C71: Monopoly Game

The Duke's clan turned out to be less flashy than Ken had assumed. Compared to the few aristocratic properties he had gotten glimpses of throughout the last few weeks in the core city, this clan was a lot more modest, both internally and externally. 


The buildings all across the vast property were built with stability and resilience in mind. There were no bright colors, no enchanted sigils shining in the air above the property, not even any signs marking the places of importance. 


The servants carried themselves with military discipline, and almost all the clan members were busy in their own jobs. The children were studying, the elderly were teaching, and most of the able bodied men and women were out attending to their livelihoods. 


Ken would have been fooled by this utopian scene if he hadn't known about the Duke's clan beforehand. The little deal with Merik yesterday was proving itself to be really useful right now.