Chapter 23

In the Dimensional Gap.

As The Great Red soared through the dimensional gap, his massive form commanded awe and reverence. With his imposing presence and majestic appearance, he exuded an aura of power and authority that few could match. The sight of this Dragon, with horns adorning his snout and two sets of wings propelling him through the vast expanse of space.

With a length measuring around 100 meters, The Great Red was a behemoth among dragons, unmatched in size and strength. As the Dragon of Dragons, he was revered as a symbol of unparalleled might.

As The Great Red performed his aerial acrobatics in the dimensional gap, executing loops, barrel rolls, and other intricate maneuvers with grace and precision, he appeared to be simply enjoying himself. However, beneath his playful demeanor lay a vigilant guardian, ever watchful for any signs of danger or intrusion.

With each twist and turn, The Great Red maintained a keen awareness of his surroundings, scanning the vast expanse of the dimensional gap for any potential threats. His sharp eyesight and acute senses allowed him to detect even the slightest disturbances in the fabric of space, enabling him to react swiftly and decisively to any emerging dangers.

Despite the apparent leisureliness of his flight, The Great Red remained fully committed to his duty as the guardian of the dimensional gap. His patrols were thorough and meticulous, ensuring that no enemy or intruder could pass unnoticed into the realms beyond. For ages untold or to be exact after the Infinity Dragon left for the human, he had served as the silent sentinel of this otherworldly domain.

The Great Red just like the Infinity Dragon was born in the dimensional gap since the beginning. They are the strongest Dragon in existence but that change until a Golden Dragon appeared out of nowhere in the Human world.

The Great Red had been filled with a sense of urgency and concern. For the first time in eternity, he had ventured from the dimensional gap to confront the perceived threat, only to find that the Golden Dragon had already departed.

Despite his relief at the absence of the Golden Dragon, the Great Red had been surprised to discover that someone else had intervened to aid the humans affected by the chaos. This unknown individual possessed the extraordinary ability to reverse time, undoing the devastation and restoring order before the Great Red could intervene.

As the Great Red contemplated these events, he came to a startling realization: the individual who had helped the masses was not a threat at all. In fact, their actions may have been instrumental in the Golden Dragon's sudden disappearance. Perhaps their ability to manipulate time had played a role in thwarting the Golden Dragon's plans or deterring its return.

With this realization, the Great Red returned to the dimensional gap, reassured that the world was in capable hands. Though the mysteries surrounding the Golden Dragon and the enigmatic individual remained unsolved, the Great Red trusted in the balance of the universe and resumed his duties with renewed determination.

The Great Read catch a glimpse of Three person from a far in the very place he is guarding. He approach them silently to know what are they doing here.


After getting teleported, The Trio compose of Sirzechs , Grayfia and Serafall survey the vicinity and all they is an endless void, where in every direction, there is a mix of iridescent colors.

As Grayfia was on the brink of asking, Sirzechs swiftly confirmed her intuition, identifying their location as the dimensional gap. His gaze lingered on the expanse before them, not quite empty yet captivating in its own right, drawing the attention of Grayfia and Serafall as well.

"It's rather enchanting, isn't it?" Sirzechs remarked, his eyes reflecting the myriad colors dancing in the void. He marveled at the kaleidoscopic display, a mesmerizing symphony of hues that defied the chaotic expectations often associated with such places.

Serafall chimed in, her voice laced with curiosity and surprise. "Indeed, it's unexpectedly beautiful. Not at all what I anticipated." She gestured towards the dimensional gap, as if to emphasize its breathtaking allure. "It's akin to peering through a kaleidoscope, each shift revealing a new facet of its splendor."

Sirzechs and Grayfia nodded in agreement, acknowledging Serafall's astute comparison and adding their assent to her depiction of the dimensional gap's captivating allure.

Grayfia walk to her husband Sirzechs side and says in wonder "That boy is really strong to forcefully teleport us here".

