Chapter 104

Sorry about the cringe ass dialogue and cringe comedy, Anyway, go read the chapter.


In the baseball field.

Riser struggles to get up or even recover after getting hit by the lightning magic of Akeno. Even though his Phenex inherent skill tried to help him heal, it was still a slow and painful recovery which is shameful, to say the least within his bloodline. However, Riser does not know that the lightning that hit him is no ordinary devil lightning magic that Akeno cast. 

Now that Akeno was able to reconcile or accept that her Father did nothing wrong about the death of her Mother and because her Mother got revived by Oreki. She was now able to capably utilize her fallen angel trait which is their ability to use holy base magic. In other words, the lightning magic that hit Riser was infused with holy magic that made his Phenex inborn ability weaken until the lingering holy energy dissipated from his wound just like what happened earlier

Riser now standing, looks down at his chest as he stares at the healing wound he received with confusion and wondering what the hell happened to him. However, that confusion turns to anger as he looks towards Rias with fury. If those eyes could kill then Rias would have been dead way too many times. He looked around his vicinity as he tried to find his Queen but he did not see her.

Seeing this. Rias says with a casual tone "Don't bother looking for her, Akeno is playing with her at this very moment over there" She pointed in the direction of the school grounds near the parking lot.

Riser did not bother to look at them as he fully trusted, Yubellluna to dispatch Rias' Queen easily. After that, she can help him to gang up to Rias. "Wait! that's a weak mentality" Riser thought to himself while gritting his teeth. He wondered why he was thinking like that as he clearly knew that he was a lot more skilled than Rias and had a lot more wins in rating games too.

Looking at the standing figure of RIas while her arms crow, Riser thought that this girl might have done something to him or her Queen might have mixed some poison to weaken in the tea he drank earlier in the ORC room. With those options, he thought that the latter had a higher possibility to happen.

Riser nodded sagely to his conclusion while his eyes closed before opening it and staring at Rias "Well played Rias, shameless but well played" Riser said with a smile while clapping. He had to admit he did not think that Rias would order her Queen to poison him via tea that she made.

Looking at Riser with a confused face, Rias does not know how to respond about being praised for no reason and at the same time insulted by Riser because this guy is currently her arch-enemy. It seems Riser is playing some kind of mind game right now but she will take the bait, so she just stares at Riser with her arms crossed while she waits for Riser to embarrass himself.

"Don't pretend that you don't know what really happened to me" Riser smirked knowingly.

"If you mean you getting your ass zapped by Akeno, then yes! I saw that and It was hilarious seeing you getting hit." Rias laughed as she said, "I will ask Grayfia to give me a copy so I can re-watch your pathetic figure getting zapped like a dumb bird in the thunderstorm." She said in a mocking tone.

"That only happened because you ordered your Queen poison me" Shouted Riser as his previous smirking appearance contorted to anger after being reminded again by his blunder but he calmed himself down easily as his mind already made it up that he was clearly poison.

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about!!?" Rias shouted while pointing her finger at Riser angrily. She is clearly getting taunted for no reason.

"Still playing dumb but it does not matter because even if I'm weak, I'm still better than you" Riser smirked but his smirk was wiped out of his face after hearing the announcement of Grayfia that his Queen was eliminated. He trembles in fear and anger at the thought that Rias and Akeno are stronger than him.

Rias calmed herself down after hearing Grayifa's announcement, she was scolded for reasons that she almost got taunted by Riser that she cheated by poisoning him. However, when she thought that Oreki gave her a shortcut to getting powerful "Riser is right, I did cheat but not the way he thinks" She thought to herself thanking Oreki in her mind for this cheat code.

"Your Queen got eliminated by Akeno quite fast. clearly, she is stronger than your Queen and stronger than you too." Rias said with a smile while looking at the trembling Riser "Admit, no one really poison as you are just trying to deceive yourself and can't accept that fact that you are w-e-a-k" She taunted as she clearly amused at Riser's face which is fuming with anger.

Riser looks down at the ground gritting his teeth in anger and shame but he will not admit that he is weak, in fact, he plans to go all out right now.

