Chapter 108

After Oreki and the co. arrived at the ORC room, Rias instructed Kiba and Gasper to carry Koneko to her bedroom who fell asleep as soon as she sat down on the sofa and closed her eyes for a bit. This is the result of her eating a lot as she competed earlier against Oreki in an unnecessary eating competition without a prompt from the others and employees of the restaurant though the employee was efficient enough to entertain them. but after that eating Koneko needed to digest all the food inside her so she needed to hibernate a bit to digest all of that junk food.

Sona and Tsubaki were about to leave and do their own thing or just go home as it's already past 8. However, Rias invited them to drink tea first to digest the oily chicken that they had eaten recently which they obliged as they too had been craving to eat and they also wanted to talk about the recent rating between Rias and Riser, so they sat to one of the sofas. Akeno then started boiling water as she got the best tea leaves they could buy in the devil market in the cabinet and she also got some biscuits that Koneko stashed to partner with the tea. Oreki too sat down on one of the sofas while Rias wanted to sit in his lap but she changed her mind so as not to embarrass her best friend, Sona and she did not want to flirt in front of her and Tsubaki who would probably not join the harem of Oreki.

As they wait for the water to boil, they say random things about the devil and human society. For example, in Devil Society, they are talking about the hit anime that Serafall produces about magical girls doing magical things as they help different people. This anime is really popular with the devil kids especially little girls as they try to mimic the main character's transformation into a magical girl. It's so successful that Serafall wants to resign her position as a Satan and just produce anime but Sirzechs and the other Satan convince her that she produces anime even when she is doing her diplomatic job for the Devil-kind.

Even Sona had to convince her sister not to quit her Satan job and promised to voice act in one of her anime about magical girls in the future which is also a win for her as she is a closet magical girl weeb. Serafall demanded more from her sister which included dressing up and cosplaying as a magical girl in a future anime convention but Sona denied her or changed the demand of just going with her and hanging out in the said anime convention. Serafall agreed to the condition given to her by Sona and took back the resignation letter from Sirzechs the next day which made the Lucifer sigh in relief as he thanked Sona while promising to help her in her dream

However, the current Lucifer probably has a better idea in his mind and that is to let Oreki be the one to help her succeed in her dream. Anyway back to Sona narrating.

To Sona, going to an anime convention is a great chance to meet or see different magical girl cosplay as she getting fed up with seeing her sister using the same magical girl costume every day. She wanted to tell her that she should stop wearing the same magical girl costume and wear a different one from time to time but she didn't want her sister to know that she liked being a magical girl just like her.

Sona stops her narrating as her eyes widen in surprise when she realizes something or someone she has completely forgotten when she starts narrating things about devil society and going on a tangent about her promise to go with Serafall. Sweat started dripping from her forehead in a comedic way as she turned her head slowly like a robot to Oreki who was smiling at her while holding a tea cup. However, to Sona, she could clearly see that the smile that Oreki was showing was not the smile of a normal human but the smile of a "Devilish Charming Human" She thought to herself but she shook her head to erase those thoughts as there's a problem at hand that's need to resolved or does she have too.

"Why did you stop yapping?" Oreki questioned while smiling and tilting his head but his smile turned to a wide smirk before saying "Come on continue talking Magical Girl Sona-tan!" Oreki said in a sickeningly cute manner while winking and making peace signs in a cute manner as if he was teasing Sona.

Seeing Oreki copy her sister, Serafall's way of greeting her every time they meet. Sona-tan face slowly turns red like a thermometer in embarrassment. She covered her face with both of her hands "So embarrassing!" She shouted in a muffled voice while shaking her head and at the same time, her body started shaking left and right. She wanted to leave the room quickly and shut herself to her room.

The other devils in the ORC room and Oreki are laughing. Rias and Oreki laugh loudly with no regard for their appearance while Tsubaki and Akeno laugh lightly while covering their mouth with their hands like proper ladies.

Sona grabbed Tsubaki by the shoulder and started shaking her in a comedic way "Tsubaki why did you not remind me that Oreki is still here while I was saying those embarrassing things" She said with a tearful eye.

"Sona-tan.. I mean... Sona-sama I didn't want to interrupt you 'cause you were so happy as you were telling the story" She said in an incoherent manner because Sona was shaking her body non-stop.

"Is that really the reason?" Sona questioned as she stopped shaking Tsubaki by the shoulder.

"Of course...pfft" Tsubaki replied before laughing and others also did the same again.

"Then why are you laughing!!" Sona shouted tearfully as she started shaking Tsubaki again in a comedic way.

"I'm not laughing...pfft," Tsubaki said while still couldn't help but laugh at Sona's blunder of talking about him enjoying magical girls as a hobby.

