Chapter 125

In a room full of medical equipment lies a girl without any clothes or cover on her body. She is currently strapped to an operating table to prevent her from escaping and she also has a gag in her mouth to even utter a protest.

Doctors in white lab coats surrounded the girl while fiddling with different sophisticated and scientific equipment used for experimental procedures that they were about to do to the girl. To the right side of the room is a large monitor, displaying the vital signs while a designated doctor is monitoring it. Below the monitor is a control panel with several buttons and dials to operate the various machines and devices in the room.

On the left side of the room features additional equipment, possibly including storage cabinets and workstations with medical supplies and instruments. The walls are lined with shelves holding various items, further emphasizing the room's purpose as a high-tech research facility.

Hanging from the ceiling are several large, circular lights, positioned to provide ample illumination for detailed work. These lights are complemented by additional overhead lighting, ensuring that every corner of the room is brightly lit. There are also various robotic arms and surgical tools, suggesting that the experiments may involve robotic assistance or automation for precision.

The naked girl on the operating table keeps moving and trying to free herself from the strap but fails over and over again because the strap is so tight that it's suffocating just to see it. The girl had wavy hair in a dark purple color and the girl also had purple eyes staring at the doctors with piercing gaze as if she was trying to kill them.

One of the doctors receiving the glare shivered as he backed off slightly from the girl before saying "She won't be able to get off right?"

"She won't get out! That strap is as hard as you can get Besides we already gave her an anesthetic gas"

The Coward Doctor stared at the still squirming and wide awake little girl even after haft a tank of anesthetic gas. "But this girl is still feisty. Did we use the right gas?" He asked.

"Of course dumbass. Don't be such a pussy! this girl won't be able to break free and even if she did, we have armed guards"

Besides the doctors and the little girl, There are guards standing by just in case they are needed. These guards are here to neutralize the girl if the girl shows a slight hint of being able to escape and also protect the doctors. The guards are wearing all black while on their wrists they are wearing a white bracelet.

The coward doctor nodded and stared again at the little girl with curiosity before saying "Her willpower to resist the anesthetic gas is mind-boggling for a little girl like"

"It's to be expected, she's a magician, and she's from a prominent clan too."

"And that's the reason we are here, to learn their family secret," The cowardly doctor said.

"Hey doctor, can you make it fast my dick can wait anymore"

"Do you guys want me to just jerk off by staring at the little girl?"

"Maybe let us do her first before you guys start experimenting with her"

There are additional people inside the room and those people are only wearing towels below their body. They are here to rape and force the girl as they are part of their experiment on the little girl. These people on the towel are looking at the little girl like a bear salivating at a fish.

The little girl shivered after hearing those remarks from the people on towels as she could see them in the corner of her eyes. She then started struggling more fiercely even resulting in her gag to accidentally remove.

"After I get out of here, I will kill every last one of you! do you hear!? ALL OF YOU!" The little girl shouted hysterically with fury and anger in her voice before a doctor put back her gag but that did not stop as she kept on saying things even if it just all muffled sounds while also moving savagely on the operating table

"Give her more anesthetic" The cowardly doctor shouted and other doctors were also getting infected by his cowardice as they moved in panic.

When they were about to administer, they were suddenly interrupted by voices.


"Is this right the place?" Rias asked while looking at different people in the room and the room itself.

"I don't think we are in the right place but I'm sure we are in the right world" Oreki replied also observing the room

"I don't like what I'm seeing Oreki they seem to be.." Sona said while looking at the little girl.

"Going to gang bang the girl," Akeno said in a cold voice "Ara, it seems like a right punishment, and torture before killing them would suffice." She added while an electric current started crackling around her.

"Bastard!" Koneko shouted as her tail started showing up without her noticing it.

"Gasper, don't be like them okay?" Valerie said while pointing at the villains that they branded.

"I know that this is not a manly thing to do, Valerie-neesan" Gasper replied as brought out his dagger ala sword.

"I'm going to enjoy killing this bitches" Yoruichi said with a cold smile.

The little girl smiled upon hearing that as she stared at their group with a relieved expression she thought they could help her but then it turned to fright as she got scared for them because they might not be able to fight the guards here. She judged the situation while the anesthetic gas clouded her judgment. As she did not notice the ability of Oreki's group that they had been showing slightly.

"Oreki, what should we do?" Kiba asked him calmly instead of his King. Though he was calm outside, the inside said otherwise as he really wanted to kill this bastard trying to run an experiment on the girl. Luckily Oreki brought them here, if not, then this girl will experience the same thing Kiba experienced back in the day.

Oreki had been observing the little girl intently, not in a weird way as he did not want to test the FBI yet. He is just staring at her because he thinks she looks familiar or to be exact this situation is the exact thing he read.

"Ohhhhh…. I almost forgot about this incident but now remember!" Oreki said with widened eyes while he started walking towards the little girl.

"Oreki you know this girl?" Rias asked as she followed behind him. Sona and Akeno also followed the remaining peers guarding the doorway. The doctors made way for the group without thinking.

"She is my Mommy.. sorry... Mommy... I mean she is not a mommy yet as she's a loli right now but in the future, she will be a full-blown mommy." Oreki said while nodding sagely like an enlightened one.

Rias asked if they would travel again.

