Chapter 3: Ep. 1 - Awakening, II

Cozy fairy lights decorated the room of the humble café that I and Rox were currently visiting. We had occupied a quiet corner of the café, sparkling lights brightened the mood surrounding us, starkly contrasting the gloomy atmosphere of the Tenebra District.

The blissful aroma of freshly-baked pastries and coffee scattered about the café. This place exuded quite the pleasant vibe.

"Order for two." A disheveled waitress arrived to greet us as she gave us our ordered items. I had ordered a chocolate cornet and a caramel macchiato, while Rox ordered two breadsticks and an americano. "Thank you very muchly! Oh–and keep the change." Rox handed over a wad of cash, the waitress took the banknotes as she took a bow whilst expressing her thanks.

This guy, how could he be so relaxed?

"Now, now, we're in a cute lil' café so why dont'cha kick back and relax for a moment? You look awfully tense."

I scoffed. I was anything but relaxed right now.

"Alright, ask away, Shinyu. The night's still young so don't feel too pressured to get everything out at once." Rox took a bite out of his breadstick and took a sip from his americano.

I also took a sip from my caramel macchiato, quickly clearing my throat after tasting the immaculate creaminess of the drink.

"Who are you really?"

"I'm RoxRite, professional b-boy, and the definition of a ladies man if I do say so myself." Rox raised his head in triumph as he replied.

"No like, really. I want to know what your deal is."

"Ah right, of course, my bad ahaha." Rox put down his americano and rested his back on the back of his chair.

"As I've already told you that I am a Savant of the Adamari–"

"Well then what is this 'Adamari'?"

"The 'Adamari' is just one of the many paths a Savant can tread. All these paths differ in many ways but share one common interest, and that is the pursuit of the [Ultimate Endeavor]."

Rox ripped off a tiny portion of his last breadstick and gripped it with his palm, flames enveloped his hands as the tiny bit of bread was devoured in the congestion of fire.

"We who tread the path of the Adamari are quite abundant in Eidolo, we are known for our burning passion towards personal interests or something like that. Our mastery of the flame is a reflection of this aspect of ourselves. Those of the Adamari believe the [Ultimate Endeavor] is to adhere to one's desires, no matter the cost. "

"Is that really what the [Ultimate Endeavor] is?"

"You tell me." Rox laughed awkwardly while deflecting the question.

Ah whatever, better than nothing.

"So uh, are there more of you?"

"Oh yes of course! In fact, the Tenebra District is home to many Savants. WIth the looming threat of extermination by the hands of the Synod, the lower levels of the Tenebra District have become one of few safe havens for the Savants of Eidolo. It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth knowing this is all due to the Synod's contempt towards us. It's much more bitter than the lingering flavor of this americano."

My eyes widened as we locked gazes.

"I'm sure you know what I'm talking about Shinyu, you witnessed it first hand."

The Heralds of the council.

The cornerstones of the Synod.

These people who I had thought were the guardians of Eidolo threatened to end my very existence the night before. From our youth, we were led to believe the council were akin to that of mighty deities keeping us safe. So just why exactly–

"Why exactly do the Synod hate us? Why do they despise Savants?"

"They consider us a threat. Not just to the people of Eidolo, but also to the [Ultimate Endeavor]. Well more like, their depiction of the [Ultimate Endeavor]. They got like, this annoying superiority complex y'know. They're so self-centered thinking their idea of the [Ultimate Endeavor] is the one and only correct interpretation. So in order to ensure their goals were not ruined, they've slowly been killing anyone who was suspected to be a Savant. Their cowardice and fear of being overtaken caused them to resort to such despicable acts."

The americano on our table began to boil. The rage contained within the boiling temperature of the drink was comparable to that of the furious expression that tainted Rox's face.

"But, aren't they also Savants themselves?"

"The members of the Synod only considered themselves to be the true Savants, casting aside others also of innate talent that did not meet their criterion and deeming them as flawed vagrants. The aforementioned criteria were none other than the traits necessary for someone to follow the Nous, the path embodying the Synod's ideals."

