Chapter 139

The next day and 5th day of the Nine School Competition.

Yesterday was the end of the Official Division Games and today is the start of the Newcomer Division where the Freshmen of the Nine School Compete on the same level with each other. Although there are still two more events that the Official Division has not yet been played but it will be the event in the last two days of the 9SC. 

The game that will be featured in today's Newcomer Division is Speed Shooting.


"Goooood!! Morning Japan!! I'm your host Takamori and I'm not alone here as I am with the usual gentlemen here. Takeru and Naoka." Takamori shouted.

Takeru and Naoka nodded but they seemed lethargic. and out of energy. Takamori noticed this but ignored it as he knew the stupid why are they like this. "Gentlemen, what do you think the newcomer speed shooting result would be?" He asked.

"I would like to elaborate, even though this program is sponsored by the Kudou Family opinion is completely genuine," Naoka said.

"So..?" Takamori asked.

"The Second High will win the speed shooting event" Naoka answered.

"I second that, we have been surprised by the Second High time and time again and I would be even more surprised if they lose any event." Takeru followed up on the answer of Naoka.

"I see, the event is for the Second Hight to lose," Takamori said and the other two nodded in agreement. "Well, this is just anti-climatic what about your favorite School, do they not have any chance at all?"

"Just like Takeru said during the first day of our program. there are no remarkable Freshmen in the First High." Naoka said.

"And Ichijou heir and Cardinal George are the only ones who can be said the best of the Freshmen and I'm not even sure if they can even compete with the Second Hight Freshmen," Takeru explained.

"I mean we don't even know if those Second High Students are as good as those students in the Official Division."

"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me," Naoka said in a proverb.

"We are not going to doubt the Second High Students in this competition again," Takeru said.

Takamori sighed before saying "Well folk there you have it. It seems that our team here is unanimous that the Second High will dominate the Speed Shooting event. Now let's go to the Event venue."

After watching that humiliating comment from the anchor, the student wearing the First High uniform turn off the TV.

"This sellout don't know what they're talking about" the student shouted angrily.

"Calm down Shun, as you said they don't know anything so you just have to show what you got," another student said to Morisaki Shun.

"Make them eat their words for underestimating the First High Freshmen Male representative." another student glazed Shun.

"Both of you are absolutely right. it does not matter what everyone says or whatever the Second High freshman do, I will just win the event just to prove to them that The First High is superior to the Second High." Shun said proudly.

However, Shun wasn't able to reach the finals because the Second High representative beat him in the Semi-Finals like how Akeno beat Mayumi in the finals.

The Second High students or to be specific Oreki's group seem to be in agreement that use the basic skill all through the rounds except the final round. Why? because they wanted to spoil them and wanted them to anticipate the spectacle that they wanted to do. The audience or the fanboys and fangirls of the Second High also noticed this but who are they to complain besides they also agree with the decision of the Second High.

The Second High representative in Male Speed Shooting this time is none other than Kiba Yuuto, his name is Yuuto but people close to him just call him Kiba. He uses a gun just like the other players in the event and his accuracy is also impeccable because a Knight should also be able to use bow and arrows perfectly and accurately.

Kiba's opponent in the Finals is a Third High Student named Kichijouji Shinkurou or he is most commonly known by his nickname, Cardinal George. The reason people call him that is he discovers Cardinal Codes which is about magic and science shit.

In the player tunnel.

"George, the outside world has already written us out, do you think you could snag a win from the Second High?" Ichijou Masaki said. He had reddish-brown hair and green eyes.

"Of course, I'm confident but we'll never know until the battle," George said confidently with a smile while checking his gun CAD provided by the Staff.

"Show them what you got!" Masaki said as he tapped the shoulder of his friend.

After George finished checking his CAD, he bid farewell to Masaki and walked through the player tunnel. At the end of the player tunnel, he saw his main competitor who was idly talking to Minoru and to a girl who wearing a male uniform. He did a double take and asked himself in a confused manner "But why?"

The Trio noticed the approaching George, they knew that the event would start soon so they bid their farewell for a bit while saying that they would celebrate later with the others after he and the female representative for speed shooting won.

Hearing these remarks from the Second High, George is still as calm as the serene sea but on the inside a storm is raging as he wants to prove them wrong and make them pay for underestimating him and his fellow students in Third High. He then kept on walking through the tunnel while looking back slightly at Kiba. The latter then nodded at George.

When they reach the end of the tunnel, they swiftly exit it which is followed by the cheers of the spectators from different Schools.

"Let's go, Cardinal George!!"

"Third High for the win"

"Kiba! Kiba! Kiba!"

"I love you, Kiba"

Kiba turned to the source of that as the voice was quite familiar. He then saw Tsubaki who was covering her mouth and had a face as if she should not have done or said that.

Kiba nodded and smiled charmingly at Tsubaki making the latter faint and about to fall but her fellow peerage members with her caught her.

The two players climb to the platform, with one carrying a gun while the other which is Kiba, does not carry any long-range weapon to shoot down his clay targets. Spectators already knew why he was not carrying any and that is he is about to do or use his Special Magic.

Before the countdown started, Kiba put his hand forward while closing his eyes at the same time. The audience quieted down as they saw this while wondering what he was going to do.

"I am the bone of my sword" Kiba chanted. Wind started generating from every other direction of the venue making the watchers look at their vicinity and wonder if this is Kiba's doing.

"Steel is my body" The wind intensify making the spectators who had heads wear hold onto them.

"And fire my blood" The wind that was generated by Kiba started gathering in the palm of his hands.

"I have created over a thousand blades." When all of the winds gathered on Kiba's palm, it started glowing bright white light

"Come forth, Typhon's Bane" When Kiba shouted the bright white light exploded like flashbang. The spectator was forced to close their eyes.

As the light subsided, The audience and Cardinal George who were in close proximity opened their eyes. They saw Kiba holding some kind of bow with a dark, ornate design featuring a snarling face at its grip and a string that glows with spectral energy.

"What is that?" George asked in curiosity.

"It's a bow" Kiba answered.

"I can see that," George said

Kiba wanted to explain further but stopped himself as he did not know this kid. After the staff who monitoring this recovered from their dazed as they watched Kiba do his thing, they started the count, and when it hit zero

When Kiba pulled the string of the bow with a swift movement, an arrow imbued with radiant and ethereal light appeared. He let go of the bowstring and shot the red clay target assigned to him. He repeated that process swiftly along with precision that almost rivaled Elemental Sight of Tatsuya.

With the help of his Magic. Invisible Bullet. Cardinal George tried to keep up with Kiba's speed but he still lacked the speed to keep which resulted in an utter defeat.

Kiba waved his bow as he made it disappear before waving to the audience.


"He can make a bow now?" Sona asked in a confused tone because Kiba's sacred gear is to create swords, not bows.

"Bow and arrow are just another sword" Oreki answered who was with Sona, Minoru, and Gasper.

"That does not make sense!" Sona retorted.

Oreki started walking to the other Finals that would happen. The Trio with him followed him. "I do not need to make sense just like you who had a small breast while your sister had a big one." He said with a shrug.

Gasper and Minoru who do not even know Sona's sister made a gasping sound. Sona then instinctively pulled Oreki side burned hair.
