Chapter 72

At the top of the training ground where the Goddesses and Hippolyta were watching, Artemis's curiosity was piqued as she observed the sword Diana was holding. "What is that sword?" she asked, her eyes fixed on its intricate design.

The sword featured a long, slightly curved blade with ornate engravings along its length. The blade had a metallic sheen. The engravings were elaborate, consisting of intertwining patterns that added an air of ancient mystique to the weapon. A notable feature was the serpent motif winding its way around the blade and the hilt. The hilt itself was adorned with a sculpted snake, its body forming the guard and part of the handle, creating a sense of fluidity and motion. The handle was wrapped with a design resembling scales, further emphasizing the serpent theme.

"I don't think I've ever seen anything like that, even in Hephaestus's inventory" Athena remarked, equally intrigued by the sword as she observed it closely. This was the first time she had seen Diana wield it, as Diana usually used projected swords during their combat training sessions. Both Goddesses turned their gaze toward Hera, expecting an explanation.

However, it was Hippolyta who answered their curiosity. "Her father said that this is one of the Swords of Eden" she explained with a smug expression, looking proudly at Diana holding the sword given to her by her father.

"That doesn't explain much, Hippolyta, so stop being smug" Artemis said, casting a weird look at Hippolyta. "I really want to punch her right now" she thought, eyeing Hippolyta's smug expression.

"I know of Eden, but I don't think she can use or forge swords" Athena added, her curiosity piqued. She tried to recall any sword-related lore connected to Eden but came up empty. "So, yeah, that doesn't explain a lot, Hippolyta." She looked at Hippolyta, expecting a more detailed explanation to satisfy her curiosity.

"I don't know why my 'husband' called it one of the Swords of Eden" Hippolyta said casually, shrugging her shoulders. "But I do know that all the Swords of Eden he crafted are capable of extraordinary feats, like the one Diana is holding." She closed her eyes, recalling her husband's words. "That sword can kill immortals or even divine beings, including gods" she added, pointing at the sword Diana was wielding.

"Like the harpe?" Artemis questioned to which Athena and Hippolyta nodded in response.

"In other words" Hera interjected, turning her head slightly to look at them with a frown, "this will be over soon, so shut up and watch." The sky rumbled after she shouted, emphasizing her command. She turned back, her mood clearly soured by their chatter.

"Queen Mother, I know you have a lot of pent-up stress since you haven't done it in, like" Hippolyta paused for effect, "a gazillion years" she said with a smirk, shrugging as she teased her grandmother. "So give them some slack"

Hera turned abruptly to face Hippolyta. "Do not mention my sex life ever again, granddaughter" she shouted, her face beet red with embarrassment. "Blame Zeus for this. That bastard of a whore isn't even touching me because I'm 'used goods.'" The sky rumbled again as her anger flared.

"Why not divorce that bastard, then? So you can find someone to water down your dry and thirsty land" Hippolyta smirked, clearly enjoying teasing Hera.

"If you can find someone who can break my vow, then feel free to bring him here" Hera retorted sarcastically, looking down at the battle raging below. "If you did find one, I would give everything I have to him, my body and soul" she added with a smirk. Deep down, she longed for someone to free her from this torment and love her again.

Athena and Artemis, who had been watching the exchange, could hardly believe what they had just witnessed. Hera, blushing like a lovestruck girl, seemed to be as thirsty as Aphrodite—perhaps even worse. If there was someone out there capable of freeing Hera from her bindings, he would need to be prepared to satisfy her immense urges. This cougar was clearly hungry.

Hera turned to look at Artemis and Athena with narrowed eyes. "If I ever hear any of you spreading what you saw and heard here, you're dead" she said menacingly, her eyes glinting dangerously. Both goddesses nodded profusely, sweat forming on their foreheads as they silently vowed to keep their mouths shut. Satisfied, Hera turned back around to watch the battle unfold, eager to witness its conclusion.

Meanwhile, Diana began executing Hera's order with determination. She ran head-on towards the beast, which was ready for her. It ignited its vine-like hands, producing toxic smoke just as it had earlier, and lashed out at the approaching Diana. "A beast is a beast" Diana sighed before teleporting behind it. Instinctively, the beast swung its backhand to hit Diana, but she casually ducked to dodge it. She then reversed grip her sword and slashed upward, severing the beast's arm at the shoulder.

Diana quickly placed her hand on the beast's wound, her eyes glowing white as she channeled her lightning ability to burn and char the wound, stunning the beast again. The beast screeched in pain and summoned vines from beneath the ground to attack Diana, but she teleported out of their reach. Relentlessly, the vines chased after her with the fury of their master.