The Nous, another path that a Savant may choose to tread. This sparked a question within my mind.

"I'm quite curious though, do you know anything about the other paths?"

"I sorta got it? I guess-I-dunno just kinda like, the gist of it yeah," The sloppy sentences escaped his blabbering mouth as he readjusted himself. It was almost impossible to believe it was the same person that was speaking not too long ago. Rox pulled out his phone and started doodling away on what seemed to be an art program. I looked closer and read the name of the application, it was called 'idoPaint'. After about a minute of waiting, Rox turned his phone away from him and was now facing towards me.

Crude drawings resembling that of an elementary student's were strewn about the blank white canvas. I chuckled slightly at the sight of this. I read the written text situated next to poorly drawn symbols.

The Adamari, The Nous, The Sthenos, The Eleutheria, and the Alimentum.

"I already told you about the Adamari so I'll start with the Nous."

The path that the Synod follows.

"As you may already know, these guys are basically just big nerds. They believe that the [Ultimate Endeavor] is to gain knowledge and control all that possess it. It all sounds really simple but it really is kinda messed up considering recent events ahaha."

So that's how it was, all this conflict had stemmed from their arrogance and inability to acknowledge the value of those who they deemed to be below them.

"I don't really know about the other paths, intel about these other paths are few and far between. It really isn't that odd actually. Ever since the Synod established themselves as the sole sovereign presiding over Eidolon and the people who live in it, many Savants have kept an extremely low profile, lurking amongst the bustling crowds of the Cor District."

I dropped my head in disappointment, This was out of our control though, so I supposed there was no use in sulking over it now. It was a shame, I really wanted to know more about the other paths–

"So!—you got any more questions?"

I carefully rummaged through my thoughts. Of course I did, so much has happened since that night so there was much to talk about. However, there was one thing I wanted to address right at this very moment.

"Oh yeah right uh– your shade. Is there a way for me to talk to them? I wasn't able to contact my own ever since last night, right after 'that' dream.

"A dream? ...Ah yes I remember now, I wasn't expecting you to enter a state of Limbo so early. It's a shame it was only in your subconscious though." Rox crossed his arms as he spoke.

"Oh and by the way, you are talking to them right now actually, well technically. You see, ya haven't fully resonated with your Limbo Tether connecting you to the mirror world. But yours truly has already done just that, and now I'm always in a constant state of limbo even in my own conscious mind. My entire being has now become one with my Shade, or something like that ahaha–. Say, in that dream, did your Shade mention about 'Limbo' and the mirror world?"

I nodded.

"Mhm, I sort of understand what it means to be in a state of Limbo, it was kind of self-implied in the name itself. When I connected with my Shade, I was able to converse with and ask it some questions of my own, and thus, a lot of my confusion was clarified within that span of time. However, this 'mirror world', I still struggle to comprehend it. Before I could ask any further, my subconscious had already begun to crumble away."

Rox's lips remained still as his eyes trailed elsewhere, seemingly contemplating something before opening his mouth once more.

"I can't tell ya much, since words can only say so much. Only an Emanator can truly comprehend and perceive the 'mirror world', so they're your best bet."

An Emanator, another term I was familiar yet unfamiliar with. I've heard it in passing on multiple occasions yet failed to grasp what exactly an Emanator was. Almost as if Rox had read my mind, his next few words quickly cleared up my concerns.

"An Emanator is like err...a vessel of some sort. They are the pure and unblemished manifestation of a Savant that may tread in pursuit of the [Ultimate Endeavor]. Word on the street says that they are some sorta tangible culmination of the ideals that shape their understanding of reality, which are usually affiliated with that of the path the tread. Because of this, they are the only beings closest to their interpretation of the [Ultimate Endeavor]. I don't really know man but there's one thing for sure."

I laid my skeptical eyes on Rox's gaze after taking a bite of my chocolate cornet.

"The very existence that threatens our own is, the [Emanator of Nature], they are quickly reaching towards their pursuit of the [Ultimate Endeavor]. Her vision of the [Ultimate Endeavor] has caused them to crave total authority over Eidolo, and they did a mighty fine job with that, that's for sure. I don't know what their motives are, but her actions have endangered and ended the lives of many Savants."

