C73: Edge of A Growth Burst

When Ken walked out of the chamber, his expression must have been a little odd, because it immediately roused Merik's interest.

"What did Father talk to you about?"


"....Nothing," Ken said after a long pause. "Just pleasantries and some praise for my performance yesterday. He just wanted to hear the whole thing from my point of view, I guess."


Merik didn't seem to buy the answer. But at that moment, his father's voice floated over from inside, asking him to enter. Ken waited at the doorstep, immersed deep in his own thoughts. 


The conversation with Merik's father, Count Sikar, was quite interesting. Ken had not expected the bedridden goblin to be so well-informed, and certainly not a force rivalling Duke Roshoka. 

His prior assumptions about the local ariostocrats scheming against Roshoka were a little misguided, it seemed.