Chapter 77

At the heart of Romania, within the former Tepes faction territory, the aftermath of the battle between Dionysus and Alucard—or rather, Oreki—was evident in the widespread devastation. The foundations of houses and buildings lay in ruins, making the cost of repairs insurmountable for the oppressed residents. These people, once tyrannized by the vampires of the Tepes faction, now faced another hardship: rebuilding their lives amidst the destruction. Even the roads were not spared, with noticeable drag marks suggesting something or someone had been pulled across the terrain, complicating entry for ambulances, rescue vehicles, and even some news crews. Authorities combed through the wreckage cautiously, mindful of the collapsing structures that continued to pose a threat. Reporters and their camera operators were also visible, doing their jobs, while photographers took pictures for themselves or uploaded them to the internet.

In the center of the territory, which was forbidden to enter but where photographers and reporters still managed to sneak in, a grisly scene unfolded with a mountain of corpses, each bearing a gaping hole in the stomach as large as an adult's arm. The authorities, perplexed by the dried-up blood in some of the bodies, speculated about the causes of death. The local residents, aware that these bodies belonged to vampires slain by hunters, faced skepticism from the officials. The authorities dismissed their claims with laughter, suggesting that the residents required medical attention instead. Reluctant to reveal more about their saviors, the grateful residents withheld further information, holding their gratitude for the vampire hunters who had liberated them deep in their hearts.

And just outside the former Tepes faction territory, two figures stood, watching the scene unfold before them without much care. To them, these people, these humans, were inferior. They were devils.

The first devil, standing in front of the second, seemed to be the leader or the boss, exuding an aura of regality and formidable power. His presence commanded attention, with an appearance that was both majestic and intimidating. His long, silver hair cascaded down past his shoulders. His piercing, yet calm eyes reflected deep-seated confidence and a mind always calculating, always plotting. This devil was draped in a grand, flowing white cloak that enveloped his entire form. The cloak was accented with intricate golden embroidery along the edges, further enhancing its regal appearance. The inner lining of the cloak was a deep, royal blue. Beneath the cloak, he wore a suit of elaborately designed armor that gleamed with a metallic sheen. The armor, primarily blue with gold accents, featured a chest piece adorned with ornate golden patterns that swirled across the surface. His shoulders were protected by large, curved pauldrons that extended outward, each layer interlocking like the scales of a dragon, giving him an even more imposing silhouette. His undergarment consisted of a high-collared, dark tunic that reached down to his knees, slit in the middle for ease of movement. The tunic was complemented by black trousers and sturdy boots. The dark colors of his inner attire created a stark contrast with the brilliance of his outer garments. His facial expression was a mix of calm and cunning, with a slight smirk that hinted at his underlying arrogance and the knowledge of his own superiority. The lines on his face and the steely determination in his eyes told of a man who had seen and shaped the rise and fall of empires, a man whose ambition knew no bounds.

The second devil, also with silver hair cascading in smooth, controlled waves down to his shoulders, presented a striking figure. His hair, impeccably maintained, suggested a man who was meticulous about his appearance. His facial features were refined and sharply defined, with high cheekbones and a strong jawline that added to his distinguished presence. The second devil's attire further enhanced his sophisticated image. He wore a high-collared, tailored coat that fit him perfectly. The coat, buttoned smartly, was adorned with intricate patterns and details, his hands gloved and steady.

"That was interesting, right? Lord Rizevim," the second devil asked, curiosity evident in his voice. This was Rizevim Lucifer, the son of the original Lucifer created by the Biblical God. The second devil, needing input from his master, was Euclid Lucifuge.

"Indeed, Euclid, it was an entertaining fight to witness and watch from afar," Rizevim answered, his tone laced with disdain and mocking but there's lingering doubt in there, luckily it cannot be seen easily and even he does not notice it.

