9) Who dare challenge this Young Master!

As the sect master hesitated, Bai Lung could see her internal struggle reflected in her eyes.

He knew that asking her to remove the last piece of clothing was pushing boundaries and testing her trust, but it was necessary for his 'treatment' plan.

" Well! I understand this may be uncomfortable," he said softly, trying to reassure her.

" But please remember, my goal is to restore your health fully... I am not interested in you and your body, "

His voice carried a hint of sincerity mixed with confidence which was an irresistible combination when dealing with someone who held immense power like Huoyan did.

Meanwhile, his lips slightly curved for a split second in a sinister way, as if he was planning something shady.

He had planted a seed and he seemed to be waiting for it to grow and give him fruits.

Meanwhile, her eyes slightly widened, did she just hear what he spoke?