Chapter 93

Inside the Assembly Hall

Riser and her Queen are kissing and making out like there is no one around and minding their own business but after they hear the announcement from Grayfia that one of his rooks has been eliminated they stop doing what they are doing with a confused look. The game only started 

"Oho, it seems Rias' peerage had some skill but whatever" After saying his piece, Riser continued kissing her Queen which she accepted with no resistance. He does not even bother to summon some winged familiar to see what is happening outside of their base, as he does not put Rias in his eyes regarding skill and power. 

Riser's Queen, Yubelluna also thinks the same. She believes that her King already won the rating game after all Rias is inexperienced and does not think and only does what she wants like the princess she is. Which makes her blood boil at the audacity of Rias Gremory for trying to break off the engagement with Riser just to get together with a human. They might not know the real reason why Rias choose the human and if the reason is love? she would laugh at her naivety cause love does not make you stronger or a capable person, it will only make you weak,

However if what you love is strong then that weakness will covered just like Yubelluna's King Riser. She loves him dearly and is willing to sacrifice her life for the greater good of her King. Riser is strong so even if she is weak, her king is a capable devil and will be able to do great things in the future. This will also alleviate their position as their King reaches higher status just like Grayfia Lucifage being the Strongest Queen. In the Sronger the RIser can become stronger or higher their status can become, fair trade for a lifetime of servitude to their King but as of right now they would to focus on the rating game at hand and show the Gremory Princess that she is only a stepping stone for them.


RIser on the other hand only cares about restoring the honor of his family that Sirzechs walked on and destroyed if that is what he thinks. He does not care about what his peerage member think as long as they don't embarrass him and his family just like getting eliminated early in the rating game,

That right, currently, even Riser is enjoying kissing passionately with Yubelluna without a care for his surroundings even though his sister is here. Deep down, he is fuming in anger after hearing that one of his Rooks got eliminated super early in the rating, it was not even fucking twenty minutes. That's not all they got eliminated by Rias' peerage member who is weaker than his peerage but luckily he calmed down as soon as he heard the announcement. 

However, Riser will thoroughly punish his peerage for this embarrassment he experienced but when he thinks his other peerage stomping and beating Rias' peerage into submission as he ordered his peerage to play with them until they give up and forfeit the rating game then he will not punish the stupid rook who got eliminated early. He smiled thinking about his reaction of Rias after her peerage got humiliated by his peerage. Rias' ugly and angry face would be a sight to behold while personally humiliating her by himself.

While Riser and Yubelluna are doing their own little thing inside their head, Ravel the sister of Riser is also doing it. However she not thinking about the current rating game or even Sirzechs using his position as a Satan Maou to pressure their family to agree with this game. She is currently thinking about that guy who is 10 out of 10 in terms of appearance according to Ria's point of view.

"And according to my point of view too," Ravel thought while blushing, and when she remembered that pouting face that Oreki "Not only handsome but cute too" but she shook that thought off of her head as this guy was the reason they doing this none sense of a rating game, This made her angry more to Rias for not sharing that she got a hottie in her arms but she understood Rias for dumping and breaking her engagement to her brother for that kind of hottie. 

However, a human is still a human as they are naturally weaker than devils. "He may have the ability to teleport but the skill can only be used to go to difference places, no more, no less," Ravel thought to herself before thinking again about Oreki's handsomeness "But he is handsome human maybe Rias and I can share a husband.... damn it don't fall for that Ravel, you're that easy of a girl" She slapped herself as she erases that thought but it cause the busy Riser and Yubelluna to stop what they are doing. 

Though Ravel does not know that in the normal timeline, she got captured easily by Issei and it is not her though all of the heroines in the DxD world fall in love with him as easily as pie but she does not know that yet.

"What's wrong with you Ravel" Riser asked in curiosity while fixing his disheveled clothes and sitting straight up in his seat. Even though he is a bastard he still needs to look pleasing in the eyes as he is from a noble family of devils.

Hearing Riser's questions, Ravel stops her musing about Oreki before looking at Riser but she just can't help but compare her brother to Oreki in terms of appearance again and she agrees with Rias that her brother 5 out of 10 compared to Oreki. She shook her head lightly "You have some lipstick, Brother" She said in a flat tone while having a disappointed look at Riser for not taking the game seriously even if they were weaker than them.

"Handkerchief" Riser said in a commanding tone while not moving his eyes from Ravel.

A young girl wearing a Kimono with a color pattern of purple, orange, and pink approaches Riser gave him a handkerchief. The young girl had black hair tied on the opposite side and she also had large brown eyes.

Riser accepted the handkerchief without thanking the girl and he gave the handkerchief to Yubelluna while ordering him the wipe the lipstick on his lips which Yubelluna obliged as he is her master,

Ravel then sighed seeing this "Thank you, Mihhae" She said in a grateful tone to the girl named Mihae. She then stared at her brother who was getting help to wipe his lips from Yubelluna,

Mihae bows in gratefulness to Ravel while returning to her position at the back of Riser and Yubelluna cause in terms of hierarchy, she is currently at the bottom of all of the devils in this hall.

Ravel nodded while smiling at Mihae after she silently thanked her which she appreciated as she is closer to Miahae cause they are almost the same age and their disposition is also the same.

After getting his lips wiped clean "So what's wrong Ravel?" Riser repeated what he asked Ravel while crossing his legs.

Ravel wanted to roast Riser and remind him that Oreki is 10/10 but she changed her mind "Should we help them already, Brother?" She asked.

"No. they can handle those average devils that Rias recruited" Riser said arrogantly with a smirk on his face.

"Average devil that eliminated one of the rooks early in the game" Ravel reminded as she smirked at Riser too.

"Hmph, that was a fluke, Sister and it won't happen again" Riser retorted,

"They capable of handling those devils, Ravel-sama so you don't have to worry," Yubelluna said with confidence backing up Riser.

"Then what if it was not a fluke and they get eliminated one by one?" Ravel asked with a raised eyebrow challenging her brother's thinking.

"Then everyone in this room except Mihae can handle all of them including Rias" Riser said arrogantly as he imagined destroying all of them himself but he still looked forward to the sight of Rias getting surrounded by his peerage while they insulted and mocked her in front of the camera as he knew Sirzechs might be watching closely. This will also be a form of revenge against Sirzechs for disrespecting his Phenex family.

Ravel sighed and did not argue with her brother as she knew he had a thick ego. She then started walking to the door of the assembly hall with ease,

"Where are you going, Ravel?" Riser said with a raised eyebrow while watching Ravel walk away from him.

"I'm going to help them" Ravel answered without even turning back,

"I told you! they can handle them already" Riser shouted angrily as he knew Rael was underestimating their capabilities.

"I don't care" Ravel then walked out of the hall leaving it to descend in silence,

After a while, the silent Mihae suggested that she would follow Ravel as a backup just in case

"Go, I don't care what the hell my sister wants anyway," Riser said without looking at Mihae while he started kissing Yubelluna again.

Mihae bows and follows after Ravel as fast as she can. 


next chapter is in 12hrs