Chapter 55

Back to Valerie.

Valerie's gaze lingered on her father's severed head, a complex mix of emotions flickering across her features. Despite the hint of guilt and regret that tugged at her conscience, she quickly pushed aside those feelings, choosing instead to view the grisly scene through a lens of pragmatic reasoning. She resolved to cast aside any lingering sentimentality and focus on the task at hand.

Turning her attention to her brother Marius, Valerie's expression shifted to one of detached indifference, her tone betraying a subtle hint of sarcasm. "Well, well, dear brother" she remarked casually, her words carrying a distinct air of nonchalance. "Seems you've saved me the trouble of dealing with dear old father myself. How thoughtful of you" Despite the gravity of the situation, her demeanor remained composed, her confidence unwavering as she addressed Marius with a cool detachment.

 "I don't have a bitch of a sister like you" Marius's words dripped with venom as he launched a scathing insult at Valerie, his voice laced with bitterness and contempt. The animosity between them was palpable, each word a sharp barb aimed at his sister's perceived betrayal. Despite the gravity of the situation, Marius's smile held a sinister edge, "but don't worry though you will follow that incompetent father of mine to his grave" his eyes gleaming with malice as he vowed to bring about Valerie's demise with chilling certainty.

Valerie met her brother's gaze with steely resolve, refusing to let his words unsettle her. With a calm yet defiant demeanor, she returned his gaze, her expression betraying a flicker of defiance beneath her composed facade. "Is that a promise, dear brother?" she retorted, her voice tinged with a hint of sarcasm. 

"Your being too full of yourself Valerie with your meager abilities" Marius's voice dripped with disdain as he dismissed Valerie's abilities with a condescending tone. His expression twisted into a grin of superiority as he boasted of his own power, a glint of arrogance gleaming in his eyes. "Let me show what really power is" in confident manner, he raised his hand, summoning a mystical circle that crackled with dark energy, its arcane symbols pulsating with an ominous glow.

As the circle shimmered into existence, tendrils of shadowy energy coalesced around Marius, writhing like serpents as they enveloped him in a sinister embrace. With each passing moment, the shadows seemed to seep into Marius, merging with his form and augmenting his power with their dark essence. His grin widened as he basked in the surge of newfound strength, his eyes alight with malevolent intent as he prepared to unleash his enhanced abilities upon his sister.

Dio's keen gaze bore into the spectacle unfolding before him, his eyes narrowing to slits as he observed the dark power coursing through Marius. As a god, Dio possessed knowledge and insight far beyond that of mortals, yet even he found himself puzzled by the origins of Marius's newfound abilities. He made a mental note to consult his father once the chaos had subsided, hoping to uncover the truth behind Marius's mysterious power. Despite his reservations, Dio remained composed, his thoughts calculating as he considered the implications of Marius's strength "If him and I fight, I might to need to lift a lot more of my finger" he shook his head as currently they are in temporary alliance.

Valerie's focus intensified as she fortified herself for the impending clash, shrouding her form in a protective layer of crimson-hued armor crafted from her own blood. She manipulated the earth beneath her, blending it seamlessly with her blood to lay the groundwork for her strategy. Each movement was deliberate, each action calculated, as she harnessed the power within her to its fullest extent. Drawing strength from the fallen corpses that Alucard sent here earlier, she absorbed their essence, bolstering her own power in anticipation of the confrontation.. Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, she found solace in the knowledge that she possessed all she needed to confront her foes, regardless of Alucard's whereabouts. "I got this! every thing is already in the palm of my hands" She thought confidently.

"So much power inside of me" Marius's laughter echoed with a hint of madness while looking the sky as if he mocking the heaven and gods themselves., his eyes ablaze with the intoxicating rush of newfound power. With a demeanor bordering on arrogance, he seemed to revel in the sheer magnitude of the strength coursing through his veins. He started calming down as he look at Dio with a smile "I'm the behavior of mine Lord Dio" said by him without the respectful tone. 

Dio regarded Marius with a measured expression, his gaze unwavering as he took in the vampire's display of power and subsequent apology. Though his demeanor remained composed, there was a flicker of wariness in his eyes, a recognition of the formidable force Marius now wielded.

"Apology accepted" Dio responded, his voice carrying a hint of caution beneath its calm facade. He remained vigilant, wary of the unpredictable nature of Marius's newfound abilities and the potential threat they posed to him.

Marius's demeanor shifted once more as he turned his attention back to Valerie, a predatory gleam in his eyes as he prepared to unleash his newfound power upon her. With a smirk, he gestured towards Valerie, his intent clear as he prepared to engage in battle once more.

Marius moves like he vanish in front of Valerie causing her constrict her eye and look around the vicinity but she failed to see Marius. Valerie's senses heightened as she sought to anticipate Marius move, her muscles tensed and her focus sharpened as she prepared for the onslaught. With a swift motion, Marius appeared behind her, his movements so fluid and effortless that they seemed to defy the laws of physics. But Valerie's blood shield surged to intercept his attacks, forming a barrier of crimson energy that repelled his onslaught. As Marius's claws clashed against the crimson barrier, Valerie felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins. She turned to face her assailant, but Marius was already vanishing into thin air, leaving behind nothing but a trail of afterimages and the faint echo of his presence. 

