Chapter 150

After that one explosion from afar, the students and some civilians who watched the finals looked in the direction where the explosion sounded. Some of them panicked but most of them did not as they trusted the committee would protect them and they are right someone this protected them but not the committee.

Rias' group apprehends the Generators or, specifically destroys them before they can even cast a self-destruct magic. These generators are modified Magicians created through surgery and magical herbs to serve as emotionless tools. These herbs erase free will, control thoughts, enhance physical abilities, and remove any emotional distractions, making Generators stoic and unfaltering in any situation.

However, the other parts of the 9SC venue are not so lucky because students and civilians alike who are wandering around instead of watching the Ice Pillar Finals are getting attacked by Generators. The civilians are helpless about this bunch of Winter Soldiers wannabe as they are getting killed left and right while doing the famous Wilhelm scream.

The individual students tried to help powerless civilians but they were not doing well either because sometimes their casting speed was not enough to outpeed the Generators and if they cast their spell on time, they weren't able to incapacitate the enemies. That's why they are here to watch and not participate. Luckily they outnumbered the Generators so in the end when the group of students started working together they were able to help a few civilians but they were not out of danger yet.

While the students are fighting against the Generators, something or someone suddenly appears out of nowhere as if they are there the whole time. This someone is wearing all black while holding in one hand kunai, from this info anyone can tell that this is ninja.

They approach one of the students who is busy fighting the generators stealthily. When they didn't notice the ninja, they meet the end of their lives as the ninja slit the throat of the target student. There are also several more ninjas who did the same thing to other students and civilians.

This resulted in the other students noticing that another type of enemy was attacking them.

"Ninjas!! were getting attacked by Ninjas"

"Why are they even attacking this event!?? What's the end goal?"

"Remember these ninjas are Traditionalists"

"Why is that important?"

"Remember who Traditionalists hate..." However, before the student gets to finish his sentence he gets stabbed in the back by a ninja who uses a movement martial arts or body manipulation technique to move behind the student's back. This technique is called Shukujihou.

"Can anybody complete what that guy was about to say?"

"The Traditionalist hates the Kudou, so this ninja's target must be to eliminate Kudou Minoru or maybe they also want to eliminate the Chairman too if possible."

"Then why are they attacking us?! Even though Kudou-san is not here!"

"Traditionalists also hate modern magic."


"Well not as much as they'll kill us just like what's happening now, so the pay to cause too much chaos must be high"

During World War Three, the Ninth Research Institute now known as the Kuduo Family recruited various Ancient Magicians for cooperation in order to streamline Ancient Magic into Modern Magic, the Traditionalists agreed to cooperate for their own purposes for the know-how of Modern Magic. But when they did not get the results they wanted, they held a grudge against the Magicians of the "Nine" which resulted in the Traditionalists conducting unprincipled and disorderly acts of hostility and harassment to them since then.

The students are getting pushed back by the combined attack of the Tanky generators and agile ninjas who are also using magic of their own.

Inside the encirclement of the Generators and Ninja, there's a mother and daughter with the mother holding and hugging her daughter, shielding her daughter from the dangers around them. The mother whispers to the child that everything is going to be okay, someone will save them that's for sure. 

While that was happening a generator was able to break through the defenses of the students. This generator rushes towards the defenseless Mother and Daughter. The mother braced for impact while she hugged her daughter tightly.

The students tried to save them but they were too slow and too busy with the other enemies.

As the generators were about to reach and punched them, a figure suddenly descended from the sky and drop kick the generator.

The head of the generator exploded like a watermelon. They might move like a robot but they are still flesh and blood.

 The dropkick from the figure causes a crater to form around the encirclement of the enemies. The debris from the concrete also came flying. Luckily the figure was quick to form a barrier around the civilians who didn't know magic and protect them from potential injury. That also includes the Mother and Daughter.

