Basic Information

Official Association:

1.S- *???*

2.A- *???*

3.B- *???*

4.C- *???*

5.D- *???*

6.E- *???*

7.Forsaken Society (?)

8.Genis Club (The lowest ranked association)

Main Stats:

Strenght (Str)

Durability (Dura)

Strike Speed (SS)

Stamina (S)

Striking Profiency (SP)

Minor Stats:

Muscle (M)

Fatigue (Ftg)

Intillegence (Int)

(The higher the stat the harder it is to improve.)

Rankings in each Association

Top 1 (Champion)

Top 2 (Challenger)

Top3-5 (Contender)

Top 6-100