"Yes, I did bring us here unknowingly but it might as well be deliberate" Oreki stared at the eyes of the girl before saying "Hey, I'm going to let you go. Don't freak out okay?" He said with a smile.

The girl nodded as she could feel that Oreki could be trusted easily.

"Good" Oreki snapped his fingers and the strap disappeared quickly. The girl did not even question what just happened as she sat up properly after the strap was gone.

After freeing the girl from her strap, Oreki covered her with his Hawaiian shirt and her to button it up if she could.

"What's your name Onii-san?" The girls asked. She seems to be calm and relaxed now but she does not know that the anesthetic gas is taking effect now that her brain thought that she is safe.

"I'm Luc…ouch" Oreki got pinched by Rias before he could roleplay again.

"I'm Oreki just Oreki" Introduced him "The girl with red hair is Rias, the glasses one is Sona, and the one that was giving Onee-san'is Akeno, and I'm not going to introduce all of them," Oreki said.

"Then my name is Yo.." the little girl was about to introduce herself when one of the doctors shouted as they recovered from their stupor after seeing the ridiculousness of the situation. They thought about who are are these girls and boys but it did not matter because of more experimental subjects for them.

"What the hell are you guards doing? Capture them if not kill them" one of the doctors shouted as he instructed the guards. Even if they are dead, the body can be preserved and used later down the line.

The guard also recovered from their stupor after hearing the instructions of the doctor. They started moving while typing on the bracelet that they were wearing. 

Oreki sigh before looking at the doctor, guard, and the men wearing towels only "Kill yourself"

"Wha...As your command!" They collectively say as they stop what they are about to do.

The doctors picked up their scalpels before slitting their throats. The guards took their pistol from their holster and pointed it to their heads before shooting themselves. The towel men found and picked anything that killed them.

With the sound of gunshots, all of the doctors, guards, and towel men died together.

Seeing this bloody scene the girl did not even react as if she is already used to or she is just trained to be in this kind of situation.

Oreki smiled at the girl, he presented her with a lollipop that came from his storage instead of creating. The girl accepted it easily and held it but she did not even lick or taste it.

"Why are kids in this world so hard on themselves" Oreki sighs before looking around a one-kilometer radius from their location just with his senses. He then looked at the peerages of Sona and Rias "All of you except for Yoruichi, will kill anyone within a kilometer radius" He said in a commanding tone.

"Roger" Gasper disappears like a particle.

"Bye" Valerie turns to a bunch of bats

While the others including Koneko and Kiba just run outside normally.

"I will send you back now," Oreki said with a smile.

"Wha..why now, can we..." the little girl said.

Oreki interrupted the girl by saying "Well if I don't send you back now, 30 members of your family including your father might die in the process of saving you" Oreki said with a serious tone.

"Okay.." the little girl looked down dejectedly, she did not even question her on why he was really specific on 30 

"Don't worry. we'll meet soon" Oreki said as he patted the girl.

"Really?" the little girl looks up already smitten by Oreki.

Oreki just nodded in response and the girl jumped up as she hugged him "Thank you for saving me" She said her gratitude before falling asleep as the anesthetic gas took effect.

"Sweet dreams, Maya" Oreki whisper with a warm smile to her ear making the girl embrace her even more. He then apparates her to her twin sister. He then revives one of the doctors as a puppet and commands it to create a fake identity for them in the future.

Oreki turns to Rias and co. and he notices Sona is giving him a weird stare.

"Did you just groom her?" Sona asked in a weird tone.

"Hah? But we just met! And besides she is older than me" Oreki said.

"Not yet!" Sona retorted. They argue or Sona just keeps spouting nonsense while Oreki ignores her until the hunting party returns to the room.

Oreki snaps his fingers making Sona's mouth disappear. "Everything done?" He questioned while Sona wanted to punch and kick him but amused Rias and Akeno stopped her from doing it.

"All done" Valerie answered while licking her lips with bloodstain still.

"Then let's get back to the future"


Yotsuba Residence.

After Oreki teleported Maya to her sister, Miya called them as soon as possible to call and report to their father that Maya was back but she did not know why. Her father was the only one who came back to confirm what Miya had said while the remaining will continue to search for Maya.

"Maya! it's really you!" Genzou hugged his daughter tightly. "How did you get out?" He asked.

"Oreki and his friends saved me" Maya answered.

"Oreki?" Genzou questions while trying to recall if he knew someone with the name Oreki but he is having a blank on that name.

Maya nodded in response before saying "That's the name he gave me"

"Then I'll find him to give him my gratitude," Genzou said with a confident tone as he prepared to find him. He wanted to talk more to Maya but the butler interrupted them and gave him the phone.

Genzou took it and listened to the person on the other end. He kept on nodding until he looked at Maya before putting the phone down.

Maya noticed this and waited for her father to speak.

"They found your clothes at the Kunlunfang Institute, so they assume you were held captive there," Genzou said with a cold voice. However, his voice changed tone when he said "But your saviors killed all the people in that Institute."

"This just makes me want to meet them more" Genzou added

"He did say that I'll meet him soon," Maya said.

"Then we don't need to put much effort into finding them." Genzou stood up from his seat before saying "Let's go meet the others and later we'll meet up with the other Heads of the Ten Master Clan." He walked toward the exit followed by the butler and soon Maya followed him too.

This will be known as the Kunfunlang Incident.