3) The Young Master be cooking

Bai Lung's smirk deepened as he watched Huoyan struggle with her conflicting emotions.

He could sense her inner turmoil.

Thus, he began,

" Very well... "

he replied smoothly, stepping back slightly to give her some space and act like he cared for her opinion and boundaries.

" If you're not comfortable doing it yourself or don't know how to proceed then, perhaps I can demonstrate to myself how best to proceed... Would that be acceptable? " he said and paused for an effect.

" Of course, if you don't wanna do it then also it's fine, I don't hold you 'accountable' for your actions, " he added.

Saying that, he glanced at her.

He watched as Huoyan hesitated, her face was twitching, her cheeks were slightly contracted.

She was torn between her 'Wish' to help him and her fear of losing control. After all, it was her sect, her domain, she should have an upper hand here.