175. Family Picnic? Yes, Please.*

We got back and found about half the people at the tables sharing some food and drink.

Eleanor turned away from the disheveled sight of us.

" Our Leader and his wife...at it again. "

" Our Leader and his..shut up Eli and go get the girls..Nifa and Cintia must've been bored.. " - I said after mocking her a little.

Walked passed a pouting little gopher and towards the tables claimed by our family.

" You know, I'm proud of you right? " - Zephyr said.

" What for? " - I asked a little surprised.

" Viela..you didn't ask for a reading unlike the rest of the ladies who failed. "

He looked at the table with accusing eyes.

" I had too..it was for our future baby..your niece or nephew by the way! " - Demelza defended herself.

" Yeah..we might as well celebrate his or her future birthday..FAILED. " - he said crossing his arms making an X.

Mother was next.

" I wasn't even interested at first..and honestly. " - she leaned closer to avoid others ears. " ..I thought she was a charlatan. But now, I know it was real. "

" Ehlite.."

" What was that? " - mother quickly turned toward Carlos.

His little murmur under his nose wasn't appropriated.

" Nothing..nothingnothing.."

" Doesn't matter...by the way, thank me for not lending you an actual blade when you asked! FAILED! "

I thought myself the true saviour of Carlos life. Since, I caught her sneaking away with my rapier. His wounds would've been fatal if not for Zephyr who forgot our food items for the night and I had to go and get them.

" Any way..rest are all had at least one reading except you. Well done my love. "

He rewarded me the third time with a few kisses the first two happened in the forest.

Eleanor, another FAILED came carried a pouting princess and held a hand of stoic warrior poet.

" Here.." - she handed Anna to Zephyr and took Ciren over mother. "..and here. Where is my boyfriend ? "

We heard her loud and clear. Lucian was dancing on thin ice.

" He went back to do job which is to guard..all of us..sit down. "

Zephyr used his leader voice and Eli sat silently.

" Stop being a brat about it. " - he said seriously.

We listened to the much needed talk with her.

" I'm not..

" Hush now..." - she was like an angry deer all furrowed eyebrows and wrinkled forehead. " ..you're young. I understand why you want to be in a hurry...after all.. " - he looked around the table and towards the Emils. " ..everyone seems to be in happy marriages or..soon will be. "

Mother and Carlos smiled identically only to wipe it clean off once meet with Eleanor disproving eyes.

" Take your time..you only just showed how creative you are. " - his tone went back to gentle family mode. ".. it's time to branch out. You have a great mind. Expanding it will benefit everyone in the village. "

She enjoyed those sincere compliments and we all agreed with Zephyr and his intervention on the matter.

" Thanks brother...at least you can be counted on...unlike others. " - she said.

She shot a glare towards the rest of us...perhaps justified.

In our defence..we had a lot on our plate not to mention all those word said by my husband were just echoes of our own yet, she only listened now..but mentioning that now was like poking a wasps nest.

" Where is Nifa and Cintia? " - I quickly asked distracting her.

She smiled at me like an evil gopher this time.

" They stayed in the house...having some alone time.. "

Ohh..right .. good for them.

" Still angry? "

Zephyr poked an adorable little girls face.

" I'm fine, already..my students miss me, dad. " - Anna answered.

She gave up and turned around trying pleading again.

" Fine...I guess it's only me and your mother who go to the Pen with the family this weekend. "

That was news to everyone..just Anna was in the dark about the name but understood the word camping.

" Fuehh..Monday then..after camping." - she jumped off and went to Ciren probably making plans and ask what the Pen is.

" You wanna show her the place where Emet was slain? " - I asked.

" No just that dear.. you never saw it either. It has no use now but still an important part of the village history..the weather seems its with us. " - he looked up enjoyed the sun light. " After this is done thing will all have to accelerate quickly and who know when we can stop. "

He checked around the table, all smiles.

It was a great idea. After the reunification day set planning, building and training will take up most of our time.

" I like it Zeph..we could use some downtime. " - said Carlos.

He burrowed his face in mother neck making her giggle.

" Good idea my love but who will look after the village? " - I asked the obvious.

He played with my blonde but still curly hair. " There was a council here before they shoved all the work on me, they got lazy..let them handle a day or two. "

" Hmm..never done it a animal pen before. " - I whispered in his ear.

" Oh..we can make it work. " - he slipped his hand under the table running it up my thighs. " ..Ask Isa for a spare maid uniform. "

That was an excellent idea..those dresses were a perfect blend of sexy and subservient..his favourite.

" Deal.." - I let my hand slide down on his back grabbing his ass. " If you let me have some fun as well, with this. "

"""" Khmmm..""""

I forget to whisper that last bit.

He quickly slide behind on the bench creating enough space for another person. " ..anyway. make sure the family knows, and have everything..I wanna relax..meaning no running back and forth for missing things. "

I hope his warning is not ignored because, I won't ask him nothing either no matter who begs me.

" One thing.. " - he pointed at a very pregnant Petra . " I want Petra as well to enjoy it..so we use an extra comfortable wagon for her..and supplies. "

He had it all figured out.

" Won't the people start looking for you, little brother? " - asked Alexander, looking towards the people still eating and talking behind us.

He shook his head. " I'll talk to the representative of them named Simone Alan. Carlos will talk to his soliders...

" Ah ah ah...they your soliders now Zeph, they Emet village residents now. " - Carlos said with a coy smile.

" Fine..you go talk to my soliders then... tell them to stay put, the village security will be ...

Alexander cut him off slamming his chest.

" Don't worry Zephyr...I'll make su..

" Hush now Alex those poor bastards still distrustful..your the main reason they eat behind lock doors...stick with the sword training lot. Eli?.. " - he stopped him reminded of his past and turned to the assistant master.

She got up while Alexander was comforted by his wife.

" Leave it to us...I'll go and tell him. " - she smiled and went to find her significant other.

With the Emils now being told by mother and Carlos almost everyone knew..

Two dozen of is will go..get too see the legendary Pen.