Chapter 115

7 more chapters to go! ganbatte mina!


Inside the MANTIS fortress after Eden left, Fu Hua who being summoned to Mei's location. She walked slowly down the lonely corridor, once bustling with life and people moving back and forth in both directions. In the past, this corridor had been filled with laughter, shouts, and familiar faces greeting each other like long-lost family and friends. Now, it was devoid of life, a cold metallic passage echoing only with her footsteps. The majority of the MANTIS members and other inhabitants had perished in the 12th Herrscher attack. The remaining few were already in the hibernation chamber, created from the core of the 5th Herrscher. Fu Hua had even instructed the two soldiers guarding the main gate to head to the Hibernation Chamber, as no more people would be coming or going from the fortress.

Fu Hua paused in front of a particular room: the cafeteria. This was where she and her friends, as well as her former squad members, had shared meals from breakfast to dinner. She had also spent many late nights here, sometimes alone and sometimes with her former squad leader and mentor, Captain Himiko. Himiko had always been there for her, offering support and trying to make her happy when she felt lonely and sad. Himiko's death had taken a psychological toll on Fu Hua, but the emotions she experienced had helped her integrate the DNA of a Judgment Class Honkai beast, Garuda. This integration also allowed her to wield the 8th Herrscher's ability in the form of the Divine Key, FengHuang Down. These abilities had enabled her to help humanity fight and fend off the Herrscher and Honkai beasts in the past. Himiko would always hold a special place in her heart, a memory she would cherish no matter the era.

Unconsciously or perhaps not, Fu Hua used the ability of the FengHuang Down to create illusions of her former squad and Himiko talking and eating happily side by side in this empty and devoid Cafeteria.

It even includes the flame-chasers in it.

With Elysia having fun talking to the Leader.

Kosma is tending to the needs of Griseo like a butler to which Griseo just keeps doing what she is doing and that is drawing with some instruction from Nuwa the resident weeb.

Mei and Mobius are talking about Scientific stuff while Fuxi listen and Klein who works for Mobius writes all of what she heard from them in her notepad. Sakura is feeding her sister Rin.

Eden is gossiping and chuckling with Su about make up and stuff.

Vill-V who uses a mechanical arm is using it to arm wrestle Kalpas while Pardofellis set up a betting station.

And she and Himiko betting against Kalpas.

These were all the memories and illusions she combined to make this scene. She smile slightly seeing all of this but shook her head helplessly as this would only remain a memory, a memory that she would not forget no matter what.

Fu Hua waved her hands to erase these illusions before walking again to Mei location. After walking for a few minutes, she arrived at the automatic sliding doors, which opened with a swish. She entered a highly advanced, futuristic laboratory designed for uploading consciousness to virtual reality. At the center stood a sleek pod with a transparent cover on a circular platform surrounded by cables. Large monitors displayed brain activity and other vital data. Overhead surgical lights illuminated the pod, emphasizing the high-tech setup. The room was filled with advanced machinery, robotic arms, and control panels, with caution signs indicating the potential hazards of the complex procedures.

Fu Hua looks at Aponia who is already inside the pod preparing to transfer her consciousness to the virtual simulator Elysian Realm. Why is she doing this? She wanted to help the future generation fight the Herrschers and Honkai Beast by creating a simulated reality and making them experience what they have gone through fighting the Herrseher with the hope that they will be able to counter them in the future.

Fu Hua stared at the woman who had a serious demeanor which is apparent in her focused and intense expression. Her inquisitive eyes sharpened with determination, reflecting her deep concentration and dedication. Her long, flowing purple hair remains neatly styled, and her posture exudes authority and expertise. Round glasses accentuate her sharp gaze, adding to her intellectual rigor. Her attire is formal and meticulous: a light gray jacket over a dark, form-fitting shirt and black tie, all immaculately kept. An ID badge and straps on her jacket suggest readiness for scientific work. Her practical, sleek skirt, black stockings, and stylish shoes emphasize functionality and elegance. The choker and wristbands underscore her professional identity.

"How is it, Mei? Is everything ready?" Fu Hua asked with curiosity to the woman whose name is Mei about the situation even though she is not a tech-savvy as the others and that others were only three people. She stared again at the sleeping Aponia who was wearing just a simple patient robe in color white.

"No yet, the Elysian Realm still needs some adjustments" Mei answered not even looking at Fu Hua as she was busy fiddling with computers and touchscreen monitors. She moved to other end of the monitor and sometimes she checked her vitals of Aponia making sure something she is comfortable and cozy even though Aponia won't feel a thing as she is already asleep.

"Did you already send your assistants to the hibernation chamber cause.."Fuhua remarked as she watch Mei move from the other part of the room and the other "You probably need them for this" she added while Mei fiddled with her wrist computer and connected it to POD in the center of the room.

"I can handle this myself so no need for that" Mei replied in a confident tone as she kept on typing on her portable computer before "And besides, I already sent them to the hibernation chamber," she added while she looked at Fu Hua stop what she was doing "But I do miss Prometheus" she then continues what she was doing after saying that.

"I'm here. Dr. Mei" a voice of a young girl resounded the room they were in. "What I meant is, I miss no.17" Mei said with a smile to the AI and yes, that voice is an AI named Prommeus that was created by Mobius which she separated in 17 parts and wanted them to have human emotions which she failed except maybe Prometheus no.17.or just no.17 as it insists that it is its name,

"Then if you need me, Dr Me I will always be available." the AI replied devoid of emotion. "It seems number 17 is the only one with emotions even after all this time." Mei sighed in disappointment at the response of the Ai as she wanted it to be jealous of no,17 being love more than the other Prometheus.