Frustration and brimming anger clouded Rox's expression as he clenched his fists.

"We may seem alien–but we are no different from a regular human being. It's not up to them to decide who was classified as human. It's not within their right to just strip us of our humanity just because we were different. In all honesty–this is all just so messed up in so many ways."

Rox's eyes watered as his emotional outburst cascaded over his somber aura.


So was this the fate that was reserved for me? A life of terror and anguish was what seemed to greet those considered a Savant. And what was terribly ill-fated was that–

I was now treading the path of a Savant.

It was too late to go back now.

I spoke.

"Does this mean I can't go back to the life I used to live?"

"What makes you think that?"

"If I go back, I'll only be endangering the people around me, especially my loved ones. I am now a fugitive in the eyes of the Synod. Going back will only get me killed for sure.

My mundane and uneventful life was now a thing of the past. I was perfectly content with the life I had.

Yet I dared to dream. I dared to dream for myself.

And now, everything has gone to shit.

I was severely devastated. I felt tears starting to well up in my face as I tried to come to terms with my new reality. I started to shake a bit uncontrollably. I–

"Shinyu, calm down, and breathe with me." Rox grasped both of my wrists with his own hands in an effort to steady my shaking figure. We started breathing in tandem once more just like that night in the dark ashen alleyway.

"Don't worry, I understand how you feel, and you're not alone. Many have experienced what you've been through. Some died by the hands of the Synod, while some have survived and now take refuge here under the casted protection of the Tenebra District's darkness."

I had already stopped shaking but was still sniffling tears, still struggling to compose myself.

'I am so, so sorry. I'm sorry that I didn't help you that night, I know how stressful it musta been for you, I really do. It's just that , for reasons I cannot say, it was necessary."

I was still incredibly saddened by this. I was saddened by everything. I was saddened by him. Yet, the overwhelming sincerity emanated from his strong figure as he warmly smiled at me.

"I hope you'll forgive me."

I paused for a moment as I have now properly recovered. I then laughed in a lively manner, which was very unlike me.

"Alright fine, I forgive you. But you still owe me one now"

"Ahaha I guess I do."

The tender warmth of Rox's frame raised my spirits. It was almost as if I was standing before a cozy fireplace protecting me from the cold darkness of the unknown.

Suddenly, whirring mechanical noises could be heard from outside. It was the familiar sounds of androids belonging to the Synod.

My eyes shrunk back in terror, it appeared that we had been found. A tall figure wearing formal attire draped with a trench coat entered the café in an ominous manner. His white hair stood out in the looming darkness outside the building.

"Do not move. I have probable cause to search the property. By the authority of Synod, it is imperative that I search the premises for the suspected fugitives."

The owner standing behind the counter simply trembled and minimized her figure.

The person who had entered the café just now focused his cold gaze towards me and Rox. He quickly whipped out a badge and projected his voice towards us as he slowly walked towards us. I quickly got up from where I was sitting and stood behind Rox who was now assuming a defensive stance.

"The both of you are under arrest, you will be subjected to punishment for violating The Original Endeavor. Refusing to comply will result in your untimely demise."

Rox gritted his teeth.

"Most especially you, Sr. Rox. Or should I say, the [Emanator of Flames]?"

"I do not know what you're talkin' about, oh mighty Herald of Chornos, Heinrich." Rox remarked sarcastically.

"Hmph. You of all people should know better than anyone that I can still sense the contempt exuding off your Shade. The true intentions of a Savant cannot be hidden from another."

Shit. I should've known, the presence that had been stalking me since this morning, this had to be him. How else could he have pinpointed exactly where we were? I lead him right to us, I had messed up big time. Although, what confused the most was that—

—it was the principal of Synod Academy himself.


I cocked my head towards Rox.

"On the count of three, run away from here as fast as you can."


"Just trust me. Descend towards the Grim Ghetto, I'll meet you there, just like last time. I'm sure you'll know how to get there."

Rox's figure was now engulfed in the bright red flames of the Adamari, the intense heat swallowed the atmosphere of the building we were in.

