Chapter 132

Finals of the Speed Shooting.

News spread like wildfire of the electric display and performance of Akeno as students and adults alike started pouring into the venue during her first match against a no-name Ninth High Student. Some audiences wished to see the spectacle while others just wanted to see it again though these people can watch it on their TV or watch it online, they still choose to see it in person as that would be a different experience altogether. The Official matches for the Official Speed do not differ much in the qualifying round as they are both given a 5-minute time limit to shoot and destroy the clay targets. Whoever gets the most clay targets will advance to the next round.

The student from Ninth High looks at the crowd on the other side to her left with disdain because she is quite salty that almost no one but her friend is watching her perform even though there are plenty of other audiences behind her. This audience does not have any plans to watch her but only watches Akeno from their seat.

"I'll show them what I got and put the Second High in their place." The Ninth High Student declared and she clapped when heard that. However, what happened next was a total demolition as the flashes of lightning moved at the speed of lightning nonstop one might wonder how in the world the equipment around the vicinity of the lightning strike is working properly and answer.

"Of course, it's my other magic, don't ask me again if you want me to answer logically to you because I used magic to solve everything for me," Oreki said to Minoru as they watched the upcoming match silently. Minoru sighed and did not ask for any more logic.

With that said and done the match between the Ninth Student and Akeno began. And to no one's surprise, Akeno dominated the match and beat the Ninth High student though some watchers doubt it at first if the match they witnessed online was real but after seeing it now, they are now convinced that Akeno really did those things.

The crowd of the peanut gallery shouted praise and compliments to both of the contestants. Akeno waved to the waved making the cheers and claps louder.

"I think it's safe to assume she'll be in the finals" Minoru quipped. Oreki nodded and walked out of the exit.

Meanwhile, the First High was watching this match from their tent.

"What's your plan if you meet her in the finals?" Maki asked Mayumi as they watched Akeno walk out of the platform.

"I don't have any plans for her. I'll only focus on my next match first" Mayumi said seriously.

"Spoken like a true champion" Suzune interjected "That's a good mindset, don't think about anything other than the current match that's happening" She added with a slight smile.

"So do you have a plan then?" Maki asked Suzune instead of Mayumi.

Suzune shook her head making Maki sigh.

"It's okay, It's okay I got this no need to formulate any sort of plan because what if I lose now then the plan will be useless," Mayumi said with a smile as she was not bothered in the slightest about Akeno because she trust her ability.

Maki and Suzune smile at each other as they do not talk about Mayumi's inevitable match to Akeno.



The Finals of Speed Shooting.

An hour before even the finals between The Elven Princess, Mayumi and The Priestess of Lightning, Akeno the seats are already full of students and with some random adult in the wild. That's right Akeno also has the same nickname in the DxD world as this world, someone from the crowd during the quarter-finals shouted that nickname and it was not Oreki but just some random guy who was not compelled or forced by him.

With students from other schools and random adults filling in the seats, Oreki's group is standing at the back which consists of Sona, Rias, and Koneko while others are doing their own thing.

While Tatsuya and his friend group including the student council group of the First High beside Oreki's group. 

While Oreki and his companions are talking idly, the freshmen of the First High are quite curious as they stare at Oreki's group. This freshman was not able to interact with Oreki during the last night's gathering but they heard a lot of things from Tatsuya and Miyuki about him though neither Tatsuya nor Miyuki interacted with him too as they only observed and heard all the conversation between Oreki and the Student Council.

"They're not talking with each other or even talking to the Council as if they don't know them," Erika said with a frown. The Student Council agreed though this was also their fault for not taking the initiative to talk to them.

"Remember what Kamisato said" Tatsuya wanted to remind them "He's only showing what he wanted to show you" He explained.

"That explains why I don't see any spirits around them, maybe he's doing the same thing to the spirits," Mizuki said with her glasses off.

"I can feel that too," Mikihiko said with his eyes off as he felt that the spirits were calm and collected this time around when they were near Oreki because the last they were near them the spirits were getting all nervous and panicky.

"Do you think this guy is trying to hide things from his friend too? like the rumor of him being Yotsuba" Erika said.

