Chapter 123


Oreki is watching TV while having breakfast with Yoruichi who was home super late light after hunting devils and some fallen angels as she said. He asked her where did she end up and her answer is just Tokyo. He asked if he got catcalled by some married salary man out of curiosity.

"Yup, a lot" Yoruichi answered simply as she expected after all she was confident in her appearance to attract anyone but one that she did not know about.

"Not even surprise," Oreki said as he thought who could even resist not tapping that chocolate-looking bombshell walking down the street of Tokyo. He would be more surprised if she didn't get catcalled. If she did not then he does know what the hell is going on with his fellow men in this country.

"Did you enjoy it hunting them that much?" Oreki asked with curiosity while taking a bite of the toast he'd held.

"Not really, as they're no fun!" Yoruichi said with a shrug. "Those devils and fallen give up or die too fast but they are quite tasty" She added. She only eats if they are girl as they are quite soft. 

Oreki almost threw up "You really need to stop doing that as it's not sexy," He said with a frown. He stared at her lips while he couldn't believe he had been kissing those stupid sexy lips.

"Meow" Sensing Oreki strangely staring at her, Yourichi could not help but purr before saying "If you say so, then I will," She said but then she sat up straight look towards a certain direction.

"Is there something wrong?" Oreki question. He turned to the direction that Yoruichi was looking. He wanted to see what she was looking at but chose not to after hearing what she said.

"Someone is eager to visit you," Yoruichi said with a smile while being mysterious and as if she was not planning to say who or what it was.

"I'm not going to ask you who because based on your expression, you seem keen to keep it a secret from me," Oreki said as if he did not care much. He can look into it but just as he said Yoruichi wanted to keep secret from him or wanted to surprise him. Though he had a feeling that it not going to be a big deal and she is just trying to look mysterious and shit.

Yoruichi then told Oreki the reason she was late is because some drunk tard started ranting to her while she too is having a light drink. The drunk started spouting nonsense about her being kicked out of her band because she is always drunk when they're performing which causes problems to the band and the audience. Although it was entertaining the first she did it when it always occurred, then she's not entertaining anymore as she turn into an inconvenience to the group.

"Well I hope she finds another band to accept her, not that I care" Oreki shrug

"She kind of did already as two women were eavesdropping on her drunken rant and invited her to form a band with them," Yoruichi added casually cause she did not care to, and after that, she left the drunk girl to their leave to go home.

Yoruichi then changed the topic and asked who the two girls that Oreki had brought home were. He then explains to her that he brought them back after restoring the 3 Cities from another world.

"And you didn't invite me," Yoruichi said with a pout.

"Lucky for them as we are about to go for a little bit of vacation while competing in some games and shit."

"Ohh... then let's prepare my clothes" Yoruichi started eating a bit faster.

"Don't choke" Oreki reminded with a smile. So Instead of magically doing the luggage she rather do it personally is what he thought.

After eating her fill, Yoruichi had gone upstairs to prepare her clothes and necessities.

On the other hand, Oreki turns the volume up of the TV and watches the morning news mindlessly as muses on things last night

After arriving home last night, Oreki guided the Herrsher of the End to her room and told her to rest or do some research about or find something she wants to do in the world as she can free to do whatever she wants because she is just a servant in a name.

As for the second girl, that one was the Herrsher of Sentience or Senti as Oreki called her. As for where she came from, Every time Fu Hua used the divine key Feng Huang Down to maximum output which is made from the core of the Herrsher of Sentience, the consciousness of Fu Hua became vulnerable and Senti took this chance to enter Fu Hua's brain. Lucky for Fu Hua or more like lucky for Oreki, he was there to extract Yatta-chan.

So after extracting Senti from Fu Hua's mind or brain, Oreki made a body for her at home and put her soul or consciousness in there. The body's structure and appearance are the same as Fu Hua thought their two difference. Senti had a light gray hair color with some white highlights. Her eye color is red instead of blue like Fu Hua. When that is done. When that was done, instead of going to her own room Senti Chan started playing games that Tom and Jerry left open while they were fast asleep on the couch this is the reason Senti is still not awake but what he does not understand is why Sirin is still not here eating breakfast as it's already way past eight. However, he did tell her to do whatever she wanted so whatever. 

Oreki's musing was interrupted by random news about an accident again involving a truck that happened in a town nearby Kuoh last night. The driver blamed the accident on the slippery road caused by the rain but the driver was still going to be punished as he was driving over the limit on the road based on the camera and speed meter that caught him.

"Luckily. only one is presumed in this accident but in some weird circumstances one of the three students who got saved by the dead individual from speeding trucks is currently missing.?" the Anchor said.

"You know my friend, I don't really care about this missing....what's her name? Nanaho..whatever but this fucking driver needs a severe punishment " the mad anchor shouted.

"My friend, the studio might fire for cursing live on air" the Anchor reminded.

"I don't give a flying fuck if they fire me! You want to know how my neighbor's daughter died?" 

"She goes hit by a truck?"

"To be exact the poor girl got run over by a speeding truck running at 80km/h just after leaving the gate of her house! Rest her soul"

"I mean.. it was ruled as an accident" Even the Anchor is starting to get a bad feeling about this truck

"Accident? it's deliberate! these drivers are killing innocent bystanders! For what! For the God they worship which is still a rumor but I will find proof! mark my words!"

"Okay.. that's enough conspiracy for you my friend... In other news, let's go to our resident celebrity gossiper.!

Oreki watches the mad anchor with admiration to get back at Truck-sama but he will fail miserably because even he is no match for the supreme god Truck-sama. However, he did give him some lucky buff to test the waters if he can go toe to toe against Truck and maybe he should also test the waters against interdimensional FBI.

Then the B-komachi song started playing again on the TV as celebrity gossipers explained the that up-and-coming Idol group was coming to town.

Oreki admired the group like a simpleton, especially Hoshino Ai.

"Welp! It seems Hikaru's life is coming to an end" Oreki muttered while thinking about the God behind Hikaru "And I should not forget about Tsukoyomi!" He chuckles before looking at Yoruichi carrying luggage.

"Ready to go?" Oreki asked

"Umu. You?"

"You know I have magic, so I'm always ready!" Oreki apparates both of them but not before leaving a note to Tom and Jerry that they should patrol Kuoh Town while they are gone.