Chapter 96

Inside the student council meeting room."

"I told you Sona-sama, they have gotten stronger just being associated with Oreki-san," Tsubaki said while subtlety reminding Sona that she should ask her sister Serafall to gain some favor for Oreki.

"You don't have to remind that Tsubaki cause I already know that they are strong just like you said to me earlier" Sona replied with a flat tone while rolling her eyes as she looked at the screen "I can't believe that Koneko was able to eliminate and dispose of the rook of riser easily with just speed alone," She said as she admires what she just saw or not as she was not able to track Koneko's movement with her own eyes granted that she is only watching through the live feed from the screen. 

"Hypothetically, if I'm inside the rating game maybe I could track the movement of Koneko even with that speed?" Sona thought to herself but she shook her head as she erased that dumb thought. Maybe one of her kings will be able to keep track of Koneko's speed as the Knight piece upgrades the speed and reaction time of the one who gets it. She then looked at her Queen, Tsubaki "Or Tsubaki can do it herself" She thought the Queen piece had the same upgrade when someone used Rook, Knight, and Bishop.

"She is indeed fast and I wasn't able to keep track of her movements" Tsubaki replied casually while not moving her eyes away from the screen as she watched her crush fight the Two Knights of RIser.

After hearing what Tsubaki said, Sona scratched the idea of asking the question she wanted to ask her but she is a bit disappointed about the reality that her peerage is a lot weaker than Rias' peerage and even if they trained hard, she does not think that she will be able to catch up to them which make her sigh just thinking about that.

Tsubaki turned her head away from the screen and started at her KIng "However if Oreki also trained us then maybe I can keep up with Koneko's speed" She said with a smirk before going back to watching Kiba's heroic display of skill.

Sona does not answer and just sighs as Tsubaki hellbent on making her beg her sister to do it but she does not know if her sister would want to owe Oreki a favor. However, watching Koneko easily dispose of that Rook currently she is fighting three peerages at the same time without even breaking a sweat while also enjoying herself.

Sona turned to the screen that Tsubaki was watching and saw Kiba also doing a good job of fighting the Knights easily by using his sacred gear to create a sword and flung them away to his enemy as he forced them to be on the defensive no matter what. So after seeing that, she decided that she would do what she could do for Searafall to owe Oreki a favor to train her and her peerage. However, what she does not know is that Oreki is going to train them no matter what because Oreki already considers her as part of his harem.


In the Rating game viewing room.

Sirzcehs watches the screen with interest to where the focus is KIba cause up in the air of Kuoh Academy is a giant sword slowly materializing, He knows the KIba is the one doing it as he knows what kind of sacred gear Kiba has but what does not know how Kiba is able to do this. However, he facepalms himself as he forgets that Oreki is on Rias' side and she probably requests something or anything for her peerage to get stronger quickly. "Them getting stronger the Rias' way AKA the lazy way," he thought as he lightly laughed making the nearby Oreki side=eyed glance at him which he did not notice.

Sirzechs waited as he watched the sword materialize completely and fall downward causing destruction that even the winged camera was not spared luckily these cameras are durable and were able to withstand debris of rocks hitting them. When Kiba named the sword the Damocles Sword. Sirzechs frowns on why Kiba has to name it. Does Kiba not know that the Sword Of Damocles has a stigma or rumor that it is capable of killing or wounding a God as just a girl from Rias' peerage whose name is Valerie? Idiot Gods will do idiot things and might come after Kiba after they hear about this Fake Damocles. Unless these Fake Damocles can really kill gods then those Idiot Gods are as good as dead in the hands of Kiba, However, based on the appearance of Fake Damocles, Kiba still has a long way to go on killing Gods. 

As if Oreki was reading Sirzechs mind, "That thing cannot be used to kill gods even if Kiba mastered it, even the really Damocles sword doesn't have that kind of ability" Oreki turned his head away from the screen and and stared at Sirzechs with a smile while going back to watch the screen where the main focus in Koneko.

"Why can't it kill Gods? because from what I heard the Sword of Damocles is capable of killing Higher Beings that include Gods?" Sirzechs asked with interest in this matter. It seems Oreki has some kind of behind-the-scenes knowledge that he does not know, As expected Oreki, he really is worthy to be Rias' husband.