"Is there going to be problem going forward after all the Vamp.. no the test subjects are all gone now" Euclid asked respectfully to Rizavim but deep down he is fuming at the waste of precious experiments specially that they are already one or two steps away from completing it. "Damn Vampires and their incompitence" he thought inwardly as he only blame the vampire and not the vampire hunters themselves.

"Is there going to be a problem going forward now that all the Vamp... no, the test subjects are gone?" Euclid asked respectfully, though deep down he was fuming at the waste of precious experiments. They had been just one or two steps away from completion. "Damn vampires and their incompetence," he thought inwardly, placing the blame solely on the vampires and not on the vampire hunters who had eradicated them.

Rizevim chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down the spines of those who knew him well. "Problems? There are always problems, Euclid. But nothing we can't handle," he replied, his tone dripping with mockery and superiority. "The loss of the test subjects is indeed unfortunate, and we also lost the most important part of the experiment due to the incompetence of Marius." He let out a disappointed sigh but then smiled. "But we will adapt. We always do."

Euclid nodded, though his frustration was barely concealed. "Understood, Lord Rizevim. Our plans must continue regardless. We can always find new subjects, but we have to locate the Sephiroth Graal first to move forward," he said, remembering the importance of that artifact in their experiment.

"We will get that soon," Rizevim answered confidently, placing his hands behind his back. "But first, we need to find out where that guy took the girl." He contemplated briefly but then smiled, thinking inwardly, "It doesn't matter. I have all the pawns and tools at my disposal to find it." He stared at Euclid, who bowed his head in respect. Rizevim smiled at this behavior before turning to watch the humans from afar with mocking eyes. "You know what to do" he said.

"I will mobilize my Nilrem to find the girl" Euclid responded confidently, still bowing his head, as the Lucifage are made to serve the Lucifer bloodline, though they still have a choice of whom to serve if they wish.

Rizevim nodded. "Good" he said, like a certain Emperor, but his mood soured after hearing Euclid's follow-up question.

"What about the new player? Will he become a problem?" Euclid asked curiously, not knowing that Rizevim's face was souring after hearing the question.

"Do not worry about a mere vampire, Euclid" Rizevim said confidently with a smile. "He is nothing to us, and even if he were something, he is still nothing but a speck of dust ready to be removed at whim" he said in a mocking tone, smirking confidently to himself.

"As expected from Lord Rizevim" Euclid said, trying to flatter the Lucifer descendant while bowing in fealty.

Rizevim's sour mood after hearing about the new player's involvement was erased due to the flattery. "Let's go. We have much to do" he said, to which Euclid nodded in response as he stood beside him, preparing a teleportation spell to leave the place.


"Did you say 'dumbass' to me?" Rizevim said angrily to Euclid, preparing a spell to punish him. Euclid shook his head vehemently to deny Rizevim's accusation.

"No, Lord Rizevim, I did not say anything. I did not" he said, almost crying, fearing he might get killed just like that.

Seeing Euclid's face, which was almost in tears, Rizevim stopped the magic attack and looked around. "Must have been the wind then." They then departed using the teleportation magic Rizevim had prepared.


Oreki POV

After seeing Euclid's tear-streaked face, I almost burst out laughing but I managed to hold it back. Hearing Rizevim's grandstanding makes me want to just kill this guy already, but I'll wait. I'll kill him when he thinks he's on top; the higher you are, the harder you fall, as they say. Should I let them find Valerie soon so I can kill some of them just to flex? Nah, let them put some effort in. I did leave some clues, but I've also dumbed them down using my Fool authority, so who knows if they'll find her. Whatever, man.

"Now then" I mutter to myself. Valeries and Gasper are probably finished catching up with each other, I know Rias and Akeno must be fuming that I haven't visited them or called them on LINE. They should've called me... Ah right, they don't have my LINE ID. "Teehee" I chuckle softly, lightly punching my head. Wait, did I just do that when no one was around? I look around before shrugging my shoulders.

Let's visit my girls and earn some points from them.


Happy fathers day to Paul Greyrat