The students, the ninjas, and the emotionless generators halted their fighting as they stared at the one who caused the commotion. However, they can't see who it is because dust is covering their vision of the figure. The ninjas did not wait for the dust to settle. They used wing magic to scatter the dust and after a while the figure became visible.

The figure is wearing a cat ear theme beanie and white shirt paired with black shorts. This figure is none other than Koneko.

Koneko turns to the mother and daughter "Are both of you okay?" She asked in concern. She came running here as soon as her King Ordered to go to this designated area to protect the people and eliminate enemies here.

The Mother just stared blankly at Koneko and nodded in confirmation while the daughter gaze at her with admiration and longing as she just found the thing that she wanted to be. "Nee-san are you here to kick their butts?" The little girl asked.

"I'll do worse than that," Koneko said with a smile while she patted the little girl. Even though they were in the middle of a fight, she still patted the little girl. As Sun Tzu said There is always time for head pats. "Closed your eyes okay?" She said which the little nodded in response.

Koneko's smile vanished as she turned her attention to the Generators and ninjas. She then turned to the other students who were still in a daze before saying "I'll handle the ninjas and kill them while all of you stall the generators" She ordered.

Students who were dazed recovered after hearing that but they still confused about what generators is the girl before them was talking about. However, that confusion was short as they only have two types of enemies. The ninjas and the super soldier-looking men, so they came to the conclusion that the super soldiers were the generators.

The student seems skeptical to follow her orders at first but relents as she's part of the special group from the Second High School.

"Leave it to us"

"Stall them? that's too easy"

"We might as well kill them right?"

Koneko nodded with a smile, she took a stance before rushing to one of the ninjas as fast as a bullet. The ninja in question was not able to react to her speed and this resulted in the ninja getting to head knocking the ninja out probably going to die via internal bleeding. She then grabs the body of the ninja as she palm strikes him in the direction of another ninja. They then skid over the pavement without any sign of stopping. 

Koneko ignored that as she looked for another prey. That did not take longer than a millisecond before she rushed again to another ninja but this time a Generator was able to react as it came in between the ninja and her. The Generator is not protecting the ninja but it just doing its job to eliminate any potential threat. 

Seeing this Koneko did not stop and as she was about to reach the generator, she did a Sumo headbutt against it resulting in its gut getting crushed as it vomited blood. The ninja that was on the back of it got hit by its body before rolling around the ground.

The ninjas were not wide awake after seeing this display of power and skill from Koneko. The Generators to wanted to eliminate and jump Koneko but the students wouldn't let that happen.

The ninjas use their movement skills to try and catch Koneko off guard. When one of the ninjas got close to her, he tried to stab her with his kunai but she easily caught his arms before twisting it.

"Ahhh" the ninja shriek like bitch. Koneko then used the ninja to whip and hit the other ninja that was coming to her. After it hit the ninja, she let go of the twisted arm of the other ninja before turning to another attacker. She did a leg sweep making the ninja float for a second before receiving a Mishima-style upper cut in body.

This encounter happened multiple times with ninjas trying to attack and stab Koneko but she always easily countered them by breaking their arms or knocking them out cold or sometimes killing them when they received a powerful punch from Koneko can result in a head exploding to smithereens.

The ninjas stopped attacking for a while and surrounded Koneko which later allowed as she was curious about what they were going to do. All of the ninjas surrounding her used sound magic to try and disorient or even stun her.

Koneko did get affected but it did not result in what the ninja wanted. She then swiftly raises her fist up above before saying "Koneko Smash"


All the surrounding ninjas got hit by the shockwave but that's not the only thing that hit them. The debris from the pavement came flying to them like bullets hitting them in different parts of their body like their arms and legs getting shredded to pieces or their guts getting donut-holed before dying.

Koneko stared at the ninjas who were still crawling without legs and some ninjas trying to stand with just one leg some of them had their legs intact but half of their guts were gone now. She ignores the ninjas well being and turns to the students and generators fighting before rushing to help the students.

The ninjas all died from bleeding but their blood suddenly started moving towards the venue of Battle Board.