Chapter 14. End of a journey. Arc 1 Space exploration.

Act 1 (Star of the Abyss) Origin galaxy.

The crew came in an hour ago taking the prisoners and the corpse of the fallen Krogar warrior, and the cleaning drones came to clean and take away the debris of battle.

I stayed after my two companions asked if I would want to join them to help or just watch the crew fix the damages done to the ship, I told them no and that I needed to center myself. They understood and left me meditating in the middle of the religious hall.

As I was feeling my essence and then slowly opened the gate I and master made to the immaterial sea inside my core, I felt a familiar pulse reaching beyond the gate. I sent a pulse of my own and felt a resonance.

I opened my gate and let out the projection trying to reach me, and unsurprisingly it was my master, song of Harmony. He appeared in his smaller size appearing much like Warsong yet with different shell patterns and with natural greenery as hair.

(Star of the Abyss) Master, It's good to see you. Why did you visit me?

My master's essence felt peaceful as always but I felt an answer within him.

(Star keeper-Song of Harmony) I just wanted to visit you, Dreamwalker, and you're right, I do have a reason for visiting you. But for now, why do I feel great disturbance within you?

I know I cannot hide anything from a psion as great as my master, so I told him the events that happened earlier and those of the memory I experience, telling him how I've grown to hate taking lives but it always became a necessity I cannot avoid. 

(Star keeper-Song of Harmony) I've heard your words and felt your essence Dreamwalker.

I felt his essence focused and his thoughts less the usual song now became a sharp ring. 

(Star keeper-Song of Harmony) Let me tell you of my advice towards my regular disciples with the same conflictions, it is to live a life of peace within the many sanctuaries we had built, but. . . from what I know of you my Dreamwalker, that is not an option. . .

He then started creating a projection of a formula to make one of the more complex projections I've ever seen, but something I can do if given enough time.

(Star of the Abyss) What is this projection master?

He smiled at my question as his essence turned into one of songs again.

(Star keeper-Song of Harmony) It is my advice to you, a projection able to bind the souls of those killed by the user. . . and then a projection able to attach a soul into a capable vessel. . . it means if you heal the body of a person killed, you can use it to return their soul and bring them back to life. . . I . . .We Oogawaians have only shared this ability with the Vibranty, Dryaiady and the humans. . . please do not share it with the younger races if you can.

There a deep song of thoughts went around my master's essence.

(Star of the Abyss) Why do we not share this to the younger races? Am I not considered one? After all, you've only discovered my race a few decades ago.

Turbulence was the answer I got from sensing his essence and it confused me why.

(Star keeper-Song of Harmony) I. . . didn't we tell you before that your race. . . the one humanity has named the Azule star baleen. . . could be older than even us elder races. . . as my people in particular believed that your race was the reason for our connection to the immaterial sea.

Ah I've nearly forgotten about that still, unlike the Oogwaian with their ancestors giving them memories of their history, I did not have that, so I cannot be sure if their theory is true or not.

(Star of the Abyss) But still why not tell the others? The Padpaws, the Crystique, the Symiosse. . . the others who had yet left their homeworlds?

There was a silence in the essence around us.

(Star keeper-Song of Harmony) It's because they're not ready yet. . . All of us older races have. . . withheld, the more dangerous things from the younger ones, like we do to most of our own race. . . because it's dangerous if used irresponsibly, that's why we wait, until there mature enough to not to create psionic storms, detonate stars or create monstrosities.

He paused as if thinking on what to say next and then pointed at the projection he was showing me.

(Star keeper-Song of Harmony) This is an example of a dangerous thing. As it could be used to trap souls, a concentration of psionic energy, if a race like humanity who had yet invented their solaris engines had learned this, they would start using souls as a basis for their technology as souls are natural batteries and energy generators. . .

A felt sadness within the master as if he had seen this. . . did he live a memory that humanity or another race did this awful practice?

(Star keeper-Song of Harmony) And if a psionic civilization learned of this too early. . . it would become a very powerful yet self destructive world, where powerful warlords fight each other for the souls of their people. . . there is no good outcome for immature civilizations using something they are not ready for. remember my lesson Abyss, to borrow a quote from the humans. Do not give chainsaws to someone who has just started juggling.

Act 2 (Envoy.A.t-Skanna Stackron) Origin galaxy.

