Blue Dude

Chapter 6

The food's bussing as always and hurry up give me the bill. man I swear, your fatass knows how to make food. This is one of the best places I have been to in my life.

"Shut up and don't call me a fatass. Your first fight is coming, right? This one is on the house I know that you aint got no money anyways and make sure you win and be careful," he said in a muffled tone since he was in the kitchen.

I thanked Bob, got up, and said goodbye shortly. Having 3 hours left to spare til my fight starts, I dont know what else to do, so I went to the arena to watch some fights and maybe learn something. I did not have the time to train but Id still win I'm quite confident in myself.



Shortly after arriving in the arena, I went to a screen thing placed in the walls and checked out my fight schedule, location, and some other details. A fetanol addict looking dude appeared on my screen, so I will be fighting a guy named Ozone ranked #1340 with a total power of 8.9 in arena ZA stage #6. And That's all the info the machine gave me.

After watching some boring ass and mid fights for about 2hours something interesting is finally about to happen.

A match was about to start between a dude who ranked #1300 a a dude who ranked #998. Other fights are also taking place, but this appears to be the most exciting one with the ranking difference being a lot.

Compared to Gordon's fight, this one didn't have all that fancy shit. No announcer, just two dudes ready to beat each other out, and you can also bet on the fighters using your green card.

I see someone in the distance wearing a suit and holding a small device that resembles a smartphone is it the latest version of a smartphone today, technology has advanced not that I ever had a phone in the first place it looks really expensive too how many meals can I get on Bob's place if I sold that.

He is also holding the fighter green cards I sized him up real quick out of curiosity and his aura made my back wet and sweat just kept on pouring I can't explain it properly but my body is screaming that he is dangerous I did not feel this while sizing up Gordon or anyone I have encountered so far.

This person is strong. He is probably in charge of this fight and dangerous, so I looked away and put my focus on the match that was about to start.

Then the screen in the middle lit up, showing the fighter's record and total power.

-Angelo Hanfte

Total power: 13.7

Record: (8W, 0L, 1D)

Fight Style: Street Fight


-Samlek Trigel

Total power: 16

Record: (13W, 1L, 0D)

Fight style: Karate

This is a mismatch. The total power difference is way too big, but it will be interesting to watch for sure.

A loud whistle sounded

The match started and both fighters put their stance on the street fighter started the first move by running his mouth he got in range and threw the first punch but it was blocked he followed up with more punches that looked chaotic but the power behind each one is no joke.

He broke the other dude's guard and continued his assault. Meanwhile, the other dude was just eating those hits. After many punches were thrown, the karate dude finally started moving.


A gust of wind was generated, and the next thing I saw was the street fighter backing away with a bloody face. I told myself there was no way someone's punch could be so fast that it could make a gust of wind, yet here I am seeing it in front of me.

More of such assaults came three hits.. five hits.. seven hits.. nine hits then the barrage stopped the scene of the street fighter looked pitiful he was lying down guarding himself up but I could see his nose being broken and his arms too it starting to turn into a dark purple hue.

I keep on forgetting that there are no rules in this place and it's up to the karate dude if he decides to stop or straight up kill him.

This match is over with the karate guy winning. It's a mismatch, anyway. What did I expect? No wonder Bob told me about it.

That's what I told myself but then the karate dude started backing off and I just saw the dude getting beat up earlier turning blue I thought I was seeing things but he's turning blue not only that but he's also getting stronger and faster compared before.

They once again exchange blows, but this time the karate dude is now bleeding and Blud is gassing out with every hit of the blue dude getting stronger the tide of the battle started to change and now it's the blue dude having his time.

I continued watching the fight with the blue dude still on the offense, but his screams and other noises his making becoming louder and louder too are getting annoying.

After a while, the blue dude's attack stopped, and his body started leaking out smoke. What the hell is going on? The color of the smoke is also blue. It stinks I'm going to throw up. Then he started tweaking and having seizures.

A whistle sounded once again, indicating the match was over.

"Due to contestant #1300 being unable to continue with the authority granted to me as an administrator of G club, I declare contestant #998 victory, moving his rank to #995." He said in a low voice.

He tap the green cards of the contestant using the weird gadget in his hand and return them to their owners.

I got less than an hour left till my match starts. I better get going.