Riser rushes forward with the help of his fiery wings. he was able to move swiftly as he arrived quite fast in front of Rias. However, Rias just stood and did not even dodge the incoming fiery punch from RIser. When the fiery fist Riser was about ten inches from hitting Rias, his fist suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Riser's eyes widen in shock however he is able to recover and distance himself from Rias. After that, he looked at his handless arm with confusion before it recovered quickly. He looks at Rias and asks "What was that?".

 However, Rias did not answer and just looked at Riser with amusement before beckoning him to attack again. "Go on, I won't attack" She taunt as she plans to destroy Riser's pride.

"Don't get cocky, Rias" Riser shouted as he rushes forward again to attack instead of punching, he tried to kick with his right foot which also disintegrate, However, he did not stop they tried a different kind of attack for almost 30 minutes and the result is always the same. One time he tried to create a giant fireball and threw it at Rias, however, her surroundings were the only things that got damaged,

 Currently, Rias is standing in the huge crater as she yawns out of boredom. She looked at Akeno who was floating a bit distance away from her "Akeno how long have I been standing here?" she asked.

Akeno who finished her opponent quickly came to watch Rias fight Riser, However, what she just witnessed was Riser trying to attack Rias and it always resulted in failure. She enjoyed watching Riser's struggling appearance for the first 5 minutes but as RIser just kept on repeating the same thing, she started getting bored. So when Rias asked this, her eyes lit up as this could only mean one thing, Rias was getting bored too "Riser, have been attacking you for almost 30 minutes now" She answered hoping she was right on the money.

"I see" RIas holds her chin as if she thinking of some but she just wants to be cool. She then stared at the haggard Riser before shouting "Riser I'm going to end you now okay?"

Riser did not reply but he is clearly pissed as he cannot accept that Rias is far stronger than him "No, I can't accept defeat" He shouted as he flew upwards until he reach the limit of the rating game arena before back flipping and doing a side flying kick while his wings push him downward, His fiery feet caught like meteor blazing down the earth with fiery fury.

Seeing all of these shenanigans, RIas stared at it with a sigh before saying "Not this time" She pointed her finger at Riser's incoming. A small orange ball of energy started forming at her finger and after a while, it became as big as three heads before it fired a beam towards Riser.

RIser saw this incoming attack from Rias but did not dodge or was not able to dodge as he could not stop his momentum. All he can do is shout as the beam of pure destruction swallows and destroys him silently without much fanfare. However, the Beam of destruction did not stop as hit the roof of the rating game arena *BOOM. The beam keeps going up until it loses its momentum in the sky of the underworld. 

The devil citizen was able to see the Beam of Destruction even from a distance with thinking them thinking something weird was going on but not much. The powerful devils on the other hand or even powerful fallen angels can feel that those beams are no ordinary thing and some of them can feel or see that it's a pure destructive energy. They then assume that Sirzechs is doing something that they can only attribute to him doing something for the devil-kind.

The rating game arena's Kuoh Academy started crumbling like a broken mirror as soon as that beam hit the roof. Rias looks at the crumbling arena before staring at the winged camera "Sorry about that brother." She apologized.

"Don't worry about that Rias, in the meantime teleport here on your own as the teleport function is also broken" Sirzechs voice can be heard from the winged camera.

Rias apologized again for that before the winged camera disappeared. She then turns to look at Akeno who is smiling "Is there a problem?" She asked while tilting her head.

Akeno shook her "Nothing, I just want to congratulate you for freeing yourself from Riser," She said with a warm smile.

"Hehe thank you," Rias said cutely while scratching her cheek "Now I can have my fun with Oreki," She said while moving her eyes up and down.

"You mean WE can have our fun" Akeno retorted playfully

"Same thing" Rias replied while looking at Akeno which made both of them giggle in delight and happiness.

"What was that attack you did?" Akeno asked in curiosity.

"That one is just pure destruction energy and if you are asking for the name then Oreki called it Wrath of Destruction" Rias explained.

Akeno looked at the vicinity before saying with a smile "It deserves its name"

"Originally it's called Wrath of God of Destruction but Oreki said I don't deserve to use that name so we just remove the word God from it" Rias further explained.

Akeno nodded while thinking maybe she should have shown off the things Oreki taught him but there will be next time.

"Anyway, teleport us to the viewing room" Rias ordered which Akeno complied as she cast teleportation magic to meet the rest of the crew.


If you have spare change ==>