(Envoy.A.t-Skanna Stackron) Finally. . . 

I was finally laying down on my sknest. . . my boss calls it a cat-bed. I was confused about what that was but then I searched about it on the galactic-net and yes my sknest did look like a cat-bed.

It's still odd that we looked very similar to animals from the human's homeworld. . .it would explain why they like us so much, they've. . .been nothing but kind to me and my clutch-mates.

Well it has been a few cycles since I connected with them, but the other padpaw pods are very welcoming and I have been able to. . . maintain myself, my new denmother Lady Maria has been teaching and taking care of me and the other padpaws and other friends in her service. . .But I'm still scared of the big shell, while I like the other earth skin that looks kinda like lady Maria.

But taller, and more. . . attractive. I shook my head and hugged another napping padpaw nearby, she's Skvenesa, a rare void-born from one of the few outpost-stations outside of the home system.

She's a little different than the normal planet born padpaws like me, she's a lot slimmer with a thicker softer coat with less soft fat on her thighs and chest.

But nevermind that I just finished working for so long! Lady Maria had been working with me and my den sisters for hours! So that we can finish that document with that earth skin needed. . . he might smile at me later!. . . Maybe . . I yawned.

Hopefully he'll give me one after we get out of the black portal. . . when. . I wake. . .

Act 3 (Acolyte Envoy-Maria Skysong) origin Galaxy

(Acolyte Envoy-Maria Skysong) Oh wow, thought we would need to wait.

I said to myself as I looked through the crystalline monitor of the viewing window. Three human escort corvettes, around a bigger diplomatic transport cruiser, a vessel twice as small than the freighter class transport cruiser I've been traveling in.

Let's see the main insignia is from the Human federation Xeno-diplomatic core and personal heraldry is.

(Star of the Abyss) Their captain should be from house Starcharter, but that koi carp might mean they're just from a branch family. . . I didn't know your part of the old Starry sea explorer, houses Sister Maria.

I turned around in surprise, as a casual tea drinking Abyss stood at my side. . . I didn't even feel him! How? Did he already learn to suppress his presence! It's only been 3 days! Since the attack. . . 

I didn't show my shock and other rushing emotions but I know that smile, that his giving me, he felt or is still feeling my essence! Even as I suppress it.

(Acolyte Envoy-Maria Skysong) My friends had sent me a fleet-captain working at a sanctuary close to Krogar space. They've been working with prisoners of war and trying to rehabilitate them, changing their dogmatic cultivation into a less self destructive one.

I felt his thoughts, of how great the idea was. I still think he's that naive loving child I took care of but as I peered deeper into his thoughts I saw things I've only seen in the minds of those in the militant factions of the Human-federation, and it unnerves me.

Act 4 (Star of the Abyss) Origin galaxy.

I was sitting down with the people Maria's friend sent, he was Drake Starseeker fleet-captain and navigator of the small fleet Drakengard.

His party, and Maria's sat together. I was sitting between two of our guests, one a human with very extensive augments and the other a Crystique.

She was barely listening to our party leaders and more interested with both me and Warsong, but I listened to them as they talked about the exchange in more detail than one can safely do on the galactic-net, nearing end.

(Fleet-captain-Drake Starseeker) three krogar warbirds, a dozen krogar youths, a handful of Blooded warriors, and a white scale shaman. . . and only one dead?

I've only met the fleet-captain but his essence is unmistakable; he is both very empress and surprise. He smiled and then he stood and reached for my hand.

(Fleet-captain-Drake Starseeker) You are an impressive being Star of the Abyss! If you ever run into more of these misguided folks you can always rely on us from the xeno-re-education league.

I took his hand as he shook mine. After the meeting we ate lunch, or I think it was lunch even with the daycycle system in place, within the ship, it is still hard to tell.

The two party leaders ate a little farther from us talking in hush voices, I could hear them, or just understand their muffle words by feeling their essence but I've become occupied.

(Mechanic-Crysalex) Good to meet you two! I'm Crysalex! A crystique, I'm the personal mechanic of Drake's party. and It's my first time meeting an Oogwaian! And Space whale!

Crysalex was also my first crystique, she looked like a human but taller as she was nearing my shoulders, and I'm basically an 8 foot diet giant.