"I hope you now consider us even, aight Shinyu?"



I readied my feet.



I closed my eyes and focused.




The sound of shattering glass pierced through the air as I immediately crashed through an adjacent window. And at that very same moment, Rox's body enveloped in flames had crashed into the Herald of Chronos like a meteor strike. Both of them flew straight out of the front door and crashed into an old unoccupied building.

I kept running as fast as I can. 

And I looked behind me one last time.

What I saw, was a truly magnificent figure with its fiery red wings spread apart.



The flames surround Rox's figure slowly dissipated, revealing an almost angelic span of wings made of fire. The Herald he had just struck seemed unfazed as he exited the rubble of the building he had crashed into a moment ago.

"It's been a while since I had to resort to this y'know, you're one tough cookie."

"I am not a pastry."

Heinrich threw something in the air. It had unfolded and morphed into a sophisticated-looking drone in the blink of an eye. The Herald assumed a battle stance, pocket watch in hand.

"It looks like you have failed to comply."

"And since when was that a problem?" Blazing flames flared within Rox's eyes. Heinrich's cold expression remained unmoving as his physique flashed right in front of Rox at what seemed to be light speed.

The afterimage he had left behind was seemingly ░dis▒▓tor█▓▒░ting.

[Chrono Manipulation, Clockwork.]

Heinrich immediately threw a powerful punch towards his opponent, but Rox quickly jumped backwards, evading the attack. Rox used the backwards momentum he had built up to create a windmill of searing flames on the ground. Heinrich was no longer where he once stood and was instead now in the air, he prepared to stomp on the vulnerable Rox. However, a burst of sparks combusted beneath Heinrich while he was still falling, causing him to collapse onto the ground a bit further way from the source of the blast.

Rox's figure reappeared a further distance away as soon as Heinrich recovered from the explosion. The Herald merely dusted his clothing, still harboring a stoic look on his face.



The sound of reality distorting reverberated once more, but Heinrich did not move. Rox had anticipated such but was now caught off guard by the misdirection.


The sound of plasma burning through Rox's flesh resounded. The drone's physical state seems somewhat unstable as it was now behind Rox and was firing a barrage of plasma bullets.

"Shit!" Rox winced as his back stung. Heinrich distorted reality once more as he was now merely centimeters close to Rox's face. In one swift motion, The Herald struck Rox with a powerful punch. In that moment of weakness, Rox was wide open, and the Herald did not hesitate. He threw a barrage of fists, his deployed drone attack in tandem.

"Fucking ░▒▓bit█▓▒ch░—"

However, in the midst of the onslaught of attacks, Rox seemingly warped in and out of reality, escaping the barrage of bullet-like fists.

And in one singular attack, Rox's wings spun into a tornado of unforgiving flames. Rox violently weaved around the Herald, dodging all of his attacks. The temperature of the ardent fire intensified and began burning brightly.

This continued until the crimson red flames burned a bright blue.

[Flame Manipulation, Azure Blue Skies!]

The sapphire flames danced around the Herald wildly, scorching everything in its path. The storm of flames continued to consume all that it could.

The flames calmed down, revealing Rox standing alone on a field of ash. Rox was drenched in sweat from the heat of the battle, and of his own flames. The flames of the Adamari. He was still rich in vigor.

Suddenly, a slow applause was heard not too far behind. Rox reared his head, sporting an awkward grin.


"Impressive, the flames of the Adamari are surely not to be taken lightly." The Herald's gravelly voice commented in a tone of mocking. He looked like he wasn't even grazed by 

"Face it you old geezer, you ain't ever gonna beat me."

"I concur. You are an Emanator after all, you could've been so much more. Yet here you are, loitering about in the streets of the Tenebra District. Your existence is truly a waste. The path you chose to tread, is truly a waste."

"My fate is not for you to decide. Your glorified book club are only brainless puppets working under the [Emanator of Nature]. At least this path that I tread is truly my own and not just some form of indoctrination." Rox replied with his eyebrows furrowed in anger. His amber eyes burned brighter as he stared at the unscathed Herald across him.

