Chapter 68

Still in the Training Grounds on Mount Olympus but Diana already left the group.

"Athena, do you believe it?" Artemis asked curiously, her eyes fixed on Athena as she awaited her response.

Athena stared at Artemis thoughtfully. "I think I've read that these five clans were given sacred beasts and that the strongest of these is the Yellow Dragon. But I'm not entirely convinced yet; it could be that the heads of the clans are just being greedy for power" she said, holding her chin as she frowned. "It might be improbable but still possible that the Yellow Dragon that appeared in Kuoh is their sacred beast, which escaped and rampaged through the town to vent its anger."

Artemis then suggested to Athena, "If that's the case, we cannot let it go back to them as it's too powerful." She smirked before adding, "So we should seize it before they do." Her suggestion was made proudly, considering the potential boost in strength for their faction.

After hearing Artemis's suggestion, Athena turned to Atalanta and asked in a serious tone, "Do the Hound and the Dog know about this?" Her expression was expectant, hoping they didn't.

"No, I don't think they knew yet" Atalanta replied thoughtfully after a moment.

"Good, keep it that way" Athena nodded, then turned to look at Artemis with a knowing look. Seeing this, Artemis nodded before saying to Atalanta, "Atalanta, you will go back to Kuoh Town and prevent the five clans from capturing the Yellow Dragon. While you're there, observe the devils and try to find the identity of those who attacked them." She gave the orders in a serious tone, but then smiled and added, "Come back from time to time via teleportation because I know you'll miss your fellow huntresses."

Atalanta stood up, straightened her posture, and put her fist to her chest. Looking at Artemis with dedication, she said seriously, "I will do my utmost best to complete the mission, no matter the cost, even if it means my life." Despite the uncertainty of what lay ahead, she felt determined and resolute.

Athena and Artemis nodded, acknowledging Atalanta's dedication to the gods of Olympus. Hippolyta then asked a reasonable question, her tone confused, "Why is the Dog of Asgard trying to find the Yellow Dragon?" She paused before adding, "I understand the Hound being there, as they need that kind of power to help them in their war with the Fomorians. But Asgard has already beaten the Vanir and prevented Ragnarok after killing Loki." She looked at Athena and Artemis, tilting her head in confusion, "What I am saying is, why do they need the Yellow Dragon?"

Athena was the one to answer Hippolyta's question, but not in a straightforward manner. "Before there was Wise Odin, there was War-Mongering Odin, conquering lands and seeking war left and right in his realm. I think he once planned to conquer the territories of other gods, but after learning about Ragnarok, he laid down his weapons and focused all his attention on preventing the inevitable" she explained with a smile.

"So now that he has prevented Ragnarok, he plans to invade other realms?" Hippolyta's eyes widened in shock. "And that is why the Hound is there, just in case the Dog is able to get the Yellow Dragon." She nodded in realization, understanding the strategic movements of the gods.

"And the Tuatha Dé Danann will be the first target of Odin's invasion. As you know, the Pendragons' Camelot is already gone from the British Isles" Artemis added to Hippolyta's conclusion, frowning before saying, "Even if they don't have the Yellow Dragon, they can still proceed with the invasion. But I don't know what's preventing Odin from doing it now."

"Who knows, maybe he's already started," Athena said with a smile making Artemis and Hippolyta look confused, though she too frowned as she pondered Odin's hesitation. "Being wise and knowing it all, he might be preventing himself from making mistakes. But just like Atalanta, he could be missing his big opportunity—or maybe he already missed it." She then looked towards the Far East as the wind blew, her thoughts deep and contemplative.

"Now then, let's talk about Prome—" Athena began, but she was interrupted by collective murmurs from the huntresses in the training ground.

Athena, Hippolyta, and Artemis turned their attention to the arena below. There, they saw a monstrous creature with red fur, standing without a head. Vines slithered from its neck, and its right arm, replaced by more vines, moved menacingly. Its left arm, though normal, was composed of pure muscle with sharp claws at the end. The creature's gigantic body cast a shadow over the huntresses. Standing on its hind legs, it exuded an aura of power and menace. The huntresses in the arena observed it with caution, ready to take down the beast if it showed any signs of hostility.

"No, it can't be," Athena said in disbelief, realizing the identity of the creature first. Artemis echoed her sentiments, shocked at the transformation. "Dionysus, what the hell happened to you?" she exclaimed in a voice filled with disbelief.

Atalanta and Hippolyta were equally stunned by the revelation. Hippolyta was ready to go on the offensive, but before she could react, the Beast made its move.

The ground rumbled as the Beast attacked the surrounding Huntresses in the arena, summoning vines from beneath them. With a deafening boom, the vines sprouted from the ground, impaling some of them in the process, causing instant death. Others had their arms or legs ripped apart, screaming in agony as blood splashed onto the ground.

With a swift swish, the Beast used the vines in its right arm to make a sweeping motion, hitting the surviving and crippled Huntresses. They screamed as they were thrown against the wall, their bodies battered but still alive and breathing.

Out of instinct, the Beast leaped from the arena below and charged toward the Goddess's location. As it ran, the Beast created a variety of creatures to distract and occupy some of the huntresses. The remaining huntresses tried to stop the Beast by shooting arrows, throwing spears, and using chains to trip it, but their efforts were futile. Some brave huntresses confronted the Beast head-on, only to meet their demise as it instinctively lashed out with its claws.

Annoyed by the persistent attacks of the huntresses who were still free, the Beast repeated its initial assault. However, this time, the huntresses had learned from the mistakes of their fallen sisters and managed to dodge some of the attacks. 

As the Beast neared the Goddesses, it leaped into the air with full force, extending its right arm, which had been replaced by slithering vines, to reach them. Atalanta began shooting arrows at the Beast, but it merely absorbed the impact. Hippolyta picked up her shield and moved in front of the Goddesses to protect them. She then summoned a golden spear adorned with a red scarf, matching the color of her hair, but it was not yet her time to shine.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, someone drop-kicked the Beast from above, causing it to crash to the ground. BOOM! The impact was deafening, with the ground cracking like a spider's web and debris scattering everywhere.

They all looked at the one who had attacked the Beast from above, and it was none other than Diana, the daughter of Hippolyta. She stood atop its body with a gallant look, even though the Beast was not yet defeated and was merely momentarily stunned.

Hippolyta, Athena, and Artemis were about to join the battle, but a commanding voice said, "Do not interfere!" They turned to the source of the voice, and it was none other than Queen Hera.