The only thing different about her is that from her cold, smooth, porcelain like hand, to the tips of her short hair. . . it was all made of an organic emerald crystalline.

Reflexively I reached out as both her hands held mine, checking if I was really flesh and not the realistic holographic, projections created by those with a connection with the immaterial sea.

I was touching her hair and smooth glasslike cheek, yet. . .why does it feel soft?

(Star of the Abyss) Beautiful gem. . .A treasure made by the countless stars.

My essence flooded the meeting hall, every being felt my emotions, my loving appreciation for the beauty I hold. I felt actions and words from those around me, but before they could impose their will onto reality. I acted first.

(Star of the Abyss) It is good to meet you too, you're my first crystique.

(Mechanic-Crysalex) And your handsy! Take me on a date first! Ha ha ha!

She said happily as she slapped my hands away. I smiled at her actions, and then I spoke my answer with nothing but sincerity in my voice.

(Star of the Abyss) Sure, It's a promise.

I leaned down to her eye level and then extended my hand, pinky first. Her essence is different to the others I've felt, but still I enjoy her essence much like how I enjoy those of my friends.

But then I think the deepening of her emerald green was a good sign as she held my pinky-swear and she stopped looking me in the eyes and nodded.

Before I could say something else, her friend, the heavily augmented human pulled her away before giving me an apologetic smile.

(Jhoanna Timberlane) I apologize, dreamwalker, but I think she had enough of your "space magic" for the day.

This almost android girl surprised me, but I still kept my kind smile and nodded. She was right. I can feel Crysalex's essence becoming muddied and slow rather than the clearness it was in the beginning of our meeting.

(Star of the Abyss) Of course, see you two later then. as I see, I'm already needed.

I said it as I walked towards the party leaders as they seem to need me now, it's time to move the prisoners.

Act 5 (Fleet-captain-Drake Starseeker) Origin galaxy.

Crysalex has been with my party for a few years and I've never seen the girl crumble like that while flirting with a guy she liked, this Abyss fellow had earned a few notches on my watch list.

He had joined the human federation as a "protected person of interest" a PPI but from what I've gathered he hasn't joined a faction or yet to be sponsored by anyone and I doubt that Ms.Skysong would be able keep him, for herself.

Especially now that he's determined to re-enter the galactic community not as a "space magic" human puppet, but as the first azule whale. . . from what I've learned from the science and exploration factions. They haven't yet discovered more of his race or have any success in studying that asteroid like egg.

Even the Dryaiady who was still trying to integrate herself with the egg has yet to succeed on penetrating the crust. Atlesat now I know why the Oogwaian's are so quiet with this even though they're part of the study initiative.

As I was within my thoughts as we walked the tastefully decorated halls of the Smoothsailer, the transport frigate Ms.Skysong rented to transport her and her party.

We are now on our way towards the prisoner holds, from what ms.Skysong told me they've placed the Krogar youths in cryo-sleep while keeping the Krogar Ironbacks and White-scale shaman awake to be questioned and be told of their fate.

To my surprise a young krogar charged at Abyss as we entered a room, this must be the White-scale shaman.

(White-scale) Abyss! Come to play again!

(Star of the Abyss) No, not this time, Alligamae how's your uncles?

(White-scale Alligamae) The same, shadows of their former selves, atleast there not as boisterous as before, I can finally meditate in peace. but I do miss it sometimes. 

I did not speak, as Abyss placed his hand on the young White scaled Krogar's head, she seemed to take great comfort from it. I'm no "space wizard" but I think Abyss is doing something to the girl, to comfort her.

(Acolyte Envoy-Maria Skysong) Can you take us to them, young one? It's time, and they need to hear our words.

She nodded and led us to the room, it was a guest hall with a small meditation, study, lounging and feasting sections. The Krogar ironbacks were in meditation infront of a totem of some kind, I recognized to be of the Oogwaian design.

It's good that the young Oogwaian in this ship has already started with the re-education, it'll be easier for me to transport pacified monks rather than bloodthirsty space vikings.

They stood as we entered and sat in a circle around Alligamae, they sat in cushioned pillow chairs, there were three prepared for us. I looked at the ex-Krogar raiders and saw they are worthy of the fearful nicknames given to them.

Their rippling muscles, their metallic scales, the deadly teeth and claws, and a culture of death or glory in war and battle. Those film-makers were right to call them the space viking race.