"Agreed" Sirzechs reply to his wife with a serious to tone " Just looking at the barrier that the created then yes he is really" Sirzechs added while touching the barrier "we should be dead by now just by existing here in the dimensional gap but this barrier we currently standing on is keeping us alive" Sirzech said with amazement in his voice.

Serafall finished appreciating the dimensional gap and ask the husband and wife " Did you guys already tried teleporting back."

"Don't even try it, the power that the dimensional gap generating might interfere with your teleportation that might lead you somewhere here in the dimensional gap ending up dead or send you to worse possible location we don't know of" Sirzech warn them and explain what might happen to them if they try teleporting.

Grayfia stepped forward with a determined expression, her resolve unwavering. "Then let me do it" she declared, her gaze fixed on Sirzechs and Serafall, startling them both.

"Did you not hear what I just said? You might end up dead" Sirzechs responded with a mixture of seriousness and concern in his tone, directed at Grayfia.

"But we need to take action. Who knows what the young boy wants from Akeno and Rias" Grayfia countered, her tone earnest and resolute.

"Then let's do it" Sirzechs agreed, his voice filled with determination and readiness.

"No! You're too important to devilkind to take such a risk. Let me do it" Grayfia insisted, turning to address both Sirzechs and Serafall, who seemed about to protest. She swiftly interrupted Serafall before she could speak. "You too, Serafall."

Serafall relented, choosing not to argue further. She would stand by Sirzechs and Grayfia, whatever the outcome.

"But you are important to me, to us, and to Milicas" Sirzechs said softly, his gaze fixed on Grayfia with a touch of sadness.

Don't worry, I will find my way back to you and Milicas" Grayfia reassured Sirzechs with a tender tone.

Sirzechs sighed and said, "It seems I won't be able to stop you," looking at Grayfia with a sad smile.

"Yes, you won't" Grayfia affirmed, beginning to cast the teleportation spell. As she did, she added, "Tell Milicas I love him."

Grayfia vanish.

Silence descended inside the barrier, and Sirzechs was about to start talking when Grayfia suddenly reappeared at the same spot she had left. Confusion clouded her expression as she looked around, only to find herself back where she started.

Sirzechs, however, burst into laughter, his amusement embarrassing even the usually stoic Grayfia.

"HAHA, of course! The barrier isn't just capable of protecting us from the dimensional gap, t also prevents us from leaving by any means," Sirzechs explained between laughs.

Grayfia walked beside Sirzechs and kicked him in the shins, causing a wave of pain to shoot through his body. He stopped laughing abruptly, holding his shins in agony.

"I didn't even do anything, Grayfia" Sirzechs protested, still in pain. Grayfia, however, ignored his attempts to placate her. 

While Serafall who is watching this antics say "All that drama resulting to this comedy , what an ending" Serafall then started looking around again but it's the same ridescent colors but Serall notice something approaching.

Serafall gaze at it as the approaching figure come close ,it become apparent that the approaching figure towards them is a dragon and it's not just any dragon, it's the Dragon of Dragons.

While ponitng her finger to the The Great Red "The Great Red is coming towards" Serafall shouted to the husband and wife.

Sirzech look at the distance approaching dragon who is growing as it's come close them.

Grayfia who return to her stoic demeanor ask Sirzech " What do we do?" Grayfia know that they can't leave the barrier so that only answer is to fight back if the Great Red is hostile to them.

Sirzech answer immediately " Lower your heads we don't want to offend the dragon"

As the trio lowered their heads in deference, the Great Red approached them with an air of authority. His mighty roar echoed through the dimensional gap, a sound that should have commanded attention. However, he quickly realized that the barrier surrounding them prevented his voice from reaching the devils inside.

The Great Red pondered this realization, understanding that the barrier acted as a barrier not only against physical threats but also against sound. With this obstacle in mind, he sought another means to communicate with them, contemplating his next move.

Out of nowhere a door suddenly appeared inside the barrier exiting is a young man with black hair and blue eyes. the young mans name is Kamisato Oreki