Chapter Thirty Six. *

Apparently the majority agreed and were ready to leave aside from a few families who didn't want to leave their lands and for a far more idiotic reason.

" The Hues and Locks are old families tied to this land since the founding of Tori. " - we offered them some food which they ate gratefully. " They worshipped her as protector of these lands. Even though she done nothing but, slaughtering them. They don't wanna leave."

We used have these unhinged people, in Emet as well. Those who prayed to him and some, even willingly sacrifice their own to appease his non existent moods. Soon the ones remained died out and no other took up their beliefs.

In the absence of Zephyr. Alexander took charge.

" We wait for my little brother, he went take a look and secure the surroundings. " - he didn't looked worried one bit as stoked the fire. " I'm sure he fix it. In the meantime. Please don't worry. "

We made small portions to the children, who sat in a small circle some of them exhausted from the workout.

They ate with full smiles. It was nice feeling helping them. I felt Alexander was right, once Zephyr returned he talk to those reluctant into leave and change their minds with just a few words.

Time passed and after all plates were finished, I started to got nervous.

Zephyr wasn't back yet. With his ability scouting this small village should be long done by now even with some light exploration.

I was on feet, walking back and forth more time passed and the villagers came out to greet the rest of us and give their thanks. Among them was an old man getting helped by someone.

It took considerable amounts of time even with help to get close enough. " Where is Lord Zephyr? I want to talk to him."

" Elder please it's not the time.." - the elder Emil boy hopped up try to explain.

" Moritz when you old as me, you understand it's always time if it might be your last !! "

The younger Emil brother Manata who visibly worshipped my Zephyr looked annoyed.

" Old man Hue, master Zephyr is out there right now, secures our village as we speak! " - he pointed at a random direction. " Once he arrives I'm sure he will be happy to listen what you have say."

The man, Mr Hue seemed to calmer already when seeing the people mingle and the children playing. He nodded and took a seat near our wagon his people surrounded him.

I kept my eyes on the distance. Where is he?

" Should we go Lylly? - Alex already grabbed his sword and looked ready. " I don't believe there is anything wrong but, still.."

I wanted to tell Alex to go and check the surroundings but then.

" Hey..! "

Zephyr walked back..soaked. His shirt hanging lose around him and carried two large pieces wood on his back. He smiled looking at our direction.

My heart felt lighter seeing his smile and no visible injuries.

Why is he carrying wood?

We walked closer and saw him missing some of his shirt on his back, but otherwise fine.

" Where the hell were yo.." - I walked around him to see.

I noticed his back as he put the wood down. He was bleeding, soaking what's left of his white shirt in a long red pattern dripping down his back.

" What happened !!? "

He looked suspicious even before he talked. " She attacked me.. you know. It was like whoa! Scary, my love. "

"..Please don't tell me." - stepped back and checked the wood he dropped.

It wasn't wood at all.

They were giant brown snake fangs. Each almost as big as Ilianna and looked a lot heavier. He did it.

" Turn around let me see your wounds."

" My love.."


He probably wanted to let me know he is fine, and thanks to seeing him looking fine..I decided not to kill him.

He had some bruises on his back that bleed but, nothing super bad or deep, he had plenty of reference right next to them.

He just needed more cleaning. " Demelza bring some hot water and clean cloth."

" I'll do the boiling Dem. "

" S-sure.." - she waked past the elderly and inside the wagon, while Eli went to fill a pot with water.

Our own people surrounded him demanding a story, I also wanted to hear. But before anything Ilianna pushed herself through the crowd.

" Dad.. your wet again. Why, are you always wet? "

He picked her up and placed her on his knee.

" I swam with a local animals. A great bunch but, they went on and on...self obsessed if you ask me princess."

She grabbed his cheeks with her small hands. She missed the atmosphere thanks to Zephyr silly story.

" Is that really what happened? They never swimming with me."

He gently pulled his face away while smiled at her with pretended sadness. " It's cause they don't like you that much princess..They have a mind of their own... "

I covered my eyes in frustration.. he is unpredictable nature sometimes gave me a headache.

I can't have her see his back and the blood.

" OKOK..Sweetheart ? " - I knelt in front of her. " Why don't you gather some flowers with aunt Eleanor for your father. She'll show you which one he likes the most."

She looked at her father first but once he nodded, she jumped off and went with Eli to gather some flowers.

We brought plenty of grannys ointments for the trip but after seeing his injuries were light, and having made me so angry I decided against it. Maybe once I'm calmer.

Meanwhile he already started to recant his story of the event. " I noticed her too late.. she knocked me away to a tree pretty hard. It knocks the air right out of you for sure. But, I was gone fast, whoosh and

high above her on the trees. She sure was ..massive."

Everyone was waiting breathless for him to continue. He laughed seeing those expressions.

" It was ea..without difficulty. " - he saw my raised eyebrows and changed his tune. " Nothing dangerous after stabbing her eyes.. she tried to flee but, because of her size it was e..not hard to track her from above and keeping up."

He almost said easy there a few times and kept glancing at my directions..seeing how much fun he had just retelling it.

Ughh he really does make me...

" I pretty much just stabbed once more in the head. She was dead. I obviously couldn't carry her, so just the fangs..." - he pointed at the large fangs near us. " The rest of the remains are about an an hour walk from here, to the East. Emet body was gone, less than a day after he died. If you want to claim it you have to go now."

He looked at Emil brothers.

" Us master Zephyr? " - they looked behind themselves first and back.

He smiled at their behaviour. " She tormented your people so they should have it. Go gather some of them to carry .. she is big but, definitely dead."

He pointed behind him at the fang again, if her main weapon here wasn't proof? I don't know what is.

The brothers bowed to him in thanks then quickly moved and organised some of their man.

Zephyr asked Lucian to take 6 more from ours and they left.

Demelza handed me some hot water and the cloth and I cleaned his back. It had the some bizarre shapes on his already scared back.

It did seem like he hit a tree but, I had a suspicion the tree part was the only truth in his story.

As still cleaning I begin to probe. " So, remind me my love..How did you run into her again..? "

He stiffened under my hands and I knew..I knew I was right.

" I..yeah, I just looked around, checked for safety, enjoyed the vistas and out nowhere this invisible dick just. " - he talked fast to those front of him and then turned his head toward me. " She ..ambushed me love! I barely got away one piece. I mean look at this shirt of your father's..."

I caressed one of my favourite scars the one Eleanor did when we found him. " It's funny not two minute ago you said it was..without difficulty?..or your real thoughts EASY!!? "

I pinched his back and didn't even hear his screaming.

Those from Tori village still there left in a hurry once they meet my gaze. Only Demelza and Alex stayed in anticipation of a show.

" You searched for HER!!?? Uhgg, I cannot believe you. " - he back wasn't enough so I went for his hair and pulled. " You seeked her out!? "

He struggled but, got free and up pushed his messy hair behind putting his hands up in the air. " My love.. life is all about chances and I figured maybe..if the stories true than maybe, she be out looking for food and th...stop! STOP Lylly!! "

I learned how to hit and kick from the best.