(Star of the Abyss) *It is time, warriors of Caioslo, it is time for you to move on and continue the new path I and my martial brother have shown you.

Their cold blooded attention fully enraptured, as Abyss spoke to them. Except for the white one Alligamae she's. . . playing on a cell-pad. Still, it's amazing to see space magic in action, I was hearing his voice without him saying a word.

(Star of the Abyss) This human is Fleet-captain Drake Starseeker. Please respect him as a leader of a warband of his own, and now he would be the one to deliver you to the sanctuary I promised.

The largest and most scarred of them spoke after almost a quarter of an hour of silence, those were tense moments for me as they changed their focus to me and I had to appear as a great warrior or else they would try something during the transit.

Hopefully the costume my master of arms had prepared for me would do the trick. . . and it did.

(Krogar Iron-back) We accept.

Days later after the meeting, after moving those on ice, and after moving the Iron-backs atleast those coming with us. My party and those of Ms.Skysong stood together, my Mechanic looked much better as she talked casually with Abyss and Warsong.

(Fleet-captain-Drake Starseeker) It is good meeting you Ms.Skysong and your party.

I glanced over to a laughing Abyss after Crysalex said a joke that I have heard before about chickens and falling skies.

(Fleet-captain-Drake Starseeker) Thank you for being a great hostess. May your dreams be sweet, Envoy Skysong. 

(Acolyte Envoy-Maria Skysong) And yours, even sweeter fleet captain.

We made our leave, as I anticipate the change the whale would make to balance of powers. . . If I play this right I might be able to command a real diplomatic fleet

Act 6 (Star of the Abyss) Origin Galaxy.

It took us months, but here we are, I now stand in the watchtower of the frigate-transport. As I gaze upon my real body. . .and I can feel its natural pull. . .I just need to let go, and I know I'll be reborn, into what I really am.

(Escort-Warsong) Brother? Is something wrong?

I was with Warsong and little Skanna, they sat at cushioned chairs as I stood and pressed my hand on the screen showing my shell and station in a sea of stardust.

- - - Hours later - - -

I was walking the halls of the station watching researchers in white like Vivian, most of them human but a fair few are those younger races elevated by what they call the elder races. 

Most avoid me as they rush to their projects, but some thankfully greet me and point me to the place I'm needed. . .I was called in by Sister Maria, as the station governor and head researcher is wanting to meet with me before I do what I came here for.

I'm just thankful I didn't need to do much. . .political things, as my existence is still largely an open secret among the human factions, the Oogwaian sanctuaries, Vibranty clusters, Dryaiady groves, and the younger races.

But still, I needed to write my journals and publish them so that the galactic society is satisfied and the Star Council wouldn't need to be involved yet and make things official.

But still as I entered that meters big office, and saw the Vibranty sitting on her office chair, all my thoughts changed into that of a memory of me being taught the basics of civilization, and racing. .

(Star of the Abyss) I. . . Hello aunty. . . I missed you

That was what left my mouth as I was raised from the ground and hugged.

(Elder Niyal) Me as well child, me as well. . . you've become smaller than the last time we saw each other. How are you?

She placed me down, and went back to curl on her chair, as she looked me in the eyes as we spoke softly. I told her of my time within the golden jade sanctuary, of my time in the immaterial sea and that of the trip here.

As she told me of her own experience of mother's new work exploring a new star cluster, of her own work on my egg and the development of this facility and of her daily affairs.

(Star of the Abyss) Ha ha ha! Thank you Aunty Niyal need that. . . But, I think It's time to properly start my life within the galactic society. . . and not as human construct, but what I really am.

She nodded at my words as she stood up and called in the device on her chest.

(Elder Niyal) Are we ready?

There was affirmation on the channel. And she looked at me and spoke.

(Elder Niyal) We are ready, Star of the Abyss. Let me be one of the first to welcome you.

(Acolyte Envoy-Maria Skysong) See you brother, may you have the sweetest dreams.

I nodded with a smile as I finally let go, my flesh started to burn, a beautiful different shade of azul.

(Star of the Abyss) I love you both, may you too have the sweetest dreams.

I did the symbol taught to us by elder Song of Harmony, to give those departing a little luck in their travels. And then, every turn dark.