed a worry in her eyes.

Now, Lucius, on the other hand, looked like a mess. Azkaban had done him no favors. He wasn't nearly as well put together as usual, and he appeared to have lost a fair amount of weight. His gait was not as confident or preening either, and in his gaze appeared a sort of mania. He had dark circles around his eyes, and he seemed to be barely in control of himself.

Pansy's breath released and she held in a smile. Harry would be okay. This would work after all.

"Potter!" Lucius yelled with a sneer on his face. He was almost as unhinged as Pansy had hoped he would be.

Dumbledore stood and the students went nearly silent as he bellowed out, "Mr. Malfoy, what brings you to Hogwarts today? Surely you should be home recuperating from your ordeal."

"Stay out of this, Dumbledore. As head of House Malfoy, I challenge the head of House Potter to a duel."

"Come now, Lucius, there's no need for such hostility."

"That brat sullied my wife and disrespected House Malfoy. I will have his head for this."

Before anyone else could move, Harry stood.

"I accept."

Pansy saw Dumbledore sink back into his chair as if he had been struck. McGonagall next to him looked terribly worried. Hagrid, Lupin, Sprout, they all were shocked by Harry's agreement. Even Snape looked startled.

None of the voices of the students were particularly loud, but hundreds of whispers still made quite the din.

Finally, professor Flitwick emerged from the head table with his wand drawn.

"Will everyone please clear space? I suggest the younger students leave, prefects please escort them out."

No one got up, though. Everyone wanted to see what would happen to the boy who lived. Pansy wasn't the least bit surprised by this. Hell, the Creevey boy already had his camera out.

"Very well," the diminutive teacher sighed. The tables were pushed towards the sides of the room as everyone found their seats again now that the room had a wide aisle down the middle. Flitwick's wand was a blur as he raised powerful protective spells along both sides to keep from allowing collateral damage.

"I guess I really shouldn't be surprised by this, Malfoy. I stopped your scheme with the Chamber of Secrets last year. You tried to attack me then too. And just like last time, you'll fail again today.

"It is a shame that you felt the need to slander your wife though. I guess you couldn't have her showing you up by throwing a successful party while you were away. She should have waited for her Death Eater husband to get out, right? I just knew New Year's Eve was missing something. The screams of muggles, that's what you would have added to the night's festivities."

"You'll be the only one screaming today, Potter," Malfoy snarled. Pansy saw Narcissa drawing back to one side and pulling Draco with her. She felt a bit of her disgust with the Lady Malfoy recede as she was clearly worried for Harry's sake. It's hard to hate someone when she wants her husband dead almost as much as you do.

"You must be feeling quite sure of yourself today, Malfoy, to be attacking someone that can actually fight back for once. Only a teenager, but still more dangerous than your usual targets. I guess you couldn't find any muggles to torture, or maybe Azkaban made you even more of a psycho."

"Prepare to die, little boy."

The crowd was stunned seeing Harry rile up his opponent, but Flitwick stepped in between the two of them and raised his wand.

"Are you both prepared?"

"Yes," Harry answered calmly.

"Let's get on with it," Malfoy sneered. "I will end House Potter and then put House Malfoy back in its place."

"Begin!" shouted Flitwick as he leapt aside.

Malfoy immediately began with a killing curse that went high and wide. Shit. Maybe she had made him too unhinged.


Harry stepped left and dodged low as he fired off a banishing charm that smashed into Malfoy and took him off his feet. Harry quickly stepped forward and followed up by sending his wand flying with a disarming charm.

Malfoy sneered and struggled to get to his feet while Harry strode steadily forward.

"Do you yield?"

Malfoy answered by drawing a second wand, but Harry was ready.

"Expelliarmus!" Malfoy was once again disarmed in the blink of an eye. Harry was even faster than Pansy had remembered.

"Depulso!" Another banishing charm sent Malfoy hurling further down the aisle, tumbling over.

"Do you yield?"

Harry continued his pace forward. It worried Pansy; he was being too confident. This wasn't part of the plan.

"Never!" Malfoy drew a hidden blade from his boot and slashed up at Harry. His time in Azkaban had done him too much harm though. Harry was younger and healthier, and not to mention, much quicker. His time dodging bullies helped him even more.

Malfoy, on the other hand, probably hadn't had to dodge anything in years.

Another Expelliarmus sent the dagger flying.

"Do you yield?"

Before Malfoy could try to get to his feet again, Harry's wand was once again in motion.

"Petrificus Totalus!"

Malfoy fell flat against the floor. Pansy saw Harry step right over the downed man. He leaned over and whispered something she couldn't hear.

"Two things, Malfoy. First of all, you're lucky that you tried to attack me instead of Narcissa. If you had hurt her, I would have gladly killed you, slowly. Even in front of all these people. But you won't ever get a chance to touch her ever again.