"Why not let Prometheus help you fin,," Fu Hua said with her eyebrows furrowed but she was interrupted by Mei shouting "It's done, we just need to wait for the Elysian Realm to complete its update" She stood up and face Fu Hua with a playful smile.

Fu Hua shook with a smile on her face "So we just one to wait" she said while looking for a seat and to her disappointment it was all computers and machines. So she just walked to one of the bigger machines and leaned on it as she waited for the update.

Mei on the other hand just stood with her hands in her coat pocket as she watched the display screen and monitored it for changes that will be vital to the process of uploading Aponia's consciousness to the Elysian Realm.

Silence descended between both of them for almost 30 minutes and the sound of the computers and machines was the only one that could be heard in this room but Mei was the one who broke the silence first by asking this while her sight did not move out of the screens"How was Eden when left?" 

The leaning Fu Hua answered with a helpless smile on her face "She was happy and really tired of fighting a losing war." she looked at the back of Mei as she said this with a tired tone.

"We won't lose again," Mei said in confidence while she turned around and faced Fu Hua before smiling "For Himiko" she added this as if this is her mantra In dire times like this and she is also pretty close to Himiko just like Fu Hua but not as closed as Fu Hua and as a matter of fact she is pretty closed to every one of their friend group except maybe the sleeping Aponia.

"For everyone" Fu Hua replied with confidence and determination after hearing the confident tone of Mei about fighting the Herrscehr in the future era unlike Eden who gave up already which is understandable as she is not fighter just like Eden said,

"Dr. Mei the Elysian Realm is now online" Prometheus informs Mei before it goes in silence again. Mei then walks to one of the touchscreen monitors before looking at Fu Hua with a serious expression. "I will start now and if she somehow woke up use your ability to calm her down" she instructed Fu Hua on what to do, She started the process which Fu Hua nodded in response as she readied the divine key in her person.

Mei also nodded "Beginning upload in 5, 4, 3, 2..." but something happened machines and computers started making noises making her walk towards them with haste as she observed all the monitors with narrow eyes.

"What's happening Mei?" Fu Hua asked in a serious tone as she too looked and watched the screen but she could only see that Aponia's heartbeat was rising non-stop and something was happening to her brain.

"Her brain actively is unusual and off the roosf causing her heart to pump more blood to her brain" She explained in simple terms to Fu Hua as she walked towards the Pod in the center before saying "She must have been having a one hell of a dream or scary and frightening nightmare" as she arrived at the Pod and watched Aponia's happy expression "But based on her smile, it's the former"

As soon as Mei walked towards the Pod, Fu Hua followed behind as she too looked at the smiling Aponia with a warm smile for a while but that did not last long as Aponia opened her eyes abruptly scaring the veteran fighter and experienced Doctor.

After opening her eyes, Aponia shouted loudly at the duo with fury "Let me out, Let me out! I must meet the Lord and Savior!" she relentlessly tapped the glass of the Pod.

"Calm down, Aponia" Mei said in a calm and relaxed tone to Aponia while she side glanced at Fu Hua signaling her to use the FengHuang down to Aponia.

However, Aponia saw this coming and used a lot of force to break the pod, *BANG With the sound of the impact, She floated above the destroyed pod that she caused "Don't stop me Fu Hua! I have to see my Lord and serve him." She looked at Fu Hua and Mei simultaneously.

"But.." Mei was about to say something but Fu Hua said this first with a calm and reassuring tone to Aponia "I won't stop you but you have to calm down first, Aponia" Aponia nodded in response as she floated down slowly in front of Me and Fu Hua.

After a good minute of silence.

"I'm calm now so have to go now so as to not upset the Lord." Aponia started walking fast but Fu Hua stopped her.

"Tell us what happened in the pod or you dream first. then you can go Aponia" Fu Hua asked Aponia with a smile while she tried to grab Aponia but Aponia was not having it "No! I don't wanna be late as he might leave me soon after meeting Eden." She shouted this loudly as she walked to the metal sliding doors and exited the room

"What?!" Fu Hua and Mei shouted in confusion but they still followed Aponia closely and started asking barrage of question to which Aponia answered back but Fu Hua and Mei still don't understand what the hell is Aponia saying. 

At the Main gate of the fortress.

After they arrived at the gate, "We are coming with you, Aponia as Eden might be in danger" Fu Hua said to Aponia in a serious tone as she looked at Mei to add more.

"That's right Aponia, we don't know if you will be able to save her on your own if something happened" Mei added in a serious tone.

"The Lord won't hurt her as she will be a devout and loyal follower of the Lord," Aponia said in fervor while clasping her hands together and praying to the God or Lord that she kept mentioning. "AAAH at last I will be able see the lord first hand," She said while moaning for some reason and her eyes were already in heart shape based on the observation of Fu Hua and Mei who both got taken a back by Aponia behavior for the first time.

Fu Hua shook her head to erase that memory in her innocent mind, the same can be said to Mei.

"It does not matter, we will come with you regardless" Fu Hua insisted at Aponia as she look at her with serious and burning eyes.

Seeing this Aponia says this with a smile on her face "Fine! the more followers the better,"

Fu Hua shook her head before saying "Change your clothes first before we leave" Aponia nodded, Fu Hua then turned to Mei and said this with smile "Call her"

Mei nodded as turned on her wrist computer and pressed one button before saying "Kiana come to the main entrance as soon as possible"

"Roger, Roger"