"You already answered your own question Sirzechs-chan," Oreki said with a smirk while saying that as he watched Koneko fight her fellow Nekomata with ease as she weaved through their combined attack like a rock in a river stream. The twin attacks ranged from punching, kicking grappling, and even headbutting after Koneko grabbed Ni's both head which Koneko tank while Ni got dizzy as she stumble. Koneko then kicks Ni in the face like a ball causing her to roll around the dirt until she reaches where Xuelan is standing.

Sirzechs raises his eyebrow after hearing Oreki's while trying to find the answer that Oreki mentioned he said but gives up thinking just like Rias would "Please Oreki enlighten" He said in a flat tone while thinking that Oreki should stop acting mysterious and cool.

"Aw.. I thought you were smarter than the sibling. It seems like you're just as smart as Rias" Oreki said teasing the Older Gremory or to be exact teasing the Lucifer a bit while he still continued to watch Koneko who at this point was fighting or beating Li's hand-to-hand combat Gojo style. Koneko dodges an incoming right punch from Li by moving her head and at the same time she counters Li with a right hook. Li was able to tank that punch as she threw another left punch but Koneko dodged by ducking down and throwing a left punch to the midsection of LI making her float a bit.

Sizechs who's focusing on the screen grew angry tick marks after hearing Oreki comparing her to his sister Rias "I'm political smart not book smart" He said proudly with a smile on his face.

Oreki raises an eyebrow before turning away from the screen and looking at Sirzechs "Really?" He questions as he turns to the screen to where Rias and Akeno are the focus "because involving Rias in a political marriage was not the right decision as you know Rias had an ego and that ego caused you to force the Phenex family to agree to this" Oreki said while pointing that the different screen that showing the live feed of the rating. 

Even though Oreki is one of the primary suspects for Rias going against the marriage, he is already trying to wash his hands clean by blaming it on others just as anyone would if someone fuck up someone. and he's already to make up to them by giving Ravel something as he wants her to his harem because he just wants to "I'm a horny and shameless bastard" he thought to himself while smiling proudly.

"I blame my father for forcing Rias into this mess" Sirzechs retorted. he was about to blame Oreki too but he did not really do anything.

"And now you're blaming your father" Oreki shrugged but he already knew that and just wanted to make fun of Sirzcehs 

Grayfia who is doing the camera work for the rating laughs lightly after hearing Oreki's playful jab at her husband. Sirzechs who got an angry tick mark on his forehead stared at his wife.

"See! Even Grayfia agrees to me" Oreki glanced a little bit at Sirzechs with a smirk but that smirk was erased when Sirzechs said the following "We'll I'm glad you can make Grayfia laugh cause that mean I did the right..."

"Stop being gloomy you motherfucker" Oreki said with a sigh as he remember the favor that Sizechs wanted from him.

"You're going to be a motherfucker soon" Sirzechs tease as he just can't help but before Oreki could retort he follow it up "Admit it, you want it," He said with a smirk.

"Fucking cuck" Oreki whispered which only Sirzechs can hear.

Sirzechs smile gently before saying "Anyway explain the Damocles thing to me."

Grayfia looks confused in this interaction but ignores it and just focuses on the camera work.

"Damocles' sword can kill higher beings, but not gods—only human kings, because those dumb kings in the past thought themselves higher beings above the commoners and nobles alike. In short, it's a king-slaying sword instead of a god-slaying sword," he explained swiftly.

"Oh... that's kind of disappointing," Sirzechs remarked.

"Disappointing? Not quite. I do wonder why Kiba named it Damocles," Oreki said with a smile before leaning back in his chair. "Or how he even made that sword, because I didn't teach him that," he added, smirking knowingly at the possible lineage of Kiba.

Sirzechs frowned. "If it's not the Damocles, then what is it? Answer me directly," he said seriously.

Oreki chuckled a little. "Just like Damocles, this one is also a king-slaying sword. It's the sword of the Knight of Betrayal," he explained, smirking widely at the possibility of meddling with Camelot of this world or even better, with Merlin.

Sirzechs widened his eyes in surprise. He wanted to confirm the name of the sword for himself, but he wanted to hear it from Oreki to be sure.

"Yes, my friend, that sword was Clarent," Oreki affirmed.