"And secondly, when you get to Hell, tell Edmund Parkinson hello for me. I'll be sending the rest of your little band of terrorists to join you soon enough."


Harry stood over Malfoy and cast the severing charm. The room was silent as the man's throat was sliced open, blood gushing onto the floor.

"He should have surrendered," Harry said calmly.

It took all her willpower to keep Pansy from running across the room and snogging him senseless. She would just have to wait to get him back to their quarters. Instead Granger broke the moment of tension by hurrying over and hugging him.

"Oh, Harry," she sobbed on his shoulder.

"House Potter is victorious!" Flitwick finally shouted, formally ending the duel.

Pansy smirked as Draco fainted. Narcissa shook her head sadly. Pomfrey crossed the hall towards them as McGonagall finally found her voice and stood up.

"Albus, you'd better contact the DMLE."

The headmaster looked stunned before rising to his feet, leaving his deputy in charge of the scene.

"Severus, I'm sorry, but if you would, please remove the body."

"Miss Granger, get a hold of yourself please," she said as she walked over to her students. Pansy followed along behind her. "Mr. Potter, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, professor."

Pansy could tell that Harry's peaceful demeanor, after having just killed a man, was disturbing to his teacher.

"Probably still high from the adrenaline," she muttered. "Very well, Mr. Potter, perhaps you should return to your quarters for the moment. I assume these two ladies can escort you there."

Pansy was glad to be noticed for once. She stepped up to Harry's side and took his arm.

"Come, my Lord, time to rest."

Harry nodded in response.

"Coming Granger?" Pansy asked and soon enough she was walking on Harry's other side as they left the Great Hall.

There were several moments of quiet as they trudged up the stairs before Hermione finally broke from her shock.

"I can't believe it, Harry. He tried to kill you! And then- and you-" she began stammering.

"Everything is alright, Hermione," he said, trying to placate her.

"But you...

"Harry, you killed him."


"So! Harry you killed someone!"

"It's not the first time," he answered quietly.

"What do you mean 'it's not the first time,' Harry?"

"Granger, would you please stop shrieking?" Pansy was sick of the nosy girl's attitude. Of course Harry was calm. It would take a lot more than taking out trash like Malfoy to get him rattled.

"Hermione, what do you think happened to Quirrell? He didn't just disappear. We fought, he lost. I killed him. You didn't really think he just quit his job, did you?"

"But... but that was... different."

"Not really. Malfoy was a Death Eater, one of Riddle's evil, little servants, just the same as Quirrell was. He tried to kill us both last year. I'm glad he's dead. Who knows, maybe next time he would have succeeded in killing one of us. I'd rather not take that chance. Besides, I offered to let him yield several times. It's not my fault he was too much of a psychopath to recognize when he was beaten."

"But, Harry, now you're a killer."

"Well, as I said, I became a killer two years ago. Hell, Hermione, most people think I killed Voldemort as a baby! I know you had read that before we even met. Did you think it was a bad thing that I had supposedly killed then?"

"No, but, but- that was self-defense. It was different."

"Malfoy tried to kill me today. Both with the killing curse and that knife he pulled. So what's the difference?"

"Harry, I just, I can't believe it."

Harry paused as they had finally reached the portrait of the Fat Lady.

"Is the gossip true, Mr. Potter?"

"If the gossip is that I defeated Malfoy in a duel, then had to kill him when he repeatedly refused to yield, then yes."

"Well, go on inside, then. You'll need your rest after a fight to the death." And with that her door opened.

"Thank you, milady," Harry answered with a smile.

It amused Pansy to see him be charming even with a portrait.

They all stepped inside the Gryffindor tower together. Harry led Pansy over to the entrance to their private quarters.

"So, what's the deal, Hermione?"

"Harry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about the broom. I'm sorry about today too. You were right. None of the teachers stepped in to try to protect you from Malfoy."

"They really couldn't do much, actually. That's one of the dangers of being head of a house. Responsibility comes with privilege."

"Are you saying, that, that that could happen again?" Granger looked even more horrified now, to Pansy's amusement.

"Yes. There aren't many who would try such a thing. Bad form, I suppose. But news of today's events would make it less likely. A teenager for a head of a family may theoretically look like a weak target, someone who could be manipulated or intimidated. However, once that same teen has been seen to have successfully defeated an older, more experienced challenger, well..."

"Not to mention, he has also been seen favorably hobnobbing with others in high society, as well as successfully dealing with legal issues from those who had profited from using his name," Pansy interjected. "No one will take my Lord for granted now."

For once, Harry actually blushed under her praise.

"I won't take you for granted either, Harry." Granger hugged him again and Pansy really wished she could slap her again. "I'm really sorry about what happened with the broom. You were right, as a friend I should have talked to you."

