170. Intruder in the Night. *

It was sunrise over Emet village as we pulled to its gates.

Some ways before the village, I switched on a horse and rode ahead of the convoy as to not be seen as invading force with all the wagons and 50 plus riders. My entire household was more than 60 in total with the help.

" Who goes there!? Oh..it that Carlos!? Wait..." - Lucian voice echoed from above the tower.

The hinges on the gates screeched as he and another on duty pulled them open.

He was bundled up warm. " Didn't you just left yesterday? "

" Aye I did..lot happened. Can you wake Zephyr? " - I asked.

" Sure..come in quick and let me open the tavern. " - he nodded walking inside.

We all rode in with the gate closed and sealed behind us.

" Headly..found an open field somewhere close then look for a large black building with a blue top and bring everyone there."

I left my captain and rode straight to Seline house.

After tying my horse at the small barn behind the house, I used my key to sneak inside quietly.

It was warm still as the fires last embers were still smoldering.

I carefully navigated aside the table and chairs in the kitchen and made my way toward her room and ...her bed was empty.

It was dark so I couldn't see well..

I walked in further.

" AYYYAHH!!! "

I stepped aside automatically no knowing where the attack will come but it was the wrong way..wrong move really.

( SLAM )

I was hit!...Damn it! It landed on my ear and it was hard enough to draw tears in my eye.

Landed on the floor and fully understanding what happened.

" Seline! ..it's me..it's Carlos. "

She was holding a wooden sword...thank Ehlite.

My head would've rolled off because I can't knock.

" Carlos!? "

She knelt down and after confirming it's me she gave me a big hug. " You scared me death!! I thought some shadows attacked me! "

" Shadows? " - I asked a little confused.

She pulled away and give me a sweet kiss.

" Never mind..my daughter is losing her mind. How come you already back? W-wait.."

She pulled her hand away from my hair and that's when the first familiar sensation of warm blood trickling down my back reached my brain.

" Let's go wake mother. " - she quickly said.

She pulled me on my feet as I was trying to convince her I'm ok. " It's probably just a scratch and..

" NOW!! "

Her worried voice was like the most nourishing sound I've ever heard in my life. Even the pain was welcomed.

I let myself lead up the road in the now bright village and arrived at Metill house.

She opened door. They didn't lock it? ..I suppose they didn't had too.

" Sit here..and hold this against the wound. " - she said handed me a shirt and left for the door in the distance.

I felt fine so worked on the fire and it was burning by the time a sleepy Vistellia in a large robe came out followed by a comatose Metill and my future wife.

" I hear there was an intruder..turned out it's just a blessed man from Dharma. " - she said smiling.

Instead of looking at my wound she went and gathered her things.

" Dad? "

We all looked at the door closets to the kitchen. It was Manata Emil in full training clothes.

" Carlos? When did..

" Why you up and dressed? " - asked Metill.

His father cut him off before a barrage of questions.

" Oh..I'm starting training early. " - he said quickly accepted the situation and did a few stretches. " Why you bleeding? "

Before I could answer Vistellia returned.

" He was playing a fool.. " - she said carried a box and some clean cloth.

" Manata please tell Zephyr, I'm here and my people are in the tavern. " - I asked him.

He left in a haste, he was young but probably the most fanatic about Leader Zephyr.

Zeph himself have great expectations from the boy.

I felt something cold and wet ..it was a wet cloth cleaning my wound. "...That was quite a swing sweetheart..but your lucky we dont need stitches."

She warmed a frozen paste in a stone plate above the fire and the warm lovely smelling paste soothed my head and covered the wound.

She covered it in a single piece of cloth making me look like those pirates my grandfather told me about.

" So tell us why you back so early? "

Seline sat beside me offered some her tea.

" I'm a spy.." - I took a sip enjoying myself as they were left speechless. " ..well at least in theory. "

I told them everything just leaving the letter out which..I still didn't understand. The word was foreign to me and what could a single word possibly tell Zeph?

Also what kind of a letter is that? Is it good? Bad? I wished Ciren were there who had a much better understanding of literature and languages.

" I see that girls power is the real deal ! " - Seline was overjoyed. " She saw me attacking someone..just didn't say it was you. "

Thank Ehlite that she didn't suggest to use a real sword and all.

" That girl is a mystery, very disappointed when asked if I want my own future told and firmly denied. " - said Vistellia.

I belived whole heartedly what Zephyr said about her.

Don't need a reading. I already know my destiny..meaning I'm the one who controls it. There is no such thing as definitive futures.

" She is a good girl and her power is real. " - said Seline

She was convinced...I hope she doesn't end up with dozens of readings just get glimpses of a hypothetical futures.

The door behind us opened and Lylly came in with Manata.

" Zephyr was already away with Lucian to the tavern...who attacked you Carlos? " - she asked rubbing her eyes.

I had another round of explaining to do.