Chapter 48

Exiting the bathroom with a satisfied smile, Oreki couldn't help but glance back at Yoruichi still bathing, a lingering desire stirring within him. Thoughts of returning to her for another round of passion crossed his mind, a testament to the intensity of their connection.

"Darn, once you've experienced that, it's hard to resist going back for more" he mused to himself, contemplating the irresistible allure of their encounter. As he casually donned simple clothes, Oreki considered his ability to change form at will, likening himself to a shape-shifter like Loki, capable of assuming any guise he desired.

Descending the stairs once more, Oreki made his way to the kitchen with a purposeful stride, intent on eliminating any traces of their passionate encounter. With a flick of his wrist, he teleported Yoruichi's undergarments to the laundry basket, ensuring their discreet removal from sight. Next, he addressed the remnants of their intimacy, teleporting away the excess semen and fluids that had escaped her body, leaving no evidence behind.. He grafted the smell of their passion in the glass of water, he then threw the water to the sink and last but not the least he grafted the smell of orange to the chair that they use to fuck.

Tom and Jerry descended from the upper floor, still seemingly groggy from their slumber, Yoruichi joined them, her attire exuding a subtle allure. Dressed in a white spaghetti-strap shirt that hinted at the presence of her bra beneath, paired with short shorts that accentuated her curves, she exuded a sense of confidence and allure. With a playful wink and a teasing bite of her lip, she directed a suggestive glance towards Oreki, adding a hint of mischief to her demeanor.

Oreki couldn't help but notice Yoruichi's enticing appearance as she joined them in the kitchen. Her attire, coupled with her playful gestures, added a touch of intrigue to the morning scene. He shook his head to erase that dirty thoughts.

 Yoruichi, Tom, and Jerry settled in to enjoy their breakfast, Oreki found himself drawn to the television, seeking a moment of distraction before his upcoming activities. With a casual air, he tuned in to some random news program, allowing the familiar voices and images to wash over him as he immersed himself in the mundane details of the world around him. 

After finishing her breakfast, Yoruichi nestled her head in his lap, Oreki felt a sense of warmth and affection wash over him. Her question about his upcoming plans drew his attention, prompting him to respond with a casual smile. "I'm vampire hunting this time" he replied, his tone relaxed as he shared the details of his next endeavor. As he ran his fingers through her hair, eliciting a delighted moan from Yoruichi, he couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment at their intimate connection.

"Want me to come with you?" Yoruichi's offer to accompany him on his vampire hunt elicited a warm smile from Oreki, appreciating her willingness to join him. However, "No, I want to do it on my own" he gently declined, expressing his desire to tackle the task alone. Despite her initial disappointment, Yoruichi's moans of pleasure from his gentle hair combing served as a pleasant distraction, drawing a chuckle from Oreki. Yet, as her moans grew more intense, he stop and stood from his seat while looking at her face who look upset.

Yoruichi sit up "Why did you stop" she pouted while saying that before adding "I'm was so close to cum" she in seductive, her words tinged with desire as she expressed her frustration at his interruption. However, Oreki responded with a playful karate chop to her head, a light-hearted gesture aimed at tempering her arousal. "Woman control your horniness" With a smile, he urged her to rein in her desires, teasingly reminding her to exercise control over her horniness.

Despite Yoruichi's feigned hurt at his playful rebuke, Oreki couldn't help but chuckle at her theatrics. His playful demeanor softened the moment, reinforcing the playful banter between them. With a mischievous glint in his eye, "We'll do that again if I'm horny myself" Oreki added a condition to his admonishment, teasingly suggesting that he would only repeat the gesture if he found himself in a similarly aroused state. He then kiss her lightly to her lips.

Observing Jerry and Tom eagerly preparing to dive into another gaming session, Oreki couldn't help but feel a twinge of disapproval. He understood the allure of gaming all too well, but he also recognized the importance of moderation in such pursuits. With a furrowed brow, "You guy need to lay it low at playing game all day" he gently reminded them to temper their gaming habits, urging them to find a balance between leisure and responsibility.

However, even as he offered this advice, Oreki couldn't help but acknowledge his own tendency to indulge in similar activities. Despite his well-intentioned words, he thought to himself "Who I am kidding I would do that too" he knew that he, too, would likely find himself immersed in gaming if given the opportunity. With a resigned smile, he shook his head, recognizing the irony of his own admonishment in light of his own inclinations.

Tom and Jerry exchanged a puzzled glance before gesturing to Oreki, "Hold on this whole operation was your idea reminding him of their shared involvement in the gaming endeavor. Their nonverbal communication conveyed a subtle but undeniable truth: Oreki had been the driving force behind their gaming sessions. 

Despite registering Tom and Jerry's implied message, Oreki chose to deflect their observation, "I don't understand what your saying but after my vampire hunting we will give you guys more things to do in the house other than gaming" feigning ignorance as he responded with a promise of future activities beyond gaming. Concealing any hint of acknowledgment, he maintained his smile and assured them that after his vampire hunting expedition, they would have additional tasks to occupy their time in the house. It was a strategic move, diverting the conversation away from his own role in their gaming habits and redirecting their attention towards future plans.

"Now then I will be going now" with a casual farewell to Yoruichi, Tom, and Jerry, Oreki bid them goodbye before teleporting away to Romania. "See when I see you guys" their waves and blown kisses followed him as he vanished from their sight, off to embark on another adventure. As he materialized in the territory of the Tepes vampire faction, Oreki's demeanor remained nonchalant, his mission to save a damsel in distress just another task on his agenda.

His decision to intervene and rescue the damsel was a casual one, born out of his ability and inclination to help others when the opportunity arose. With a sense of purpose driving him forward, Oreki approached the task at hand with confidence.

Surveying the eerie town before him, Oreki couldn't resist the temptation to blend in with its otherworldly inhabitants. With a subtle shift of his features, he assumed the appearance of a certain vampire, seamlessly blending into the gothic landscape. As he adjusted his attire to match his new persona, a sense of amusement danced in his eyes, knowing full well the effect his transformation would have on the unsuspecting denizens of the town.

With his disguise firmly in place, Oreki took a confident step forward, his demeanor as casual as ever despite the ominous surroundings. "Now then" adjusting his glasses with a nonchalant gesture, "Time to have my enthusiastic walk" With a hint of excitement in his voice, he declared his intentions with a wry smile, ready to explore the shadowy confines of the gothic town.


If you are reading this. I thank you for reading the previous slug of a chapters cause holy shit, I was getting bored doing those and I know you guys too was bored as fuck reading those but I will still do slice of life chapters in the future and again, thank you for reading.