"Yes, you should have. Look, Hermione, I appreciate you. You have done a lot to help me over the last few years. But you don't know everything about me or my life, so please don't think you know what's best for me.

"I'm sure there will be times when I will need your advice or your intellect. But friendship requires respect."

"You're right, Harry. I won't disappoint you again."

She finally let Harry go, and he struggled to contain a snort as Pansy was rolling her eyes at his friend. He really hoped Hermione would learn from this. He honestly couldn't understand why she placed so much trust in authority figures- every month at Hogwarts seemed to prove them inept in one way or another, far too often involving near death experiences for Harry. Although, really, today was more his fault than the teachers.

Well, except for the fact that if the government had just been moderately capable, then Death Eaters wouldn't have so easily been able to use the Imperius defense. In which case, he wouldn't have had to deal with Malfoy at all. Hell, maybe Draco wouldn't have been such a vile little shit if he had been raised only by Narcissa.

"Alright, Hermione, I think I'm going to take Pansy's advice and get some rest."

Harry smiled as she went upstairs to get her books and get back to her seemingly endless work. He shook his head fondly; no matter how he had tried to convince her, Hermione refused to drop either Muggle Studies or Divination.

He would gladly drop about half his classes if he could get away with it. Passing his OWLS couldn't come soon enough in that regard. Dropping History of Magic, Astronomy, Herbology, and especially Potions would all be an improvement in his book.

As soon as they were alone again, he was in Pansy's arms being snogged like his life depended on it. He chuckled when she came up for air a minute later.

"What so funny?"

"Nothing, just happy we won today. And happy to be here with you."

"Good. I guess we should celebrate."

"No, I think you were right. Today has been really stressful. Let's go soak in the bath for awhile."

"That sounds wonderful, Harry. I am really stressed after all this."

"Besides, we can always celebrate later."

Pansy snorted as he winked at her exaggeratedly. She just grabbed his hand and led them to the tub.

They were in the bath long enough to require a warming charm to reheat the water.

For awhile they had merely happily relaxed and caressed each other. They would snog for a bit, then lay back and enjoy each other's embrace. Harry's hands would always wander down to cup her breasts. It made her laugh.

"Harry, I think my bras might be getting jealous of your hands."

"Good. My hands love your boobs. Bras can't compare to that."

"I don't know, some of my bras are pretty nice," she snickered.

"So are my hands," Harry growled.

"I guess I can't complain too much," she purred and leaned back, pressing into him as Harry leaned down and kissed her neck. "I'm so glad today worked out alright. For awhile there, waiting, I was afraid. Had something gone right? Or gone wrong?"

A moment later, Harry stilled. Something about her words struck him odd.

"What do you mean?"

"About what?"

"Had what gone right?"

He felt Pansy tense in his arms.

"You're not telling me something, Pansy. What is it?"

"It's nothing, Harry."

"Tell me the truth, Pansy."

He felt her shiver. Still not looking at him, her voice trembled.

"Please don't make me, Harry."

"Pansy, what is it?"

"Please, Harry," she begged. "Please don't make me."


"Please, Harry." She sobbed as he turned her to face him. "We're just getting things back to right. Please, don't do this."

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid you'll hate me."

"I could never hate you."

"Promise me."

"I promise. But I need to know. Whatever is bothering you, we can work it out. We need to trust each other.

"Now, what might have gone right?"

Pansy shivered once more before she began to speak. It worried him, but Harry needed to know the truth.


"I didn't tell you all of my plan. Or at least, not every facet. I told you how I planned to make Draco write to his father, to try to drive him to jealousy so he would confront you. But... I knew if I made him angry enough, he might do something rash. Something even more rash than attacking you."

"Narcissa," Harry whispered.

"Yes. If he were angry enough, he might have even tried to attack her. Hell, with what I dictated to Draco, I wouldn't have been surprised if he drew his wand in front of the aurors as soon as he was released."

"Or, he could have tried to kill her last night."

"Yes," she shuddered as she admitted he was right. "But Narcissa probably could have taken him in a fight from what we saw today."

"Not if he waited until she was asleep."

"You're right. That wasn't part of my plan, but it could have happened. I honestly didn't know who he would prefer to attack between the two of you."

"He could have killed her, Pansy."

Pansy silently looked down into the shadow of the water between them.

"How could that have worked for the plan?"

"Narcissa Malfoy couldn't just disappear from public. Especially not after recent events, working with you to get rid of the dementors. Then having you at her party."

"Oh Pansy." Now Harry shivered. "Is that what this was all about?"

She nodded, still averting his eyes.

"I only did what you told me."

"I saw what you did, Harry."

"What do you mean?"

"Draco had his wall charmed so that he could see through it. It seems the little pervert has serious mummy issues."

"So, you watched?"

"Yes. And I made him watch, to make him suffer. That part of it was wonderful.

"But yes, I watched. I saw everything you did to her."