Hearing this, Sona just started shaking her faster out of instinct instead of reprimanding her. This happened for a good few minutes before she stopped what she was doing and sat properly again on the sofa.

"Maa, Maa, Maa, don't worry about that Sona, Oreki here can keep it secret so you won't have to worry about him spreading your secret hobby or even telling Serafall about it," Rias said while wiping the tears in her eyes after laughing heartily at Sona shenanigans.

"That's right Sona-tan your secret is safe with me," Oreki said in while zipping the imaginary zipper on his mouth.

Sona stared at Oreki with her narrow eyes as she asked him if she was lying or not and when she concluded that he was not lying she sighed in relief but to her disappointment that was not all.

"However there is a high chance that my mouth might slip up in front of Serafall, so you should use your inner magical girl ability Forgetful Beam to me just to be safe," Oreki said in a serious manner but his smile said otherwise.

"You..!" Sona was to retort but Akneo interrupted her by saying "Sona-chan. he is right after all he's just a human who can't help but betray others' trust and break their promises" Akeno explained in a reasonable way as she gas lit Sona. Rias and Tsubaki nodded as they agreed to her adding more wood to the fire.

Sona looked at the others with a tired look before staring and Oreki intently which had a camera in his hands "Are you recording? Why?" Sona questions as angry tick marks appear on her forehead.

"For blackmail," Oreki said in a flat tone while he encouraged Sona to do it already.

The others also started recording, Sona stared at Tsubaki saying don't record her because she is her King which Tsubaki complied but she winked at Akeno sending her a signal that she should send her a copy so she could show it to her fellow peerage members.

"Seriously?" Sona stared at Rias and Akeno with dead eyes.

"Forget about us just do your thing" Akeno replied with a smile.

Sona sighed as she stared at Oreki. She then claps her hands and forms a circle before moving her arms in a circular motion. She pointed to Oreki "Forgetful Beam!" She shouted in a cute manner making her face become beat red as she embarrassed herself in front of her friends and Oreki. She wanted to hide and bury herself now. like right now.

Oreki and co, laugh again for a good while before they stop "See. that wasn't so bad" Oreki said with a smile while saving the video to his phone as he plans to show this to Serafall in the future.

"Don't show that to my sister!" Sona said as she calmed herself down. Oreki and the Co. promised but she did not trust them one bit. She changed the subject to the rating that just happened and talked about the match-up.

Rias praised her peers in front of Sona and Tsubaki for their help and dedication to their King.

Oreki on the other hand explains to them how and what they did in the fight. He added the potential level that they could reach if they could reach except for Rias as he knew this girl was a lazy bum and would be satisfied being on the same level as Serafall.

Hearing Oreki's detailed explanation, Their eyes widened in surprise, especially Sona and Tsubaki who were planning something so Oreki could train them in the future, and right now, Sona is even more determined to make Oreki train her peerages. However, when she remembers how she had to beg her sister to convince Oreki to train, she cannot help but sigh as she knows she is going to demand something absurd and she will reluctantly agree to it in the process.

Sona stared at Oreki, Akeno, and Rias who couldn't help but flirt with each other even though they were still there. She couldn't help but get jealous a little bit when she how affectionate these three were. However her eyes lit up when thought of a simple idea "Why let Serafall do it when I could do it myself" she thought inwardly however when she thought of Oreki demanding something lewd, she blushed profusely but she didn't mind it after all it Oreki. Sona seems to be getting affected by Oreki's passive ability to make people dumb because she forget that Serafall would not demand something like that if she asked her for help or was it really a dumb move? cause it seems Sona just wants a reason to get close in contact with Oreki as she's already attracted to Oreki's charming personality. Her musing got interesting when Oreki started saying his goodbye.

"Don't forget that we'll be vacationing tomorrow." Oreki reminded Rias and Akeno and they nodded in response. He turns to Sona "Are they allowed to go on vacation?" He questions just to be safe.

"Of course, we owned this school remember" Sona replied with a smirk.

Oreki just nodded and had an idea "Why not come with us because we would need more players to compete" He said with a smile.

"Are we going on a vacation?"

Akeno asked.

"Kind of? We need to stretch our legs from time to time. Anyway, how about it Sona? Wanna come with us?" Oreki said.

Sona had a thoughtful look for a while before saying "I guess I could ask one of my sister's peerage to look after the town for a while"

"I will ask Okita to help oversee the town too then" Rias added while nodding sagely.

Oreki nodded as he kissed Akeno and Rias while hugging Sona which made the latter dumbfounded. Tsubaki laughs lightly seeing this while poking Sona's cheek to get some reaction from her.

Oreki ignored Sona's dumb expression entirely and said "Then I'll see you tomorrow morning," he said as he vanished without a trace.

Sona on the other hand made a late reaction to that hug and shouted a weird noise.