The stalemate persisted as Valerie's blood shield held firm against Marius's relentless assault, each strike met with an unyielding barrier of crimson energy. Despite the ferocity of his attacks, Valerie remained steadfast, her focus unwavering as she maintained her defense. After each passing moment, the tension between them grew, the air crackling with the intensity of their clash as they danced on the edge of confrontation. She thought to herself "If only my evolution is a bit faster after swallowing that much blood then I can probably keep up with his speed".

As Marius launched himself into the air, Valerie's senses heightened as she is already getting use to his speed, she prepared to counter his attack. With lightning speed, she summoned a barrage of blood stakes, her aim true as she unleashed them in a flurry of crimson projectiles. But Marius proved elusive, his movements graceful and fluid as he evaded her strikes with effortless grace. He seemed to taunt her further, his mocking laughter echoing through the air like a haunting refrain.

Valerie's mind raced as she sought a way to shift the balance of the stalemate in her favor. She knew that remaining purely defensive was not a viable strategy in the long run, especially with the looming presence of Dio on the sidelines. Uncertain of Dio's intentions, she couldn't afford to let her guard down for even a moment, her focus divided between her brother's relentless attacks and the looming threat of divine intervention.

Drawing upon her ingenuity and resourcefulness, Valerie sought to exploit her brothers prideful nature and defensive weakness as she thought she can crush him easily, probing for vulnerabilities that she could exploit to gain the upper hand. She knew that she couldn't afford to remain on the defensive forever, every moment pass her options are dwindling. With a steely resolve, she prepared to execute her plan, her movements deliberate and calculated as she braced herself for the decisive moment that would determine the outcome of the confrontation.

Valerie switched to offense, creating numerous stake from the blood mix with soil beneath the earth trying to impale Marius. However Marius easily evaded the stakes by backflipping numerous time until the stakes stop. He look at the stake covering his light sight to Valerie. When the stakes crumble Marius saw her sister already out of her blood armor and breathing heavily "She is already in her limit" he inwardly thought while grinning from ear to ear.

 Marius saw Valerie create numerous blood stake while scattering it to attack him. Marius deftly dodged and parried Valerie's blood stakes, his laughter echoing through the air as he closed in on his exhausted adversary. With each step, his grin widened, relishing the prospect of finally overpowering his weakened opponent. As he neared Valerie, he could sense her fatigue, her defenses faltering under the relentless assault.

when he thought that the distance was enough, With a burst of speed, Marius lunged at Valerie, his claws poised to strike as he sought to deliver the final blow. His laughter grew louder, a symphony of madness and triumph as he anticipated victory.

When Marius claw hit Valerie head there was almost no resistance as the head flew up. Marius's triumphant smile faltered as he felt the headless body of Valerie wrap around him, immobilizing him in its embrace. Panic surged through him as he struggled against the unexpected hold, his efforts to break free proving futile against the surprising strength of the lifeless form. each moment passed , his desperation grew, his mind racing to comprehend the impossible situation in which he found himself.

Despite his frantic attempts to escape, Marius remained ensnared by the headless body, his struggles only serving to tighten its grip around him. 

When Marius claw hit Valerie head there was almost no resistance. The head flew while Marius smile in proudly in his victory however the body without the head move embracing the defenseless Marius "What..." caught off guard by the sudden movement of the headless body, he tried to break free from it's clutches but failed to do so. 

Marius's struggles intensified as he felt the headless body begin to transform into a viscous, blood-like substance, engulfing him in its grasp. Panic surged through him as he fought against the relentless tide of goo, his attempts to break free growing increasingly desperate with each passing moment. Despite his pleas and struggles, the blood-like substance clung to him tenaciously, its sticky embrace refusing to release its hold.

"No! Stop!" Marius cried out in desperation, his voice filled with fear and frustration as he attempted to rid himself of the encroaching goo. However, his efforts were in vain as the substance continued to envelop him, its grip growing tighter with every second passed. He tried to run away or jump while he is covered the the blood like goo but goo stick itself to the earth prevent him from doing it. "Curse you Valerie!!" He shouted one last time as he got covered by the blood like goo. !

Valerie emerge from the ground beneath that she was hiding after Marius one last cry. She watch the still moving and struggling Marius with no hint of pity. "Do it" She order the goo to slowly crush him which the goo comply to their master's command. As the goo obeyed Valerie's command, Marius's struggles grew more desperate, but the crushing force proved relentless, inexorably reducing him to a mangled heap. With each agonizing moment, his movements became weaker until finally, all signs of life ceased, and he lay motionless beneath the weight of his own demise.

Valerie observed the scene with a steely gaze, unmoved by the spectacle of Marius's demise. With Marius's defeat, she had exacted her revenge, severing the final ties that bound her to her past. Turning away from the grisly sight, she set her sights on the watching Dio who stared back at her with smirk.