Diana stood her ground, waiting for the vines to close in before teleporting again behind the beast. This time, the beast was prepared. It burned its own fur, producing toxic smoke to force Diana to retreat. Diana stood at a distance from the beast, glancing toward Atalanta and the huntresses battling the Wicker Man. She nodded knowingly before looking up at the dark sky above Olympus. Her eyes turned white again while the sky rumbled as she commanded the clouds to unleash torrential rain. However, this was no ordinary rain; it possessed special properties that could heal allies and harm enemies. The beast felt the sting of a thousand needles as the rain struck, causing it to screech in agony while the fire on its body subsided. It lashed out blindly, unable to understand the source of its pain. "Poor thing" Diana said with a hint of sadness. "But don't worry, the pain will stop now."

She teleported near one of its hind legs, slashing and cutting it before using her lightning ability to char the wound. Before the beast could fall, she repeated the process on its other hind leg, and then its vine-like right hand. With its limbs severed and charred, the beast fell to the ground, immobilized. Diana then stood atop the crippled beast, which was still alive, and began slicing and dicing it until she hit something solid. With a frown, she dug through the beast's body with her sword. After a while, she uncovered three tarot cards. She removed and picked up the cards, and with one last screech as if a battery had been removed, the beast finally fell. Ignoring the beast's corpse, Diana stared at the tarot cards in her hands with curiosity. Her attention was then diverted by a barrage of seven light arrows from the direction of Atalanta and the huntresses. "Good job, Atalanta" she said with a smile,

Atalanta and the Huntresses Before the Rain.

Atalanta and the huntresses couldn't get near the Wicker Man as the smoke from its fire was the same toxic gas the beast had released earlier. So, Atalanta ordered them to keep their distance and shoot arrows. The arrows were useless, burning on impact with the Wicker Man's fire. A group of huntresses tried to throw a chain at the moving giant to trip it, but they were overpowered and dragged to the ground by the Wicker Man. "I really don't want to use it, though, as I don't know if it will be effective" Atalanta said in frustration. Then she saw, in the distance, her sisters pushing something large—the ballista, loaded with arrows that had chains on the ends. "Good job, sisters!" she shouted in joy, completely reversing her earlier frustration.

The other huntresses stalled the Wicker Man's havoc by throwing anything they could find, waiting for the ballista to get into position. As the ballista reached its location, Atalanta shouted an order, "Retreat, sisters!" Hearing this, the huntresses retreated behind the ballista, waiting for it to shoot. "Aim for the knees!" Atalanta commanded, and the huntresses complied, adjusting their aim. "Fire!" The ballista released an arrow, and without the ability to dodge, the Wicker Man took an arrow to the knee—BOOM—and another arrow to the other knee—BOOM—causing it to fall face-first—BOOM. "YES!" the huntresses cheered, celebrating prematurely. They looked up at the sky as clouds gathered. "Diana..." Atalanta muttered to herself as the rain started pouring down, healing the huntresses' fatigue and wounds. They shouted again, this time thanking the wrong deity, "Lord Zeus is watching."

The Wicker Man also got hit by the rain, feeling as if needles were striking it, making it wail in pain. Perhaps it was the trapped souls of the huntresses within the Wicker Man wailing. The rain's healing properties reinvigorated the huntresses, giving them the strength to continue their fight.

The Wicker Man's fire began to weaken, and Atalanta noticed it. She glanced in Artemis's direction, and seeing Artemis nod in response, she smiled, knowing exactly what needed to be done.

Atalanta aimed her bow at the sky, concentrating as she chanted, "Oh, mighty stars that light the night" she whispered softly. A shining light arrow appeared on her bow. "Stars of wisdom, stars of might" she continued, and two more light arrows appeared. "Lead us through the darkest night." Three more light arrows added themselves to the bow. "With our Goddess's grace, our spirits soar" she said, and one final light arrow appeared, making it seven arrows in total. "Artemis, forevermore" she shouted, her voice resonating as if calling to the heavens. She released the seven light arrows into the sky.

In the night sky above Olympus, seven stars shone brightly, connecting in a brilliant constellation. The huntresses looked up, witnessing a giant light arrow pouring down from the heavens and striking the Wicker Man—BOOM—making it screech in pain. Without respite, another light arrow descended—BOOM—followed by another—BOOM—and another—BOOM. Two more light arrows struck in quick succession—BOOM, BOOM—and finally, the last massive light arrow hit with a resounding BOOM.

The relentless assault from the sky had taken a toll on the Wicker Man, its flames now flickering weakly, its form crumbling under the divine barrage of Atalanta the Huntress of the Night.