"Erika, he already said to us that he's not a Yotsuba" Erika's future sister-in-law was the one who answered her.

"Who asked you, witch?" Erika shouted while pointing at Mari.

Mari couldn't help but just laugh it off about being called names.

The group looked at Erika with confusion making her shrink and apologized.

Miyuki could not help but sign and was quite happy that they did not delve any further into the Yotsubs business. Tatsuya is the same as always.

Both of them turned to catch a glimpse of the smirking Oreki looking at them while the others in their group did not see that.

Both of them thought that Oreki really knew that they were members of Yotsuba.

Oreki then turned his attention to Koneko who was holding a sour cream Pringles.

"How is the Japanese food going on?" Oreki asked while snatching a couple of pringles from Koneko.

Koneko frowned before saying "The food is top quality but that's all as they taste bland, the sushi is enjoyable though if you asked" She covered the pringles with its lid. 

"I see, I see maybe the food overseas is more in line with your palate," Oreki said but he did not care at all. However, he is happy that they are enjoying the trip here. Koneko and the peerages of Sona except Tsubaki did not join any games instead all of them are going around the world finding shit to buy and eat.

"I hope so because if not I would rather return home" Koneko replied.

Oreki nodded before returning his sight to Akeno and Mayumi. Both of them are shaking their hand.

"It's starting," Rias said as she stood proud while her hands crossed to her chest. It seems she is quite happy that Akeno getting the attention she deserves but she does not know that Akeno only needs the attention of Oreki and no other.

Akeno and Mayumi took the platform, it was decided that Akeno would be hitting the white clay while Mayumi would do the red. The rules are simple, whoever gets to destroy 100 targets first, wins the match. 

The TV displayed that all of the audience should be quiet before it started the countdown "3, 2,,1"

Instead of using the usual lighting from the sky, Akeno uses the lightning to create a falcons to attack and destroy. The Falcons made of lightning swiftly move dispatching the clay targets.

"Born Specialized Magician or BS Magician is really special," Mari said with a shocked expression.

"Indeed, they are special because with proper training their inborn magic can be not only one specific way but in different ways too just like what we are witnessing now," Suzune said in admiration as she watched the falcons moving around faster than the machines that were releasing the clay targets. The Falcons even started destroying the red clay targets of Mayumi to prevent her from gaining points.

"The spirits surrounding her waiting for her commanded as she is their master, that quite strange and beautiful" Mizuki said as she appreciated the beautiful lights around Akeno before she put on her glasses because those lights are quite concentrated in putting a strain on her eyes.

Tatsuya can also see this spirit with elemental sight but what he sees is just information and not the physical appearance of the spirit. He then looked at the scoreboard before sighing "The Second High had the upper hand today" After he said that, the sound of the horn resounded in the arena signaling that the game was over. Cheers erupted and the clapping resounded in the arena.

Akeno won the game while Mayumi only was able to score 60 because the Falcons started interfering with her by taking down her clay target.

Mayumi was quite tired as she breathed deeply, she not expect Akeno to change her strategy from brut force lighting to speed. She looks at the falcons still circling around the shooting range before the Falcon flies to the sky and explodes in beautiful fashion making the audience cheer even more.

Akeno walked to Mayumi and extended her hand to her again, Mayumi accepted "Congratulations" She said though she was quite sad that she failed to win this year because this was her last year competing in speed shooting but it did not matter, she'll win the crowd ball tomorrow.

"Even though Oreki likes you, I had to beat you because it's my pride," Akeno said

"Huh?" Mayumi blanked out when she heard that.

Akeno ignores Mayumi's confusion as they raise both of their hand in front of the audience.

"Did something happen Mayumi?" Mari asked as she looked at Mayumi's bland eyes

"Well she just so it's understandable to be in that state" Suzune explained.

"Mayumin.." Azusa said in a sad tone.

Oreki and Co., look at this scene with a smile.

"It's about damn time right?" Rias reminded Oreki of something.

Oreki started walking back to the hotel but not before saying "Tell her, I'll be in the hot spring."


Thanks for giving me the power stones for this week and sorry for blue balling.

See you next week.