Chapter 136

After winning the game, Sona joins her peers to celebrate a bit instead of joining Oreki and the Co. to watch the game of Minoru because they already know that he will no matter what the challenge that his opponent poses. 

The audience earlier that watched the final showdown between Mari and Sona did not left as they waited for the Mens Official Battle Board Semi-finals. However, this should have been the finals already as they had the Finals for the men after the women's finals concluded but an unexpected thing occurred that forced the staff to postpone the matches earlier. The staff did not tell anyone what was the unexpected thing that they had to deal with as this matter is not really important.

However, what really happened is that Kudou Retsu and his guards got rid or in prison the staffs that were colluding with the No Head Dragon to tamper with the CAD of the players. The Staff that got caught did not understand why they got caught if they had not even done it yet but they still admitted to the authorities that they did receive money to tamper the CAD's of the First and Second High students.

Back to the Venue, because Oreki and the Co. left their seat some other students took it. So they'll be forced to watch the Semi-Finals standing like they usually do when it's full seating but it does not matter because they can manage.

"You're not going to beat my allegation do you?" Oreki asked as he stared at Kiba with a smirk.

"You're not even trying because you know that Gasper is also with us all the time while you're with Akeno and Rias-sama" Kiba retorted with a smirk as he saw this coming miles away that's why he came prepared and brought Gasper with him to help Minoru to train in Battle Board and Ice Pillar to add him as an alibi?

 "Tsk.. fucking smart ass," Oreki said with a smile.

"Hey, when are we going to something like that again? My cave is craving for that beast of yours" Akeno whispered to Oreki's ear while hugging his arm between her huge breasts.

"Oi, Akeno! it's my turn next so you should stick your hole with the cactus and be satisfied with it for a while" Rias scolded Akeno as she separated Akeno and Oreki and did the same thing Akeno did to Oreki's arm.

"I can't Rias! ever since this morning, every time I remember the stuff we did in the hot spring, I get easily wet." Akeno said with her eyes closed imagining it again and just as she said, she easily got wet "You know what that means?" She asked.

"You're horny," Rias said in a flat voice as she thought why is she being so horny? Was it really that good?

"Exactly, so do I get to screw Oreki again?" Akeno asked expectantly.

"No" Rias denied Akeno's request. She does not want Akeno to tell another story of their sex escapade that will make her jealous just listening to it.

Akeno and Rias then go back and off to argue about this until a figure approaches them and starts talking to Oreki.

"Young man good to see you again or should I call you young man still?" The Old Kudou greeted and asked Oreki. Retsu already knows that Oreki and his group were the ones who rescued Maya from her captors or kidnappers at the Kunlunfang Institute. Maya vividly remembers all of the faces of Oreki and the Co. especially Oreki because she is the only guy? but from Retsu's observation, there's another guy in their group.

"If you think we're that old, then you're wrong." Oreki shook his head "We're still our in teenage years" He added while thinking that he would not grow up or mature soon.

"I became an adult the other day" Akeno quipped making Oreki slap her ass. "Kya" She moan "Oreki not in public." She slapped his shoulder. He frowns as questions why she is being a prim and proper lady.

Retsu coughs a little to stop this madness from going further.

"Anyway, why are you here?" Oreki asked but then he realized that was a dumb question as he thought that Retsu was here to watch Minoru. "Don't answer that, I already know why you are here. What do you want?" He asked.

"I'm here to thank you on behalf of the students and the school for the info you gave about the No Head Dragon plan to tamper with the CAD of the students participating in the competition." Retsu bowed his head a bit as he said that. The lackeys that were following him also bow to him. The students that were looking at their group and were wondering why are they bowing.

Oreki did a thing to make them think that this was not important, so they should not mind their group. The students then ignored them as they waited for the quarter-finals. "You don't have to thank me Old Retsu, I just want to do good deeds, so I can do bad deeds in the future," He said with a smirk. Rias pinch his side making him squirm a bit.

"More people like you are needed in this world" Retsu praised Oreki as he ignored the latter part of what Oreki said because his definition of bad must be not that extreme.

The group then turned their down below the track for the Battle Board when they heard the cheers and shouts of the audience.

The contestant for the quarter-finals is, as everyone already knew Kudou Minoru, he did not use any of his special magic and just used the basics that everyone knows to win the games.

The other players are Hattori Gyoubushoujo Hanzou of the First High and a random Six High Student.

Hattori is roughly as tall as Tatsuya, and his shoulders are a little narrower than the latter. He has a handsome visage, that does not warrant additional words to describe, and an unremarkable build. He is 175 cm tall and weighs 67 kg.

In this quarter-finals. Minoru is the favorite to win the game but this does not affect Hattori at all as he is more determined to win over Minoru.

Minoru waved to the audience making them cheer more especially the girls as Minoru is the most beautiful and handsome boy they come across. However, the Onee-sans in the audience do not know that Minoru is only 15 years old.

With that information out of the way, the blimp with a giant screen started counting down again, and when it reached zero. All of the players speed up, Hattori wants to use some magic but he is surprised when he notices a Multiple Minoru from his left and right. The other no-name player also got confused after seeing multiple Minoru.

However unknown to them, the real Minoru is currently in the lead and invisible to them as he used a variation of his Parade Magic to himself disappear. The multiple Minoru started hindering and blocking the pathway of the other 2 players.

"As expected, the Kudou heir already won"

"Why is there a bunch of monster magicians in the Second High"

"The Head Master of the Second must be high on the clouds right now"

"Stand proud Old Retsu, your Grandson is strong" Oreki said with a smile.

Retsu watched his grandson with a smile. His eyes are almost in tears but he closes them so as not to go on ugly cry. He turned to Oreki "I thank you again from the bottom of my heart for what you did to my Grandson" He said with a smile, he was about to bow again but Oreki stopped him.

"You already thank me enough Old Retsu and just like I said I do good because I want to do bad things in the future to balance it out," Oreki said.

When the Real Minoru was about to reach the finish line, he dispelled the multiple clones and his Cloaking magic. The two players far behind Minoru looked around to try and find Minoru but they did not see him. However, when the audience cheers loudly they both look up the blimp to see the live feed. They saw that Minoru already finished.

Hattori gritted his teeth that he had lost this way but sighed when he remembered his Senpai also losing this way.

"Senpai can you win your Ice Pillar game tomorrow?" asked Kirihara to Katsuto but the latter did not reply and walked out of the venue like a boss.

Kirihara sighed but he already knew the answer Katsuto, that he would win for sure.

Oreki was about to leave when Retsu asked him if they would be coming back to watch the finals.

"I already know the result and so do you," Oreki said making the Old man sigh.

"Then let me remind you that the Twins will come soon," Retsu said with a smile. Retsu noticed that the Twins were quite excited to meet Oreki which is understandable because Oreki prevented a possible casualty to their Clan.

"Oh...they'll be coming to me alright.....Ouch," Oreki said with a smirk as Rias and Akeno pinch both of his sides. "Then see you around Old man." He bid his farewell as leave.

Not far from them Kousoke and Kyouka watch this interaction with amazement as they wonder why those two seem closed to each other. Especially Kyouka as she remembered those people when she met them in the Cafe doing some weird thing. "It's time for me to meet my cousin to fish for some information"