4) The Young Master cooked!

As Huoyan continued to mull over Bai Lung's unexpected words, he took advantage of her distraction.

Stepping forward with a predatory grace, he closed the distance between them until their bodies were mere inches apart.

His sharp piercing gaze locked onto hers as he spoke in a low voice that sent shivers down her spine making her jolt back to relaity,

" I can sense the wheels turning in your mind, sect master, ladyHuoyan,"

A smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as he reached out to gently cup her chin between his thumb and forefinger.

" But let me assure you, if you need me, I will be there, "

he murmured seductively, leaning in close enough for their breaths to mingle together,

" There is no need for hesitation or doubt. If it pleases you, then consider this arrangement settled,"

At the same time, hearing this,

Huoyan blinked twice in surprise as Bai Lung moved closer, his intense gaze was still holding her captive.