Maids are saved or not?


Suddenly, a strong gust of wind swept through the courtyard as a tall, imposing figure emerged from the side, making Mo Nang sweat from his anus.


The air crackled with tension as a powerful presence suddenly arrived in the courtyard.

All eyes turned to see a tall, imposing figure coming towards them, his robes billowing dramatically in the swirling winds.

His face was as bright as the sun, making them unable to look at his face, it felt like heaven itself had descended.

"Mo Nang," the voice thundered with harsh sharpness, dripping with a fearsome authority.

" Release those women at once! " the God like figure uttered.

Hearing this,

Mo Nang's face contorted with a mixture of fear and fury, as the light slowly fades away revealing a pig in tiger clothing.

" Li Fan! " Mo Nang lets out with a harsh tone filled with anger, coming straight out of his heart.