"Hmph. So that's how it is. Time is of the essence here, so I have a proposal."

Rox's expression softened as he stared at the Herald, guard still up.

"If you answer my question truthfully, I will leave you and the kid alone. However, if you answer dishonestly, consider your privilege revoked."

"Alright, let's hear it then."

Heinrich closed his pocket watch as his drone drifted silently next to him.

"That boy... he truly of the Adamari?"


I had ran away again. Just like back then, but this time, it was because Rox helped give me an opportunity to escape.

At least he stuck to his word.

I scanned my surroundings and analyzed it. I have now descended towards the lower levels of the Tenebra District, trying to make my to the 'Grim Ghetto'. I worried that I wouldn't figure out how to get there by myself like last time, but to my surprise, it wasn't that difficult. Because there was only one way down. 

The sewage system of the Cor District.

Ever since its conception, the Cor District had always been a city of extravagance, the architects of the old generation had built this place from the ground up. Well more precisely, from below the ground, and then back up. The Tenebra District originally used to be the entire sewage system of the Cor District, but was then further expanded to accommodate the growing population. 

So it was no surprise to me that at the very center of the Tenebra District was a seemingly bottomless pipe of massive diameter. All the waste produced by the residents of the Cor District were disposed of at this very location.

And I was going to have to descend towards the fathomless abyss beneath.

A winding staircase of poor quality spiraled downwards towards the darkness below. Each individual step was blemished in rust and squeaked with every step I took downwards. The little light that illuminated the Tenebra District became more scarce as I took more steps. I imitated what Rox had done earlier at the café and lit a a hail of flame at my palm. It slowly danced around my fingertips and illuminated the dark that clouded my vision

A certain amount of time had already passed as I cautiously continued my descent. I watched my steps carefully lest I wanted to fall down. I wasn't able to check the current time since my phone had already died not too long ago.

How long had it been already? I wasn't exactly sure.

It was then I reached the end of the staircase. I peered below me, the barren darkness seemed to extend without end. I oriented my fingers into a finger gun and shot a projectile of fire akin to that of a flare gun towards the chasm below.

It kept going, and going.

Until the faint glow of light was consumed by the foreboding shadows.

I gulped, I definitely did not want to fall down there anytime soon.

I then inspected my surroundings, the barely visible interior of the pipe I was in looked relatively untouched, but one segment of the interior seemed to open up into a passage. Faint sounds can be heard just beyond the passage resembling a gateway. 

This had to be it, the entrance of the Grim Ghetto.

I hastily made my way inside.


As soon I entered, dreary lights decorated my surroundings. The buildings around here were well-maintained although mildly murky and there were many people scurrying about. What seemed to be a make-shift mini-city glimmered in the darkness accompanying it. There wasn't much that I could deem as 'grim' in the immediate area.

Yet here I was.

I was now in the Grim Ghetto.

I took in the sights, it felt like an almost more quaint version of the Cor District, it felt much more peaceful and calming here than the bustling streets and neon lights of the surface world. 

Suddenly I heard someone singing. Rather, a group of people singing. It was nearly audible but I could still somewhat hear their voices. The captivating voices drew me in like a fly to a lamp, they sounded extremely familiar, but I couldn't yet tell for sure. I had to confirm for myself, and so I took off.

I followed the entrancing singing voices meticulously, until I had arrived at a wide open space. At the far rear was a decrepit stage where three people were currently performing on. The three people on stage where dressed up in cute-looking conceptual outfits as they presented their very synchronized choreography. Their stage presence was nothing to gawk at for sure, they flawlessly navigated the stage and engaged their sizeable audience.

Now that I heard the song they were performing crystal clear, I knew for sure now, the name of this song, and its respective artist.

The 4th Dimension by cosmIX.

And with the end of the loud synths and instrumentals reverberating across the stage and its audience, so did the song. The group of three flashed an ending pose.

I focused on the girl at the very center.

She was my favorite member, the one who had inspired me the most during days when I felt lost and alone.

I stared at her once more—

—as her bright blue hair danced about in the wind.