"I don't understand. You told me to seduce her."

"I didn't tell you to care about her!" Finally her gaze rose to meet his and he saw her pain and anger.


Harry took a breath to gather his thoughts.

"I told you last summer that I cared about her. That I pitied her. She was trapped in a loveless arranged marriage- just like what we saved you from. How couldn't I pity her?"

"I don't care! I had to watch that bitch flirt with you. For months, Harry. Every time you saw her. I'd see her eyes light up. I'd see her ego growing with your attention."

"Who were you trying to get killed? Her or Lucius?"

"Either! Both! I don't care. I want all of the Malfoys dead."

"Then why the hell did you tell me to seduce her?"

"You were just supposed to shag her. Not make love to her!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Deep inside, Harry knew what she meant, but he couldn't bring himself to admit it out loud.

"Sex. Just sex. You weren't supposed to care about her."

"I already cared about her."

"I know. I made a mistake."

"I think we both did.

"Pansy, I'm sorry. I really don't know how to just shag someone without caring about them. I've never done that before."

"I know. I think we just see sex differently."

"We do?" Now, this was something he hadn't thought of before.

"Of course we do."

"I don't understand."

"Harry, I told you about how I'd heard my parents before. Having sex, or trying to sometimes. It happened more often than I admitted, especially when I was younger. I'd also seen them a couple of times.

"They would fight. They would argue. Sometimes my mother would cry afterwards. Sometimes she was already in tears when they began. Sex was never love. It was always about dominance, power, control, a struggle.

"Then you come along, and all of a sudden sex is about fun, romance, joy, lust. All of these good, positive things. Nothing at all like the darkness I'd learned from my parents. Everything is so innocent with you."

Harry had to laugh at that. "I don't think most people would consider me innocent. Especially not with what we get up to at night."

"Most people are stupid, Harry."

"I think I understand. Or at least, I'm trying to. That's why you enjoyed the birthday spankings so much I guess."

"Probably. If I really wanted to analyze it. But do you try to figure out why you like to do the things you enjoy so much?"

"Pansy, I'm a lot simpler than you, my love. I love you. I love your body. I don't think I have any hidden deeper motivations than that."

"Lucky you," she grumbled, but Harry smiled and brought her back into his arms.

"I guess I can thank the Dursleys for not damaging me sexually at least. I'm sorry your parents screwed things up for you like that."

"I don't think it's too much of a problem. At least most of the time. But that night... I just..."

"It's alright, Pansy," he cooed into her ear as he felt her shaking. "You can tell me anything. We can fix this."

"How can you be so sure?" she whispered with uncertainty clear in her tone.

"Because I love you. And I want to make everything better."

"That simple, huh?" she snorted at him. "I'll try, just don't... don't judge me."

"I won't, I promise."

"Okay. When I saw you with her, a part of me was hurt. Seeing you with another woman. Another part was interested, like in a clinical fashion. Wondering what you might do differently. Then there was a part that, well...

"A part was excited by humiliating Draco- and then watching you at the same time, seeing how you moved and the things you did to her. It was both a turn on and painful at the same time- and that felt like what I had learned of sex from my parents. Not love, not even desire really. Just this fucked up, twisted need to feel something, even if it was pain.

"My mother, naked and crying. That's what sex meant to seven year old Pansy. A part of me still feels... I don't know, like that's what I expected sex to be like for me too. Even after all my time with you, I can't just forget. No matter how hard I might want to."

"I'm sorry. What can I do to help?"

"I'm not sure."

Things got quiet for a moment as they just held onto each other.

"But I'm still mad at you," she finally said.

"About what?"

"You sucked on her toes."


"You sucked on her toes," she repeated as if Harry was being dense.

"Why is that important?"

"Because it was special."

"I don't understand."

"Look, we had talked and I had teased you about saying my toes were sexy. It was such a sweet, goofy thing. Like you find every part of me attractive."

"I do," he insisted.

"I'm starting to believe you," she chuckled. "But then, that one night when we were having sex and all of a sudden you started sucking on my toes. Harry, that was really fucking hot. I loved it. So seeing you do that to her, it just really bothered me."

"I'm sorry."

"You should be."

"I am."



"So... toe sucking is a good thing?" he asked.

"It was. Now, not so much."

"Oh. That sucks. I thought it was pretty hot too. I mean, I could tell you enjoyed it. And seeing you turned on turns me on, so, you know."

"Well, no toe sucking now."

"Crap. Like, not ever again?"

Pansy giggled.

"You're incorrigible, Harry."

"I try. I have a reputation to uphold, after all."

"Yes, you do."


"I'll get over it eventually. Just wait until the next time I tell you to suck on my toes."

"Ooh, like an order?"

Now they were both giggling.

"Yes. I order you to take me back to bed. I think we're ready to celebrate now."

"As you wish, milady."